Trump class act Obama never was.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Another perspective? No, another apologist.
The pentagon wanted a new moon. Putting the lives of the soldiers ahead of any other concerns, it was decided to wait for the next new moon to have best chance for success. Answer 1 question. If it was an attempt at tarnish, why did they wait past the moonless night to go.
Answer one more. Do you think they are as big of a pussy as you? Always blaming someone else? Unable to accept any personal responsibility?
Another perspective is ....

.. Obaminable elected not to run this gamble on his watch (and thereby tarnish his "legacy" even more), but put the "plan" on the shelf until Trump was sworn to pass off the raid to him in the event it went bad .... That scenario fits better with what has been happening the past 2-3 months.

On top of that ... the "intelligence" handed to Trump was generated and developed by the Obaminable Team and not the Trump Team and based upon the history of the Obaminable Team was either flawed or intentionally edited by the Obaminable Team (remember those were the guys who called ISIS "JV" and have been reporting they are defeating ISIS).

Given the extraordinary UNAMERICAN and UNPATRIOTIC behavior of Obaminable post-election the likelihood of him creating a "fail" situation for Trump early in his administration IS most likely ... as opposed to all this gibberish about "moon" ... some of these armchair Special Ops Pundits posting on here have been watching too much TV and playing too much Nintendo....and they've become EXCELLENT MONDAY MORNING QUARTERBACKS! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Another show of stupidity and lack of any common sense and proof you have no business (running or owning for that matter).

In football it's Monday morning quarterback.
In war it's not a fucking game, douche-bag
Munchmasterman's Avatar
The resident Monday-Morning military strategist with a major in meteorology pretending to be qualified to criticize the Secretary of Defense and the Administration's national intelligence team. Too bad you weren't around to advise Clinton or Obaminable on their tragic military decisions in which special ops heroes were killed and women and children were slaughtered on our own soil in an attack on a religious group! Originally Posted by LexusLover
You sure hate being wrong. It's obvious it doesn't bother you to be stupid.And you sure hate easy to prove facts.
Like they didn't go on a moonless night.
How did Obama make them go a different night.
If you think an asshole like you can stifle asking questions of our "leaders" then go back to Nazi Germany.
You questioned every action Obama made and now you don't even ask whose ass the dick you're sucking was last in.
One month in office and you're falling apart.
LexusLover's Avatar
You sure hate being wrong. ... Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You apparently LOVE BEING WRONG!

You think you actually "know" what the "Pentagon" wants?

Since you apparently were sitting in on ALL THE BRIEFINGS and decision making sessions ... your security clearance credentials should be collected and your clearance cancelled!

The more you post about this shit you know nothing about the more ignorant you prove you are and the dumber you look. But like Gruber made fun of you .... you're too fucking stupid to know just how ignorant you are! Like MOST MONDAY MORNING QUARTERBACKS ...

There will be millions of them after Sunday!

The common denominator will be:
Munchmasterman's Avatar
And here is the rest of the rest of the story; In an operation planned during Obama's waning days the "human shields" of local women picked up weapons and began firing at the assualting force. This doubled the fire power that the SEAL Team anticipated engaging. Original planning required a moonless night which would not occur until after Trump took giving Trump the final say in an operation planned by professionals long before Trump became President. Obama was unable to pull the trigger on the operation (unlike issuing regulations, unwise pardons, nominations, etc) due to the fear of a high risk failure. An Osprey aircraft was damaged and had to be destroyed so that it would not fall into enemy hands intact. The biggest problem was humint and the failure to believe that the women might fight back against the attacking force. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Listen to yourself. Another "what if" person. How long is Intel about acquiring Intel good for? Not long. And you still haven't looked at the planning timeline or read about who was involved.
The women were family members. Family members pick up guns and shoot at attackers whether they be a rival tribe or US special forces. Every one knows that. Every one plans on that.
Everybody who worked on the plan was still available for input,

If you actually knew some of there details it would help with your make believe world/
Munchmasterman's Avatar
There is always "the rest of the story" that ends up on the last page of print media and the cutting room floor in video media ...

