would you see a provider during "that time of the month"

Consider this math; if your period lasts a week and you have one every month, then that's 4 months or a third of the year that you're sitting on the bench. But again, I dont have one that often

Maybe I like sex too much (I've heard that a few times!)... Originally Posted by Brook of Houston
Didn't get an "A" in math did ya Brookie??...It's actually only 3 months, but we get your point....I guess when you look like that, no one really notices.
Naomi4u's Avatar
shorty's Avatar
No But Hell No, on scheduling a session with lady on period. She's not considering the health risks for herself or the client. A lady that works during her period is only after the money. She doesn't feel like that she can afford to take a couple of days off to let her period run its cycle.
Naomi4u's Avatar
No But Hell No, on scheduling a session with lady on period. She's not considering the health risks for herself or the client. A lady that works during her period is only after the money. She doesn't feel like that she can afford to take a couple of days off to let her period run its cycle. Originally Posted by shorty

Seriously... we're talking about BLOOD here (even if it's "light"). I'm shocked that people don't see that. All it takes is an open cut for all hell to break loose. It is as if some can't take a break from the hobby for even a week. It's not being judgmental either.. it's called knowing the risks involved and being clean [ugh the thought of bloody sheets..barf!]. I understand having sex with an SO (both knowing the pros and cons) because you just wanna but with a stranger? You're putting them at risk and don't even know it. There is a reason why we have our period and you're not really supposed to have sex during that time.

Now if it's something that has been communicated and you're straight up with the client and he wants you to put your blood on him then knock yourself out. However, going to an appointment/accepting an appointment during that time of the month without the client knowing is just wrong.
London Rayne's Avatar
I would NEVER provide during my period. I make enough where I don't have to work that week or any other week for that matter if I don't want to. I find it is a disservice to lie to clients about this and try to use those sponges to mask the fact you are on your period just to make money off of them. Telling them is one thing, but 80 percent of providers don't do that.

I went through this "True Blood" fetish with a BF where we did some pretty disgusting things during that time of the month, but I would never do it with a client.

Others touched on the safety factor as well, and I do agree that exposed blood is an added risk. It's not your member covered in the condom you need worry about....your fingers are the main area exposed to direct contact. I don't do slip and slide, nuru massage, and any of that other crap so why would I do this? Besides that, it's just gross!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Just let the guy know what is happening before session, a little honesty goes a long way on this subject. It's a very unwelcome surprise and we will find out. Above all, do not try to hide it by using sponges or those little cup things (can't remember the name). Both are a real irritant when rubbing against them.
Naomi4u's Avatar
those little cup things (can't remember the name) Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Diva Cup, babe
Diva Cup, babe Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Sometimes the jokes just write themselves!!!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Yes thats one of them, there are a couple others too. They may be fine for non-work situations but for hobby stuff....NO!
There was a lady (I don't remember who and never saw her) in the Houston area that used to advertise limited services for (what I thought) was a very reasonable price during that time of the month.

I think alerts should be posted on ladies who do DATY while Aunt Flo is in town. After all, she's exposing you to blood borne fluids without your knowledge which could be extremely deadly. It happened to me once, and boy, was I pissed. I think the use of a sponge is breach of full disclosure. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
There would have to be a bad odor from that, sponge or not. You're right not a good time to go down town at all.
OK time for me to confess....I was not spotting or anything and usually stay pretty clean. I always 'rinse my insides' before a date. I had one where I had taken my bath but totally forgot to rinse....knowing that I am almost always clean reguardless, I wasn't too concerned.
First time I met him, he goes down for DATY....he didn't spend much time down there, just enough....I said 'you were just getting her started...come here and kiss me....' then I tasted the reason why he stopped. I was 'tart' and I knew I had made a terrible mistake of not remembering my douch that day. He continued on with FS, and there was no mess or 'pinkness' to speak of. I was so freaked out and afraid to say anything.
We take a shower together, and it was eating away at me....I so wanted to apologize, but it was awkward....I look at him in the shower, after our playtime and he had this big silly grin on his face. I knew he still had a great time....I didn't say anything. I was too embarrassed.
The next morning, I was spotting.

So, guys, in this situation, would you have preffered that they lady say something? Or just go with the flow and not mention it? It was the day before 'tartness' and although there was nothing visual, it did ruin DATY for us both! Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
Well first of all, I really like DATY. But I only really get into it if I know a girl a little bit or a provider that I feel really comfortable with. I've seen providers that I just wouldn't go down on her cause basically I didn't feel much emotional attraction to. So in the case she maybe on her period I would rather her call me or text me and just cancell. If I show up at her incall and she tells me, I'll just cancel then. I know some people have no quams about it, but I do. I know there are some providers that are really great girls and take great pride in themselves. But I look at it like this, you're not my wife or my Girlfriend and I'd rather not cross those boundries on someone Iam not emotionally involved with.
Yall are fucking gross. That is the lining of a uterus, which is an organ, that youre chowing down on. No thanks
Naomi4u's Avatar
^Right. Who wants their face or whatever else covered in some stranger's blood?
I totally agree with you there - I was kind of just trying to start some drama with my answer - but not totally - but yeah I agree lying is not cool and DATY might not be the best recommendation - although there is a fetish for everything!!!!! Originally Posted by amusemeant
Well thats one hell of a fetish, lol.
My favorite time for daty!