Slave G come out where ever you are?

Absolutely not. Like I said to each his own. But I think we all know that not all reviews are very accurate. This has been a on going thing for a long time. I can't count the time I have walked away from an appointment because the op totally misrepresented himself because the provider was just popular. Now are you saying that I am lying?
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Slave, why must you tease us like that. Originally Posted by MoneyManMatt

Ahhh Darling...

Thank you for those kind words... I remember you and I having a rather lovely afternoon together one day.... I valued your companionship that day and I certainly value your heartfelt compliment today...

Your adoring slave,



Here is a photo that I hope you will enjoy...

Attachment 632164
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Just for you Slave...

Originally Posted by Still Looking


I remember when you first posted the SG TROLL DOLL... You had created a BSC THREAD for HOBBYISTS & PROVIDERS and I SOMEHOW made that LIST... LOL..

You Darling... have a TRUE GIFT FOR MAKING PEOPLE SMILE... Please... never change...

Your devoted slave,

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Slave I wanted to share my latest video. Let me know what you think!

Originally Posted by Still Looking

LOL... I think I can RELATE to your video quite well... both in it's fun loving nature and in the reality... We do CHANGE AS WE GET OLDER... but CHANGE isn't a BAD THING... it is simply an OPPORTUNITY TO GROW....

Thank you for bring a HUGE SMILE TO MY FACE this morning Darling...

Your grinning slave,

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
You know SL I appreciate the picks but damn can we get some younger one?. No dis slave but I think she is hitting silver age... Sometimes we need to know when to tap out. JS. I have to have a pretty face. Hey she is 90% there. Originally Posted by Mata Leon
Sir ML...

I am honored that you would decide to visit our lovely SA Coed Forum... You have a very distinguished presence and it is an honor to have you among us....

I think that SL has started a ThreAD in Austin for the lovely young ladies that he sees and spends time with... I think my dear friend created this thread because he very much enjoys my company, my posts and yes, he seems quite fond of photos of me... I am quite sure that he was in NO WAY meaning to show disrespect to the other ladies of SA....

As far as AGE goes... I am rather surprised that you would travel all this way to discuss this... However, I appreciate CONSTRUCTIVE criticism of any kind...

I had a rather BORING young adult hood... I went to College and got my FIRST professional degree in my 20's... got married... had a few adorable children... and after close to 20 years I realized I was NOT HAPPY...

I spent most of my childhood cloistered in libraries or training for various athletic endeavors and so, the idea of being able to become a SEXY LADY OF THE NIGHT seemed VERY EXCITING TO ME and it also seemed like a LOVELY CHALLENGE...

At first I thought I was TOO OLD to pursue this dream of mine.. However, my friends were all very encouraging... So, with with their love & support I developed a 5 year business plan and I decided that the core of my business would be based on:

1) Being TRUTHFUL in regards to my AGE... (Imagine how shocked I was when I learned that there a great many men who find women of my age, looks, skills and my intelligence to be quite the aphrodisiac)

2) Pampering my MEN beyond their wildest dreams... (I am from the DEEP SOUTH and we are born and bred to PLEASE PEOPLE...)

3) Treating my men with RESPECT... ( While my TCB struggled in the beginning... as far as responding to pm's in a timely manner... I have always been ON TIME... and when I am late or if I have to cancel do to illness then I always make it up to them... and if I REALLY A BOO BOO then I have been known to give a session for free to make up for my mistake.

4) I decided that I would always be REFERENCE FRIENDLY. (The giving and receiving of references makes it very easy for my men to enjoy the company of any of the beautiful women in our city and who travel upon occasion to see us...

5) I decided to devote myself to LOOKING THE ABSOLUTE BEST THAT I CAN FOR A WOMAN in her 40's... and to my credit... I think that I have done that...

I am having a WONDERFUL TIME and I am extremely grateful that there are men on this board that find women of all shapes, sizes, ages & color to be attractive...

Thank you for taking the time to come down to SA... It is very much appreciated...

Now, I am going to go back to enjoying my HOT TAMALE YEARS!!

Your appreciative slave,



Here is a lovely video of a LADY that should INSPIRE ALL OF US... Life isn't about WINNING... it is about making other people happy... and as long as I can continue to do that... then I am WINNING... RDhjHnWz3EyHs

Have a Blessed Day

Attachment 632166
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
She has a beautiful face, bright eyes, and an amazing smile. She takes impeccable care of her skin, and has no visible wrinkles or sun spots.

