...an dids yer ...mom be proud whens ya done ...told er ya suck an ...funnel jimmie pipe ta ...makes an illegal livin

Is it "OK" to start a shit talking thread where insults made in jest are welcome? Originally Posted by Angel TI directed my comments toward everyone here, in which I gave a piece of advice for people here to follow when their little feewings get hurt. Take if for what you will. Insults made in jest are insults, and we Staff can decide to do with them as we please. Some of us might not catch your joke, so probably best to err on the side of caution, right?
You stand no modtard ground here in upset, do you? Originally Posted by Angel TI'm not sure what your question means. My name is not listed at the top of any of the Upset forums, that is correct. You would be incorrect in assuming that I cannot exercise any moderator duties here though. Staff is strongly discouraged from drive-by moderating outside their assigned forums. However, if the local moderators request assistance in their forums, due to some staff being out of pocket, then anyone on Staff can fulfill their duties. In the cases of the nuclear rules, any Staff can deal with them as soon as they see them.
should they start splitting hairs on the amount ofedit- PK:
that can be started per day?
geeshus go to buffalo or don't who cares? Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Outstanding idea. Originally Posted by Next Best ThingI know right
I directed my comments toward everyone here, in which I gave a piece of advice for people here to follow when their little feewings get hurt. Take if for what you will. Insults made in jest are insults, and we Staff can decide to do with them as we please. Some of us might not catch your joke, so probably best to err on the side of caution, right?Thnx for clearing that up
I'm not sure what your question means. My name is not listed at the top of any of the Upset forums, that is correct. You would be incorrect in assuming that I cannot exercise any moderator duties here though. Staff is strongly discouraged from drive-by moderating outside their assigned forums. However, if the local moderators request assistance in their forums, due to some staff being out of pocket, then anyone on Staff can fulfill their duties. In the cases of the nuclear rules, any Staff can deal with them as soon as they see them.
If any Staff member offers advice for the membership in a particular forum, it's probably best to assume that they have the ability to enforce that advice in one way or another if it becomes necessary.
Now, back to your threAD...which I approve of... Originally Posted by Wakeup