When those same seevicmen ever get the moral courage to stand-up for its own citizens being killed willy nilly by cops then talk to me about what they bled and lost. Lots of citizens bled and lost as well fighting for basic civil rights...so military vets arent the only ones to sacrifice. The fact that they see this issue through the lens of their white privledge masquaeding as patriotism tells me they're just like everyone else and wont ever get it. If you're a military vet and you're offended by Colin then you dont get it and obviously in the military for your own self serving reason. Originally Posted by Sistine ChapelIf it was just white service members who found offense that would be or thing.
It is service men of all colors including many black and Hispanic that are just as outraged.
I think it is somewhat unfair to say they don't understand the problem.
Not standing for the national anthem is just taboo to them.
Colin has a right to do it. They have a right to be pissed about it.