Popular vote. Too bad the election isn't based on that. If it were, the only campaigning that would be done would be in high population areas and it wouldn't represent the country. Take away California and New York and see where that leaves you with the "popular" vote
Originally Posted by Congratulations
If you're referring to my post, please re-read it. I made it very clear that popular vote does not matter. But if an election is determined by popular vote, it doesn't matter where those votes come from, only that they matter. Where was the campaigning done in this year's election? In every state? No! How often did the Presidential candidates visit states like Hawaii, Alaska, Nebraska, Wyoming, N and S Dakota, etc.? Even California, Texas, and N.Y.? Maybe a token visit. Why? These states were not up for grabs. The states visited most often were those in doubt -- Florida, Ohio, N. Carolina, Virginia, and a handful of others. If we moved to a popular vote system, which I am not proposing, a handful of states again would be visited most often, only they would be different states.