Bin Laden Dead???!!!???

PornPet69's Avatar
Ok I'll ask the question, how do we know it was really him? I still haven't seen any real hard evidence. Are we just suppose to take the media information and the President's speech and believe them? Personally I thought he was dead long time ago.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What makes YOU feel better PP? Believe that. I'm certain that a well-written request by the assembled membership of ECCIE, properly signed and submitted to the White House will result in a death masque we can post here. I believe that our government occasionally does not lie to us!

Chit, I'm still holding on to the belief that men DID walk on the moon.

Not that there's anything wrong with it!

PornPet69's Avatar
What makes YOU feel better PP? Believe that. I'm certain that a well-written request by the assembled membership of ECCIE, properly signed and submitted to the White House will result in a death masque we can post here. I believe that our government occasionally does not lie to us!

Chit, I'm still holding on to the belief that men DID walk on the moon.

Not that there's anything wrong with it!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yea I was just raising a question that we could have an interesting debate on. You never really truly know till you see it for yourself, that is how many people are.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Right you are! Kinda glad I missed the knee jerking right after the deed was done. Might have tripped over my tongue. YOW!
  • Booth
  • 05-05-2011, 12:10 AM
Yea I was just raising a question that we could have an interesting debate on. You never really truly know till you see it for yourself, that is how many people are. Originally Posted by PornPet69
That was before the days of Photoshop. Now if you see a photo you still have no certainty.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What's amazing to me is in this, the age of absolute documentation, we still need to believe something. DNA. Photoshop. Digital Video Effects. You name it. Either you believe or not. Just ask Vince McMahon!
Budman's Avatar
All the talk of extended "interrogation" makes us sound as barbaric as those we revile. How many times you want to kill him? Have at it. I'm glad we got him. Glad he's dead. Do THEY still hate America? Do you still hate THEM?

Living in the past won't make it go away not will it bring back the people bin Laden killed.

All this bully pulpit is doing is giving us all the opportunity to show how much hatred we have. We wanted him dead. He's dead. Frankly, I'm ready to move on to Gaddafi (or however they're spelling his name this week.) Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
This scum bag killed thousands of innocent men, women and children and because some want him to suffer makes us as barbaric as him. I don't think so. There is nothing you could do to that fuck that is to barbaric. Fuck him and all the others like him. What pisses me off is the reports that he was given a respectful burial at sea. They should have cook his body in bacon fat and sent him back to his fucking comrades. These fucks are never going to like the US. They will blame us for all of their ills and kill as many as possible. I don't want them to like us I want them to fear us. Now if they are captured they get to go to Club Gitmo. All of their religious beliefs are honored right down to their fucking prayer rugs. I wouldn't give those fucks a damn thing they wanted. I would make sure they were as miserable as humanly possible.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
I think we should have cut his ass up and staked him all around our country. Then put signs up saying this is what we do to our enemies....
angler's Avatar
The Pat Tillman killing was all lies. The Jessica Lynch story turned out to be all lies. When are you finally gonna get it through your heads that nothing this government says about what goes on over there can be trusted.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're entitled to your opinions, no matter how they make you sound.
angler's Avatar
How it makes me sound? How do you sound when you swalloow a story that's now been changed so many times, and by a government that's been caught lying over and over again about what goes on over there.

I won't believe it until I've seen a pic of his schlong. It's said to have been 11 inches. He's said to have twenty children so I guess he used it.
Like Tupac...he ain't dead! It's all a conspiracy.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How it makes me sound? How do you sound when you swalloow a story that's now been changed so many times, and by a government that's been caught lying over and over again about what goes on over there.

I won't believe it until I've seen a pic of his schlong. It's said to have been 11 inches. He's said to have twenty children so I guess he used it. Originally Posted by angler
Actually man I wasnt addressing you but if the sandal fits...

And you, my friend are entitled to your opinion, no matter how it makes you sound.