Binghamton needs traveling girls

doctorisin's Avatar
Alright FUCKERS, Vivi Boyt just posted an ad for Binghamton, so its time to put up or shut up! If her visit falls through it will be entirely because Binghamton is pathetic and the rest of you so-called whoremongers out here refuse to shell out the fee for quality travelling ladies :-)
Already booked
Lets make this work for her
Alright FUCKERS, Vivi Boyt just posted an ad for Binghamton, so its time to put up or shut up! If her visit falls through it will be entirely because Binghamton is pathetic and the rest of you so-called whoremongers out here refuse to shell out the fee for quality travelling ladies :-) Originally Posted by doctorisin
Bummer, I'm on vacation that week. Hope it works out for her (and you guys of course) LOL.
wotbaby's Avatar
No offense to "traveling girls" but it's not my thing. Grab a ticket. Wait in line for your sloppy seconds/thirds/fourths...

I'll only bite if I can be the first person she sees when she visits little old Bingo Land on that special one and only day.

The local girls here are different. Perhaps they're seeing lots of Johns in a night too. But a lot of the times they're not and your phone call or text is the only ping of life in the outer stretches of the universe that she'll find in a day.

In other words, the hookup with a local feels a lot more organic. Whereas with visitors, you'll be trading hotel parking spots with the John before and the John after.
Lexxxy's Avatar
No offense to "traveling girls" but it's not my thing. Grab a ticket. Wait in line for your sloppy seconds/thirds/fourths...

I'll only bite if I can be the first person she sees when she visits little old Bingo Land on that special one and only day.

The local girls here are different. Perhaps they're seeing lots of Johns in a night too. But a lot of the times they're not and your phone call or text is the only ping of life in the outer stretches of the universe that she'll find in a day.

In other words, the hookup with a local feels a lot more organic. Whereas with visitors, you'll be trading hotel parking spots with the John before and the John after. Originally Posted by wotbaby
Lmfao we don't all have revolving doors. We don't just baby wipe and gargle between dates then have the next Gent come on in. A lot of us like to actually go sightsee, see friends, go to see bands, and SHOP ♡.
Amber Does's Avatar
Lmfao we don't all have revolving doors. We don't just baby wipe and gargle between dates then have the next Gent come on in. A lot of us like to actually go sightsee, see friends, go to see bands, and SHOP ♡. Originally Posted by Lexxxy
makes no common sense

your both still useless if your not avail cause your out shopping or whatever

and what paying guy givs a flying fuck what else your doing ?

your just strengtheneing wots point

its not making you more desireable in the least
bigdickdaddydom's Avatar
aint what they said the exact opposite of what he said? rather wait for a girl to get fresh pedicure instead of fresh load on the bed spread.
yah reckon
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Ever show up early, and find unchewed cud? Whew
Any ladies plan on making the trip anytime soon?
doctorisin's Avatar
Is Binghampton near Rodchester? Are there a lot of attractive providers there?