JFK Files release

LexusLover's Avatar
Kennedy didn't publically trash the CIA for the invasion. He later though, took the CIA down a notch by enacting the Security Actions Memos 55,56, and 57. Go read up on it, you don't know nearly as much as you think.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Knowing more than you do isn't really a challenge, but keep "fishing" the internet for bullshit! There's plenty of out there!

Don't get me wrong. I was and still am a Kennedy fan. I was familiar with LBJ and the back stories on his political and social activities, with his Texas cohorts.

It's "common knowledge" Kennedy was no Liberal, but quite the contrary. He initially didn't want to support any Civil Rights legislation (for fear he would lose the South in the next election!). LBJ pushed that issue ... and others.

A problem is some on both sides of the political spectrum try to rewrite history to fit their particular agenda and what they want those guys to be .... so the FACTS get blurred, pushed aside, and shit-canned..... and a lot of the shit posted in the internet is stuff that was not "scanned" and/or "entered" into the system, or is a "paraphrase" or as you so ignorantly posted:

"indicates" what JFK/LBJ "actually" did and "actually" were thinking ... that's a WTF, AssUp, ButtScramble, and Speedo specialty .... reading peoples' minds and posting what they "really meant" or were "really thinking"!!!

Are you trying to beat them at their effort?

You actually believe I sit in my mother's basement? Or do you buy the "nursing home" bullshit? Back when you started daydreaming about "conspiracies" and fantasizing about whatever blew in on the next Norther ... I was focused on paying attention to what was actually happening and listening ...

.. I still do! Oh, yea. HillariousNoMore lost the election!

Remember? And it wasn't a "conspiracy" or "collusion" ... unless one concludes that voters in this country got fed up with the bullshit the likes of you and others (I just named some) try to feed them and then attempt to insult them to keep them from voicing their opinions and standing up to the bullshit you and your ilk spew!

It's not a better of who is "smarter" than whom. Keep hitting those internet blogs and try to catch up! You've got about 50 + more years to go! And the "internet" hasn't been around that long for you to get up to speed!

Like I told you naysayers ... there are sharks off Galveston Beach ...
It's being drained. One snake at a time.

BTW: What happened to all those "leaks"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Still going on, since we had the inditement list leaked..
LexusLover's Avatar
Still going on, since we had the inditement list leaked.. Originally Posted by garhkal
Coming from the "Special" Counsel's Office is not the same.

MuleHead has to keep his name on the "front page"! That's not a "leak" per se, that's a "press release" without a "presser"!

Once unsealed Federal indictments are public records.
Knowing more than you do isn't really a challenge, but keep "fishing" the internet for bullshit! There's plenty of out there!

Don't get me wrong. I was and still am a Kennedy fan. I was familiar with LBJ and the back stories on his political and social activities, with his Texas cohorts.

It's "common knowledge" Kennedy was no Liberal, but quite the contrary. He initially didn't want to support any Civil Rights legislation (for fear he would lose the South in the next election!). LBJ pushed that issue ... and others.

A problem is some on both sides of the political spectrum try to rewrite history to fit their particular agenda and what they want those guys to be .... so the FACTS get blurred, pushed aside, and shit-canned..... and a lot of the shit posted in the internet is stuff that was not "scanned" and/or "entered" into the system, or is a "paraphrase" or as you so ignorantly posted:

"indicates" what JFK/LBJ "actually" did and "actually" were thinking ... that's a WTF, AssUp, ButtScramble, and Speedo specialty .... reading peoples' minds and posting what they "really meant" or were "really thinking"!!!

Are you trying to beat them at their effort?

You actually believe I sit in my mother's basement? Or do you buy the "nursing home" bullshit? Back when you started daydreaming about "conspiracies" and fantasizing about whatever blew in on the next Norther ... I was focused on paying attention to what was actually happening and listening ...

.. I still do! Oh, yea. HillariousNoMore lost the election!

Remember? And it wasn't a "conspiracy" or "collusion" ... unless one concludes that voters in this country got fed up with the bullshit the likes of you and others (I just named some) try to feed them and then attempt to insult them to keep them from voicing their opinions and standing up to the bullshit you and your ilk spew!

It's not a better of who is "smarter" than whom. Keep hitting those internet blogs and try to catch up! You've got about 50 + more years to go! And the "internet" hasn't been around that long for you to get up to speed!

Like I told you naysayers ... there are sharks off Galveston Beach ... Originally Posted by LexusLover
If you know so much why are you posting this gibberish?

Coming from the "Special" Counsel's Office is not the same.

MuleHead has to keep his name on the "front page"! That's not a "leak" per se, that's a "press release" without a "presser"!

Once unsealed Federal indictments are public records. Originally Posted by LexusLover
BUT it was leaked BEFORE it was even unsealed. Ergo it was a criminal leak..
LexusLover's Avatar
BUT it was leaked BEFORE it was even unsealed. Originally Posted by garhkal
And you know this how?

The impending indictment of ManoFART has been discussed for a while, along with the "raids" on his home! This is not "news" ...

... and do you know for a FACT the indictment was "sealed"?

And exactly what is a "criminal leak" vs. a "non-criminal leak"?
rexdutchman's Avatar
The feds treat us like mushrooms , keep us in the dark and feed us shit
The fact by law it is illegal to reveal what happens in a grand jury TILL the date the indictment is unsealed and becomes public knowledge..
LexusLover's Avatar
The fact by law it is illegal to reveal what happens in a grand jury TILL the date the indictment is unsealed and becomes public knowledge.. Originally Posted by garhkal
What you just said is incorrect. The deliberations are not disclosed EXCEPT under special circumstances ... otherwise one could not be prosecuted for perjury before a grand jury (the person's grand jury testimony could not be revealed if you were correct). The indictment can be disclosed by the prosecution, and the Court in which the case is to be prosecuted determines whether to seal and/or unseal the indictment....not the Grand Jury.

Generally indictments are "sealed" for several reasons ... most importantly to protect those who have to execute the warrant issued based on the indictment and secondly to assure the defendant is not alerted to the potential arrest and flee the jurisdiction.

Neither one of those circumstances existed with MonoFart ... Mueller has made no secret about being focused on him....the searches .... as well.

And if you listened to MonoFart's lawyer, he wouldn't run.

This political bs may end up like Gov. Perry's debacle.