Alan Dershowitz........"Trumps Bluff Masterfull"

Anybody in this forum thumping their chest over their "maturity". This is the most immature forum in the history of forums.

That you are oblivious to this fact shows your worst traits. Originally Posted by WTF
So, you bought a mirror at dollar general today?
LexusLover's Avatar
So, you bought a mirror at dollar general today? Originally Posted by kehaar
Mirror, mirror on the wall .....


I repeat:

"Posters who I identify as belonging to "that group" ("Those People") I have on ignore. What they have to post is really not interesting. Their elementary school playground antics and name-calling reveal their insecurities and deficiencies..."lack of maturity"!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-25-2017, 05:07 PM
So, you bought a mirror at dollar general today? Originally Posted by kehaar
If you think , I think of myself or any other shit slinging poster in this forum as mature , you are sadly mistaken.

I'm making fun of LexyLiar for thinking he is above the fray!
lustylad's Avatar
Politicians try and give us easy answers to complex problems.

But you are correct....if you follow the money, you will find where many problems originate.

Student loans for example.

The Republicans had a system set up where private lenders loaned students money. Which was backed by .... everybody take a guess? The government.

When Obama changed this, the Republicans cried about the government getting in the student loan business! Originally Posted by WTF
Yeah fagboy, why don't you follow the money all the way to the US Treasury on that one?

Obama claimed the government would reap huge profits if it directly operated the student loan business and this would help pay for obamacare. That was another Gruber-style lie to get obamacare passed. Once the dimotards wrested full control of student loans, they started relaxing the rules to buy votes from debt-burdened millenials. So much for making a profit. Now taxpayers will be stuck with the bill for hundreds of billions of dollars from defaults and irresponsible dimotard loan forgiveness programs.

Follow the money indeed! It's another dim-retard con game!

Obama’s Giant Student-Loan Con

The huge taxpayer bill for buying millennial votes is coming due.

Updated Dec. 1, 2016 8:00 p.m. ET

Democrats devised the government takeover of student loans as an entitlement that might never be repaid, though they sold it as a money saver. New evidence of this giant con arrives courtesy of a report this week by the Government Accountability Office that estimates the taxpayer losses at $108 billion and counting.

To help pay for ObamaCare, Democrats simultaneously federalized the student loan market and projected fictitious savings, all while adding more than $1.2 trillion to the federal balance sheet. The amount keeps increasing like the debt clock. Liberals then cited the government “savings” to peddle the fallacy that the feds make money off student loans—a pretext they then used to sweeten debt forgiveness plans that have helped keep default rates artificially low.

The Education Department claims the national student loan default rate is 11.3%, yet only half of all debt is in repayment. Borrowers can seek forbearance or deferment if they are unemployed, return to school or claim financial difficulties. Or they can enroll in income-based repayment plans that let them discharge the debt after making payments equal to 10% of their discretionary income for 20 years. Those who work in “public service”—government or a nonprofit—can wipe out their debt in 10 years without a tax penalty.

Initially, only students who borrowed in 2014 or later were eligible for these generous loan forgiveness plans. Then President Obama retroactively extended the benefits to buy millennial votes. Over the last three years the share of outstanding federal direct loan dollars in income-based repayment plans has doubled to 40%. Costs have exploded.

GAO estimates that 5.3 million borrowers, or 24% of former students, have enrolled in income-based repayment plans. They collectively owe $355 billion, $108 billion of which will eventually be forgiven. But this sum covers only loans through the current school year and will likely grow as more borrowers exploit the entitlement. In April the Administration announced a goal of adding two million to the debt-forgiveness rolls over the next year.

The agency scores the Education Department for repeatedly low-balling the cost, which has made its loan forgiveness look more affordable. Over eight years the Administration’s budget estimates for income-based repayment plans have more than doubled to $53 billion. The department now forecasts that taxpayers will pick up about 21% of the cost for loans in these plans.

GAO warns that the department may still be undershooting the actual cost since it “assumes no borrowers will switch into or out” of the plans. The department’s “quality control practices do not ensure reliable budget estimates,” GAO concludes, with hilarious understatement. A company that was this sloppy with its accounting would be prosecuted.

To sum up: The Obama Democrats used student loans and loan forgiveness to buy votes and dissembled about the cost. Now as they leave town they are handing Republicans the bill. As for millennials, they’ll pay in the end with higher tax rates.
Fucken 0zombies, sticking it to our civilization...