... trashing Trump is the #1 goal on all this shit .....

Didn't hear a whimper about the lost helicopter in the OBL raid!You don't remember the uproar over leaving a stealth chopper behind? Right.

Do you mean to tell us that WOMEN resisted the Seal Team, and they had children with them? Do tell? Would that be the WOMEN and CHILDREN who are the topic of ridicule by the Liberals because Conservatives want to VET THEM before the enter the U.S. Why should they be "vetted"? They are just HARMLESS WOMEN and CHILDREN!!!!!Jdouche is the only person I've heard say the women are harmless. I was going to say remember Viet Nam but he doesn't.
Wait a minute. You just read and quoted his post where he proclaimed the women to be helpless.
I guess you gave him the pass because he's as fucked up as you are.
But I shouldn't assume.
Why did you give him a pass?

Let's see: A woman with a child participated in the Bernardino massacre. A woman facilitated the massacre at the club in Florida!

What on Earth were WOMEN and CHILDREN doing at a HEAVILY ARMED TERRORIST CAMP? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Good point!
Ask jd/
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Munch ... go sit on the porch for the next 4 years ... and let the grownups Make America Safe Again!

It's ok with Munch if Bill and HillaryNoMore burn women and children to death on U.S. soil and allow fine Marines to get slaughtered and mutilated AND for Obaminable to kill 25-30 special ops guys with their incompetence as draft dodgers and nonmilitary experience! Originally Posted by LexusLover
My point exactly. You're a coward with no moral anchor. You'll lie if you think you can get away with it.
You accept no personal responsibility for any of your actions because you can rationalize or justify almost anything. You criticize incessantly while unable to handle the slightest amount
Above all you fear the slightest challenge to the patina of credibility you have remaining.
If only you had tempered your emotional armor by admitting and working on your faults instead of concealing them.
LexusLover's Avatar
My point exactly. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
I'm glad it's ok with you for Bill and HillaryNoMore to kill women, children, and Marines; and it's also ok with you for Obamnable to kill U.S. special ops warriors!

Now go sit on the porch and let the adults make America safe. You're not qualified to comment.

The ONLY POINT you have is the top of your head!
LexusLover's Avatar
In war it's not a fucking game, ... Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
How the fuck would you know about "war"?

Here you are on a fucking hooker board blathering and ranting about "tactical decisions" made by Generals with more experience in their cut toe nails than you'll have in your entire fucked up life .... ! You are the worst of the worst ....!!!! Despicable ..... even as a know-nothing blogger!

Have you found the missing bust of MLK YET?

Or can you find your ass with both hands, yet?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Alternate fACT:

Not even a good try. It (DDay)has nothing to do with this. Here is a simple fact. A reason doesn't matter, tranny boy. It didn't happen on the 27.

The day they didn't run it or had never intended to run it? Jan 12 was a full moon asswipe.

Right back at you, sperm breath.
The answer looks obvious. These sources reported the date in Yemen when the raid occurred. Stars and Stripes used the local time zone of the reporter. Easy to understand " in the very early hours of the morning last Sunday",
But it still doesn't matter because the 28th isn't the 27th, the moonless night called for by the Obama plan.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
The "alternate facts" would be in your lying posts, masterdickmuncher, because it didn't happen on the 29th of January like your cock-sucking-ass posted. And D-Day is indeed relevant in that it reveals how the military can be operationally flexible when contingency factors necessitate change, masterdickmucher. Furthermore, your hypocritical-ass has no problem with how Odumbo deferred to the military for the date of the raid, but you and your lying ilk want to throw a fucking hypocritical hissy fit when Trump deferred to the military and allowed them to pick 28 January as the night for the raid, masterdickmuncher. Trump didn't wrote the plan because, as noted in your own sources, the plan was created on Odumbo's watch, and Odumbo's decision to defer to Trump was based on operational dictates in the plan that placed the raid beyond the scope of Odumbo's presidency. Trump did not pick the date, the military did, you quibbling POS.

