Putin Insults Trump's Wife ?

Not at all. It allows you to weasel your way out like a snake with a bunch of he say unproven bullshit. Like i said its a cop out. I'm going to the Superbowl to enjoy the game not look for you if you'll even be there. A bet moderated by the site owner will hold both of us accountable with a credible 3rd party moderator.

Again i ask do we have a Deal? If not move along and continue your lying circle jerking with your friends . as I thought you're not on my level in any way. All of you miserable fucks are nothing but all talk. Lol Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Not weaseling at all, this is what I first said I would do when you started spouting off about tickets. Actually holding up my end of the bargain. Man to man or in your case man to woman.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Not weaseling at all, this is what I first said I would do when you started spouting off about tickets. Actually holding up my end of the bargain. Man to man or in your case man to woman. Originally Posted by canuckeight

Do we have a site moderated bet? Yes or No
LexusLover's Avatar
Do we have a site moderated bet? Yes or No Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
WTF is a "site moderated bet"? You can't even get your gender correct, much less stories within moderate credibility! Betting with you is like betting with BP!

Show up at his box! Just tell your supervisor you want to take a break to see a friend ... you can get to the door can't you?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I see. No need to cover for him. He's already said he didn't pay to get in to the Superbowl compliments of his friend. No need for you to start swallowing his cum. If we have a bet then we have a bet if we don't then we don't. I'm more than happy to take his money. I can back up whatever I say I'm not like you losers I'm not living a lie. :-)
LexusLover's Avatar
..I'm not living a lie. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You're not?

Then why do you have to talk about "your life" so much ...

....on a hooker board with a fictitious name?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
because it's fun and I know it pisses off Corolla drivers lol
LexusLover's Avatar
because it's fun and I know it pisses off Corolla drivers lol Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Since I don't drive a Corolla, I wouldn't know about that....

... but it has been common knowledge that if one has to talk about "it" ... it means they usually don't have "it"! That would be you!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Since I don't drive a Corolla, I wouldn't know about that....

... but it has been common knowledge that if one has to talk about "it" ... it means they usually don't have "it"! That would be you! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yeah I've heard that a time or 10 but for you racists I would miss the opportunity.
LexusLover's Avatar
....you racists ... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Recently, you're the only racist I see around here. The others left.
it's not a lot but yeah I dropped about 6 grand on those 2 parties alone since I only party VIP and I wanted to meet and greet some of the A-List celebrities in attendance. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Oh...and such an honor it'll be for each & every one of those A-Listers to meet H-town's King Douche Bag.
LexusLover's Avatar
Oh...and such an honor it'll be for each & every one of those A-Listers to meet H-town's King Douche Bag. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
... I've heard they don't tip well ... so SHE will be "short"!
I see. No need to cover for him. He's already said he didn't pay to get in to the Superbowl compliments of his friend. No need for you to start swallowing his cum. If we have a bet then we have a bet if we don't then we don't. I'm more than happy to take his money. I can back up whatever I say I'm not like you losers I'm not living a lie. :-) Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You know the deal, same as day 1 of this thread. Meet me at the level 400 suite, that was the deal. If you think I would make a bet with an anonymous person online and have another anonymous person regulate it you are stupider than I thought. You are as a matter of fact to pay $6000.00 to see a football game. "Ignorance is bliss".
Anyway I am holding up my part of the original deal.
Ball is in your court ma'am.
Did you have to pay $6000.00 for a ticket so they can remove the armrest from between 2 seats to fit you big ass in?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Who says I paid 6,000. Know this I can't carry my weapons into the venue so two of my homies I'm guaranteeing will be with me. Suite 400? Ah yah right

Ya fucking pussy...I knew you'd pussy out. Lol
Who says I paid 6,000. Know this I can't carry my weapons into the venue so two of my homies I'm guaranteeing will be with me. Suite 400? Ah yah right

Ya fucking pussy...I knew you'd pussy out. Lol Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Suite level 400 you idiot. Take the bet and I will give you the Suite # here for everyone to see.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Suite level 400 you idiot. Take the bet and I will give you the Suite # here for everyone to see. Originally Posted by canuckeight
The bet is a bet moderated by this site that will allow me to nueter you while proving myself truthful and you a liar. You refusing that is telling. I have no desire to meet you for the sake of meeting you and for your good thats whats best. Dont need you freaking out on me...lol and No need to out yourself or your friends. Telling me you got a hookup in a corporate box right away tells me you are not on my level. Not at all... Getting a corporate box hook up is so not impressive ...do you not realize that ? Lol