She and I were out for dinner and drinks on Saint Patty's day at a very popular Irish themed establishment and our table was near the bathroom. Her back was facing the front door so she didn't see LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE MALE who walked to the restroom checking her sexy self out, but I sure did. In the couple hours we were there, she caught the eye of men of ALL ages. She wasn't dressed to the nines,
(both of us were in yoga pants and tank tops,) and her face wasn't caked with layers of makeup yet that beautiful face of hers was still being adored. I am pretty sure there are many of her clients who can attest to the fact that she has a natural beauty, and doesn't need to slather on 25 pounds of concealer or heavy makeup for her sessions.

Not only does Slave have a beautiful face, she has a beautiful soul as well. Someone once told me, " Age is just a number. " In Slave's case, it's true.

As a side note, she also runs, works out and does kickboxing religiously so she is in better physical shape than many ladies half her age. Originally Posted by strawberry skye

AHHHH.... Thank you Beautiful Girl...

You will always be MY JULIA SUGARBAKER... :involve: FOllz6eGbXI

My favorite part was when she said "It wasn't just a BATON... it was a FIRE BATON!! " LOL
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Absolutely not. Like I said to each his own. But I think we all know that not all reviews are very accurate. This has been a on going thing for a long time. I can't count the time I have walked away from an appointment because the op totally misrepresented himself because the provider was just popular. Now are you saying that I am lying? Originally Posted by Mata Leon
You are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT.... and I found that after wearing that BAG OVER MY HEAD the FIRST 200 - 300 REVIEWS... I didn't mind AT ALL!! LOL

I have to admit that I do prefer the bags to be PINK with little SILVER & GOLD SPARKLES ON THEM...
Still Looking's Avatar
Still Looking's Avatar
You are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT.... and I found that after wearing that BAG OVER MY HEAD the FIRST 200 - 300 REVIEWS... I didn't mind AT ALL!! LOL

I have to admit that I do prefer the bags to be PINK with little SILVER & GOLD SPARKLES ON THEM...
Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere

Bags? We don't need no stinking Bags!
Dr Grey's Avatar
Definitely got the wildest dreams come true right. Someone my age shouldn't be having this much fun.

Thanks for clearing that up. I respect your response to criticism, it will always happen when your in the public eye. I think my signature says it all.
But I mostly respect the fact that you can admit that you have a feature that is not apealling and can't be worked out. I know it's hard to admit that almost pushing a half a century, but it does seem that you have a long time group of regulars that seem to not care. Best wishes.
Dr Grey's Avatar
Mata, I see it like this. I'm almost 15 to 20 years younger than most milfs here. It has been quite the life changing experience, if not some of the best life experiences I've ever had, to be able to see some of these women (definitely including Slave here among others close to her age) while I'm young and them in their sexual primes. In some cases intellect while their experience is up there also. Being able to talk with a lady older than me is quite an experience on its own as they are very outgoing, open, and make you very comfortable by being more engaged. It's helped with my social awkwardness tremendously by talking to women not reserved or so shy. Not to mention, they are outstanding teachers to become better lovers.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy ladies of all types, ages, ethnicity, etc. Age is just a number after all. Could care less about it. If a lady looks good, feels/looks sexy, and can rock you in bed, why not? But would be a huge mistake for myself not to partake in fun with ladies like Slave here while I'm young and able to perform and hold conversation myself. Everyone has their preference and it's cool, you like what you like. Cool thing is, hobby has someone for everyone.

Slave, thank you for sharing your story about when you were younger. Couldn't of been easy. I'm glad you didn't think you were Too Old to join here. You've changed the lives of many and for the better I'm sure, including myself.

Your inspired hobbyist,

And with that...Let's get back on topic with more pics shall we, I seem to remember a spring theme golf girl skirt pic somewhere...
mitch p's Avatar
Slave, I think you are a very sexy mature women that drives my imagination crazy. Some day I hope to make you acquaintance. Just remember that you are smoking hot and I like it. Good day.
I am on topic. My point was not about her body but the face.. Since SL posted the pics I feel its fair game to talk about since no one mentions the elephant in the room. Good for u ROGUE. Like I said to each his own.I prefer a pretty face as well as a hot body. There is a saying that u can change a body but u can't change a face.