Osama Bin Laden I'd dead!!!

Randy4Candy's Avatar
Be glad they didnt take him alive. Can you imagine the trial and some idiot liberal lawyer using every trick in the book to defend him and all the intel that would be revealed during disclosure. Originally Posted by Wordsmith
Think of it as a cost-cutting effort.....
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Was this a kinetic kill? Originally Posted by Wordsmith
Death by facts.....get's 'em every time.
cookie man's Avatar
How sweet it would be to be the Navy Seal that popped a cap in his head! Too bad he can't go on Leno.

Give Bush some credit for laying the groundwork, Obama some credit for carrying on the hunt, and give our military a whole lot of fuckin' credit for doing the job like no other special ops force in the world can. These soldiers have a "can do" attitude. It's too bad they don't get a lot of chances to do it.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
C'mon guys! Let's relish in the fact that the asshole is dead...he had it coming and personally I don't care who pulled the trigger, made the decision, whatever it was that resulted in Bin Ladin dying. That fecker deserved to die, what I think about are the people and the families that suffered because of him.

The people that took him out were just doing their job, that includes Obama...he was doing his job. My brother in law is in the special forces and when I talked to him about all his exploits all he ever says is "I did my job and I loved it". He doesn't want fame or credit. He just relished in the story and the moment.

I actually voted for Obama, and have supported him. What I didn't like was his speech and the countless number of "I gave" and "I did" references in his speech, I thought it was in bad taste - cause to me, he made it political.

Nonetheless, I was awake and doing well then I heard the news. It was history in the making. Feck Bin Ladin and all those other jackasses that followed his lead... Originally Posted by TexasFlip
TexasFlip- did you listen to the whole speech? Number one he CLEARLY mentioned it was a team effort- also do you realized that ij order for the mission to have to take place Obama had to give his approval. Also, it's been stated that some of his advisors told Obama that it would be very risky to send in special forces and that perhaps it would be safer to send in missiles strike but Obama went with the idea to use special forces to take him. Also, there's video from Oct 8 2008 where Obama said if Pakistan does not cooperate that if he were President he would take out out Usamah and have him killed and that taking out Usamah should be the main security priority.
Also, when Obama said "I" this and "I" that he merely was given a short time table of the events that led up to the decision so he had every right out in first person. I guess you missed the part where Obama praised George Bush and praised the military commanders and the special forces?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
go figure....

dude, you can go polish Obama's knob all day. I gave Obama kudos for making, what I consider, an easy call. I mentioned I would have given Obama a pass if it would not have worked since we are at war. I have my opinion and I am sorry it puts your panties in a wad. get over it! Originally Posted by TexRich
No I don't polish Obama's knob I just merely cast my vote- maybe you need to take a break it get some lady to polish your little wrinkled pecker!
cptjohnstone's Avatar
as I posted on the national sandbox, what was he planning next?
Sleepy363's Avatar
as I posted on the national sandbox, what was he planning next? Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Probably scuba diving. He ended up going, just forgot his gear.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
How sweet it would be to be the Navy Seal that popped a cap in his head! Too bad he can't go on Leno.

Give Bush some credit for laying the groundwork, Obama some credit for carrying on the hunt, and give our military a whole lot of fuckin' credit for doing the job like no other special ops force in the world can. These soldiers have a "can do" attitude. It's too bad they don't get a lot of chances to do it. Originally Posted by cookie man
I give Bush no credit whatsoever. He took his eye off the ball and used the circumstances of 9/11 to justify going after oil in Iraq. The inspectors said there weren't any WMDs in Iraq, the UN said don't do it, but the little fucker's oil backers and Cheney's military contractors said 'go' so they did.

When Obama took office, he gave the CIA a clear directive – capture or kill Bin Laden. Period. Look what happened.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I give Bush no credit whatsoever. He took his eye off the ball and used the circumstances of 9/11 to justify going after oil in Iraq. The inspectors said there weren't any WMDs in Iraq, the UN said don't do it, but the little fucker's oil backers and Cheney's military contractors said 'go' so they did.

When Obama took office, he gave the CIA a clear directive – capture or kill Bin Laden. Period. Look what happened. Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife
Dammitttttt!!! Now you did it! Spreadin' all them gol-darn facts...won't you ever learn?

TexRich's Avatar
No I don't polish Obama's knob I just merely cast my vote- maybe you need to take a break it get some lady to polish your little wrinkled pecker! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

take a break? so what's the logic in that other than having a lame ass comeback? go ahead and cast your vote in Texas where it is meaningless since Texas will vote for any Republican candidate over Obama. Like I mentioned I do not care really if you want to give all the credit in the world to Obama, that is your right. But you slamming someone because they disagree or do not like that someone differs from your opinion makes you look really stupid.
LGALTW's Avatar
I posted these remarks in the National Sandbox yesterday, but I'm still so stoked about us killing this useless fuck that I thought I'd post in my home Sandbox as well...

+1,000,000 and good to know the fish are eating his dead ass corpse.

Hey Bin Laden, how'd it feel when that bad motherfucking US special forces soldier sent lead through your skull? FUCK YOU and rot in hell!

USA, USA, USA!!! Originally Posted by LGALTW

Charlie Brown's Avatar
Saw this last night: Last thing Osama might have said to himself!

"Oh great, I need a whole house full of Navy Seals like I need a hole in the head!"
elcalifa's Avatar
I'm glad this fucker is dead and the last thing he saw was an American. Special delivery from Uncle Sam.
elcalifa's Avatar
go ahead and cast your vote in Texas where it is meaningless since Texas will vote for any Republican candidate over Obama. Originally Posted by TexRich
another reason we need to get rid of electoral college.
cookie man's Avatar
Dammitttttt!!! Now you did it! Spreadin' all them gol-darn facts...won't you ever learn?

Word! Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
The groundwork for this surveillance started under the Bush administration. The information was gathered at Guantonimo from that ugly, hairy fat bastard that got waterboarded. The CIA never lost focus of the search. They just had to wait for them to make a mistake. Those are the facts. Check it out. Obama made the correct call. I think anyone of us here would have done the same.

The middle east is moving to democracy. It started in Iraq. Keep in mind Saddam Hussein murdered 600,000 to one million of his own people, and the world did diddley squat. Now they are all about reform. I think people should look at the big picture and a few years down the road.

Now we need an exit strategy that preserves the move toward democracy yet doesn't continue to wreck our economy.

Never lose focus though that it's all about OIL.