Perpetual Weight Loss Thread

Vannah's Avatar
Well somehow, I gained weight from walking! Only a pound, but still it's in the wrong direction.

Back to the tried and true stairmaster! Only three weeks left. Hello to chicken breast and suffering!! Lol Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Good lord, Ginger! You look amazing!
Thank you, Vannah!!
tuckahoe's Avatar
"Fasting" probably sounds crazy to you,

Not to me.
Paul Bragg and daughter Patricia recommend fasting one day per week. When he was in his seventies, he would lay on his back on the floor and Patricia would stand barefoot on his abdomen. Using his abdominal muscles, he could raise her up and down. And Patricia was a full grown woman. Of small build, but still . . .
He died at 96 in a surfing accident.
Studies have changed in the past few years and found that fasting actually doesn't do shit. It slows down your metabolism and most people are unlikely to keep up with it. And ALOT of people will confused fasting with anorexia. Why starve yourself when you can just eat healthy, put that fast food/ premade/ box meals down and start moving your ass? Ultimately, it's the best way to lose weight and KEEP it off (:
WMJ4657's Avatar
Studies have changed in the past few years and found that fasting actually doesn't do shit. It slows down your metabolism and most people are unlikely to keep up with it. And ALOT of people will confused fasting with anorexia. Why starve yourself when you can just eat healthy, put that fast food/ premade/ box meals down and start moving your ass? Ultimately, it's the best way to lose weight and KEEP it off (: Originally Posted by Lolahhhhh

You just don't want to eat too much cool whip with your strawberries!!!!
I don't think Spanky was talking about fasting entirely. The way he explained it to me was 16 hours of fasting, coupled with an 8 hour window during which time you eat your healthy foods.

But I do agree, Lolah. Eating clean, unprocessed healthy food is definitely the way to go. Right now I'm focusing on chicken breast on my smoker, soup, and pineapple! I recently found out that pineapple prevents bloating & helps give you a flatter tummy! It also helps me when I'm craving candy or other sugary foods.
True, Ginger. It can be more than that, but doesn't have to be anything more than going longer between dinner and breakfast (or lunch as the case may be).

I have been using an intermittent fasting routine as described in The Obesity Code, which gives direct citations of numerous scientific studies on intermittent fasting pointing to its efficacy. I am still experimenting with it and have had great results so far with little to no hunger. Sometimes when I get to my planned meal times I have to make myself eat just because it's time and I need to stay on schedule. You do eat, but less frequently and within a limited window of time each day. It is not itself a diet, just a change in eating pattern to keep your body from being flooded with insulin all day. You can pair it with any food plan you like - low carb, low fat, vegan, whatever.

Based on my experience so far I'd respectfully disagree that it doesn't do shit. But, as stated in the opening post I'm not trying to start any holy wars and want to keep an open mind so I'd be interested to see specific references to any studies that come to this conclusion about intermittent fasting.

A couple of links worth reading if you have any interest in the topic:


One thing I've noticed is how good I feel when I'm doing my fasting cycles. That was brought home to me because I'm on vacation now and it isn't practical to do intermittent fasting when I need to go out to meals with others at times that aren't in my control. However I've definitely noticed that I'm not feeling as well and I'm looking forward to getting back on my routine when I get home.

It might not be right for everyone, but that alone doesn't means it's not right for anyone. I think that it might not be as good for someone with just a few pounds to lose, because they don't have the hormone imbalances (insulin / leptin resistance) that people with long-standing, significant weight problems do. Intermittent fasting is at its core a way to manage those imbalances by strategically restricting and timing insulin release.
All this talk of dieting makes me want a donut and a baconator
PsychedelicMut's Avatar
Well somehow, I gained weight from walking! Only a pound, but still it's in the wrong direction.

Back to the tried and true stairmaster! Only three weeks left. Hello to chicken breast and suffering!! Lol Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Muscles can hold fluid resulting from exercise. Also, gaining weight is common with exercise. Muscles firm up as fat goes away. I can't imagine how Ginger Doll's figure could be any better.
Rollypolly's Avatar
Wow all the energy in here makes me want to hit the trail. Am working my way up to 5 miles now. I could do more if wasn't carrying so much weight. I have to say the areas you have herr are great places to walk.
legssoolong's Avatar
I put herbal teas in water bottles and drink as I go. There are many types and so far watermelon / lime is my favorite.
Exactly 7 days after returning from a 9-day vacation, I'm back to where I was before vacation. Not too bad I suppose, as I really wasn't watching what I was eating on vacation at all.
If anyone else is doing keto / Low carb, is a great site for recipes and learning.

I made the Fathead Pizza last night and it was amazing. I think I'm going to make it again tonight.

I'm doing sort of a combination of IF (intermittent fasting) / keto (for the meals when I break the fasts) and Wheat Belly (basically just don't eat wheat). The Fathead Pizza was perfect for when it was time to refeed after finishing yesterday's fast. Very filling but very low in carbs and high in fat (which is a good thing on a keto diet). If I hadn't made it myself I would never had known there was no wheat or other grains in the crust.
Been in Ketosiss for quite awhile. Fathead pizza is ok, but extremely heavy. If you want a truly great pizza crust that is keto friendly do a search for chicken pizza crust. Uses canned chicken (gotta find the good stuff without the crazy chemicals in it) and parm cheese to make a crust. Best thing I've eaten since being in ketosis.
Got my book!!!!! Started reading and ready to go!!!!!