WaPo Says Trump Would Have Still Beaten Hillary!

Not from my computer, your post!

Your laptop smells like shit and vomit from your last bender.
Even after you tried wearing it as a hat.

Try to keep up Cockmuncher. And stop asking stupid questions.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
We broke even on that post. You got me to look at it. And it was a house built on sand in New Orleans. A rant built on ignorance he-be-a-douche-bag would be proud of.
Did your mommy put that up on the refrigerator door after you finger painted it??

How do I argue with a moron who says alcohol isn't a drug when the information he posts says it is?
You add numerous paragraphs of information that have nothing to do with forum rules.
And I don't care if you get it or not.

You can't save everybody.

You don't even have your own retort.

Just because mommy keeps you in line with movie lines doesn't mean it works anywhere else.
Rather than retort, I'm just going to throw your own information back in your face.

Prevalence of Drinking: According to the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 86.4 percent of people ages 18 or older reported that they drank alcohol at some point in their lifetime; 70.1 percent reported that they drank in the past year; 56.0 percent reported that they drank in the past month.
Alcohol Facts and Statistics | National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and ...

Alcohol is one of the most widely used recreational drugs in the world. For instance, in 2015, among Americans, 89% of adults had consumed alcohol at some point in their lifetime, 70% had drunk it in the last year, and 56% in the last month.[3] Alcoholic drinks are typically divided into three classes—beers, wines, and spirits—and typically contain between 3% and 40% alcohol by volume.

you will now falsely contend this proves your point See? You knew it to but you had to keep going. I don't have to contend that. It's a fact that it proves my point. My point was alcohol is a drug. I didn't even try to rank the drugs as to which ones are worse on society. I stated alcohol is a drug. It is. Now shut the fuck up.
.. but yet for clinical purposes it is listed as a depressant, not a schedule one narcotic. go check the list yourself and tell me if Alcohol is on it or not?? news flash .. it's not ..No shit douche-bag. I never said alcohol was anything but a drug. Obviously a legal drug, I never contended otherwise, but still a drug. Tell me where in the forum rules are references to schedule one narcotics? The policy statement is one sentence.

You all know the big forbidden topics such as children, underage sex, illicit drug mention and drug use mentions, bestiality, revealing personal info, medical speculation, or images not in compliance and any type of racial slurs...those will not be tolerated.

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not legally permitted or authorized; unlicensed; unlawful.

So if I have a legal prescription for a drug that is normally illicit without the 'script, then according to the he-be-a-bitch, I can talk about it's use because it's not an illicit drug when it has a 'script.

The answer to why they won't answer is simple.
It's their site and they don't have to if they don't want to.
Period. I figured this from the start but I like to hear true authority exercised by the people that have it. Not their sean spicers.

The bottom line is that everyone who offered up an answer other than, "they don't have to" was "pretending to read others minds". Guess who says that (or basically that. not worth looking up)?
They have say, you don't. They can answer, you can't with authority.
I can ask questions. The only way they can stop me is to kick me off. And why would they? Because it pissed off the moron brigade? The people who remind us, as if we didn't know, which losers won? Fuck them.

the only restriction to alcohol consumption is age. and various things like public intoxication or drunken driving. unlike actual illegal drugs .. no one is going to kick your door in at 5 am because you have a fifth of scotch in your wet bar.

you accuse everyone in this forum of violating the rules of the site by "suggesting" you are posting drunk. in reality we are trying to avoid the obvious .. you are just stupid and your posts reflect that .. maybe we are wrong eh??? bahhaaaaa
You can't read and can't think. I accuse by suggesting?
Not going to argue with a moron.

well allow me to retort!!!


any questions muchy??? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
There no questions that interest me that you could answer.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You got to love it when someone takes a stupid position because they don't like someone.You imply you get a real smell of shit and booze from my post. A post on your computer. Can't be the post. That was transmitted on a wireless connection. I guess it might be your computer after your last binge but pouring that in could damage the system.
Sorry Charlie. Common sense as well as your magic 8 ball are pointing at your upper lip. See? I'm thinking and you're talking about mystery smells only you can smell. I'm sure someone will back you in your "super" nose bit. Instead of saying they didn't like my posts and offering a non-stupid response or reason. It always comes down to when you have nothing to say or come back with. You assume people have the same bad habit you do and you go with what you know.
I can almost hear you stamp your foot as you say stupid things.Things that make sense to you now.
Keep up?
I don't even keep track of you. I let the state and enforcement of the laws keeping you at least 1000 feet away from a school take care of that.

Drink that motherfucker.

Not from my computer, your post!

Your laptop smells like shit and vomit from your last bender.
Even after you tried wearing it as a hat.

Try to keep up Cockmuncher. And stop asking stupid questions.

Originally Posted by gnadfly
lustylad's Avatar
Yoo-hoo! Mister St. Christopher! Please sir, please make them stop making fun of my drunken posting! I just scrubbed my laptop with lysol 3 fucking times and it STILL smells like alcohol, vomit and shit! Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
That's better, munchkin! You might even get a response this time!
LexusLover's Avatar
That's better, munchkin! You might even get a response this time! Originally Posted by lustylad
Probably not even the time of day.

Sounds like he needs a new keyboard .... drinking while bloviating is dangerous.
You recognized a total lack of support by our mods on a valid question they never had the courtesy or the balls to rule on.


Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Did you use the "n" word? I've heard the mods will come running with a ruling if you use it. I bet you can get drunk enough to let it slip a few times.

Bump beeyotch.