It's well known that SC is a hard core racist, until it comes to white women. Yea, we can file that in the hypocritical file.
Van Jones called the election of Trump a 'white lash' and to a point he's correct. The middle America that elected Trump doesn't go around tearing down statues, doesn't go around blocking freeways, doesn't go around tearing down other shit. They work, pay their taxes, pray, honor the flag of our great nation. Then they vote. And their vote counts.
Middle America also realized that barack hussein obama was the most corrupt President of their life time. So to prove it, they got away from hillary and voted for President Trump. So the obama supporters throw out the highly overused and greatly diluted race card. Oh, Dear John didn't like obama, well he's a racist, that's why. No, I'm not racist, however I have a problem with corruption, with being a muslim sympathizer, with laundering billion or more to Iran, with selling off 20% of our uranium to Russia, etc. He shit all over our constitution and never looked back. I have a problem with that, so fuck the race card. Save it for someone who is qualified or who gives a shit. Like I said, it's highly overused and diluted to nothing.
About kap, there are times and places to protest, and a NFL stadium isn't that place. First of all it's about credibility. kap is worth millions, so who is he to protest? If some poor guy from the hood protested, that's one thing, but millionaire kap is another. My stand as an owner of the team would be this. It's my team, my stadium, my uniform and your actions reflect back on me and my organization. When you represent my team you will conduct yourself as such, which includes honoring the flag of this great nation that allows a talented person to make more in a year the most people make in 10 years. This is something I feel a lot of owners believe, but won't out and out say it. This is something that middle America feels.
kap is poison to owners as the 'white lash' is powerful enough keep him off teams. They don't want nor need his sideline bullshit. So he remains unemployed, and because of this sideline bullshit, NFL ratings are in the tank. Middle America again speaks, but speaks silently, without cameras or publicity.
So, yes, there is a freedom of speech, however when you represent your employer, you don't have complete freedom of speech. Using the old analogy, we have freedom of speech, but we can't scream 'FIRE' in a movie theater. If I represent Ford motor company, I can't say that the Shelby Mustang isn't in the same league as the Camaro ZL1 or Hellcat, because the Shelby is a 2nd tier car.
So SC, how about taking your race baiting posts back to the political forums.
Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
First off a black man cannot be racist. Fact! Prejudice maybe but not racist. ;-)
2ndly, you have to be one of the most ill informed of Trump's rabid base. Yall sit around watching that intellectually dishonest Faux News and they pump your head up making you really believe you're intellgent or some shit. Newsflash guy....Fox or Faux news is laughing at you low information Trump voters but of course they cant admit it.
By saying Obama is corrupt because you dont understand whats going on in the world doesnt make it true. America took Irans money in 1979 400 million for some shit they paid us for and we never gave them their product. You cant just take half a billion from a soveriegn nation and expect no consequences. The US is a member of the Hauge (international court system) and it was determined by the courts we owed them with intetest (since 1979) close to 10 billion. The courts were set to rule against the US but Obama negotiated with Iran to pay only the initial principal. Obama saved this fucking ungrateful ass country about 10 billion on that deal.
There are no banking institutions or systems setup between the US and Iran becsuse of you have no choice other than to pay them in cash. You low information and poorly educated Trump voters are quite the piece of work. To me and my white liberal friends you guys are literally a laughingstock to us. It's very sad cuz yall be trying real hard to get it and to simply understand.... but you dont.