BTW, you mendacious dick-sucking, cock-muncher, there was still a helluva lot more moon light on 10 January than there was on 28 January, you mentally challenged ass-romper.
LexusLover's Avatar
Furthermore, your hypocritical-ass has no problem with how Odumbo deferred to the military .... Originally Posted by I B Hankering
He'd rather take the word of the media that couldn't find a sculpture of MLK in the Oval Office so they reported Trump got rid of it ... opposed to at least three Generals, two of whom are Marine combat veterans, with a collective military combat and tactical planning history of a little over 120 years most of which was "in country" (boots on the ground) combat, planning, and implementation ... who BTW had already been "vetted" and "approved" by Obaminable! Generals Mattis, Kelly, and Flynn.

But what do you expect from an absolute self-demonstrated DUMBASS LOSER who would get lost in a wet paper sack.

Remember all the whining about "too much military experience" in the cabinet?

Or do they prefer Leon?
goodman0422's Avatar
You sure hate being wrong. It's obvious it doesn't bother you to be stupid.And you sure hate easy to prove facts.
Like they didn't go on a moonless night.
How did Obama make them go a different night.
If you think an asshole like you can stifle asking questions of our "leaders" then go back to Nazi Germany.
You questioned every action Obama made and now you don't even ask whose ass the dick you're sucking was last in.
One month in office and you're falling apart. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
The new moon was the night of January 28. After midnight was this same cycle of darkness was the morning of January 29. The raid was conducted January 29 before sunrise, still part of the moonless night at 1% illum. (Military guys will know what this means but it is basically the amount of light on that night.)

I am sure some liberal media source said it was not a moonless night because they based it on the calender date of January 29/30. (This night would have been 3% illum which still would have been acceptable for this type of mission if they had been delayed from their initial target date. Delays can happen due to weather or aircraft problems both of which are very common.)

Your mistake was in trusting a liberal media source to accurately report. It would be wise to double check ALL of their "facts" before you repeat them. Their accuracy rate has gone down dramatically in recent months.
LexusLover's Avatar
Your mistake was in trusting a liberal media source to accurately report. It would be wise to double check ALL of their "facts" before you repeat them. Their accuracy rate has gone down dramatically in recent months. Originally Posted by goodman0422
As the next eight years progress, if the media continues their current campaign of snapping at every little tidbit of "bad fake news" and repeating it as though it were gospel, they will have ZERO credibility down from the current 12-15%. That's unfortunate from the perspective of those dependent upon the news media for INFORMATION, but also for those politicians who seek the media to spread political/campaign information in order to get elected or re-elected.

It will be extremely interesting to see the "sources" disclosed of the "bad" information being disseminated about Trump's communications with other World Leaders AND with his military advisory staff in what are classified meetings.

BTW: As for the decision there are many other considerations for the timing besides illumination values and factors. It would be imprudent to discuss them openly thereby revealing resources and methods, if not personnel on the ground gathering real time information. His transparency could come and bite him in the future.

Fortunately the training is sufficient for adjustments to be made as appropriate and/or necessary and ideal situations rarely exist on a regular basis, if at all.

As for Munchie ... he's out of his element.
LexusLover's Avatar
Listen to yourself.

If you actually knew some of there (sic) details it would help with your make believe world
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Do you listen to yourself?

Now where was that sculpture of MLK?
Don't know why you guys are giving the prior administration credit for the raid.
Spicer has said in the briefings the raid was a success.

One dead, four wounded,a Osprey destroyed, A ten year old video released for a short time.
Dovetail in Conways revealing of the Bowling Green massacre that has been kept quiet for was a good week for this administrative.
LexusLover's Avatar
Don't know why you guys are giving the prior administration credit for the raid. Originally Posted by wordup666
The "prior administration" gets credit for the increase in jobs!


It will be a challenge for the current administration to conduct clandestine, special military operations with the media diligently reporting the content of secure strategy sessions.

Perhaps that is the "mission" of the media to assure the current administration fails in its attempts to "make America secure again"! Sort of like burning down an institution of higher learning! Fuck knowledge or progress!