Child support after blow job?

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
At least we know that one's not yours by your own description you've put out.
atlcomedy's Avatar
LL does not provide a very precise vasectomy: Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
are you speaking from personal experience?

if so it may explain a lot of things
Here's one for you.

Two lesbians want a child.
They ask a gay friend to donate sperm.
He does. Later a child is born but the women go their separate ways and one of them keeps the child.
She takes the gay man to court for child support.
The judge rules that the gay man is required to pay.

This really happened. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
You left out the legal docs the lesbians signed giving him a total waiver of child support...tossed out by the court because the mom cannot sign away the kid's right to support.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Yes I did and you are right of course.
First of all, the husband may not be aware. He may think the child is his, even though it is not. In which case, he has "consented" to paternity b/c he didn't know enough to challenge it. And, therefore the issue was "adjudicated."

Second, in the US, for many years paternity was determined by the mother at the time of birth. Only she could name who the father was b/c she "knew" who she slept with to conceive. That presupposed a "normal" sexual relationship.

More promiscuous women often times had no clue, and left the father's name blank. IMHO, that did a big disservice to the child, but the mother often times didn't want to go through what, in many cases, was a BIG hassle in order to name the father (the true father being already married or otherwise "attached"). Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

I personally know of a guy who got OUT of paying child support because a weird situation:

She: married 5 years, has a 4 year old whose birthday is in the same month as their wedding date -meaning her and hubby got BUSY 3 months after the I DO's

Friend apparently got her pregnant.. her hubby filed for divorce because according to him, he and his wife had not had sex in 9+ months. Hubby's attorney suggests a DNA test on 1st child for "just in case" Turns out the 1st child, which was conceived 3 months after they got married, IS NOT HIS!

So when this lady took my friend to court for CS, her soon to be EX had told my friend about this info to which was outlined in court. Friend claimed he would not submit to a paternity test on the kid she claimed was his, until she named the father of the 1st child or gave it up to the state because he was not about to fund someone else's child.

state gave her 90 days to come up with a name, give the child or drop the paternity against my friend.

She never gave up the name or the child and moved to another state.
LL does not provide a very precise vasectomy: Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

Sir....looking at that picture I do believe you somehow found my gag reflex!! EWWWWWW!!
As a rule, in the US, it doesn't matter how she got pregnant. If she can prove paternity (especially through DNA), the non-custodial parent pays child support. His option is to counter-sue for custody. If he gets custody, he gets the child and she has to pay him child support. Not as much, probably, but that's how it works. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
True, and if a guy with wealth is really worried about this, then he should be the one taking the condom off and disposing of it instead of her. It is just that simple. Now, if the condom slipped off inside her, or if it broke, well he is just shit out of luck then.
he should be the one taking the condom off and disposing of it instead of her. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
I hang the used ones from the trailer hitch. Okay everyone say: "Ewwwwwww!"
Tennis star Boris Becker fathered a child with a model in a closet of a London restaurant. He claimed he didn't have intercourse, only oral sex, saying she must have held his sperm in her mouth to impregnate herself later. (He said she was in cahoots with the Russian mafia to blackmail him.)

Do a search on "Boris Becker" and "Angela Ermakowa" for more.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Interesting turn on this. On tonight's Law & Order SVU they had a guy that was pricking holes in his rubbers so he could impregnate women. Bottomline (& I realize this is a fictional show but based on legal principles), as much as the police wanted to do something the DA wouldn't prosecute because there was nothing illegal about it...