Damn you fucks are dumb as shit. Why do you think everything has to do with hillary? Trumpers are still the only fucks that care. If it wasn't for her you'd have nothing to go to as you watch your guy crumble before your eyes.
Originally Posted by Trey
When you wake up, your dream will be over. Just because others disagree with your fantasy assessment doesn't really mean those others are "dumb as shit"! You voted for HillariousNoMore, right?
And let me guess ... you voted for Obaminable 2x's?
You actually call others "dumb as shit"?
I'll just say you are dumber than Shinola, because you don't know the difference and it won't sound as offensive to you! Hang on ...SissyLips has your "back" ....!
In the meantime, Mueller is peeling the onion and proving daily Trump didn't "collude" with the Russians to beat HillariousNoMore's ass in the election a year ago ... any more than Obaminable colluded with the Russians to beat her ass in 2008! Because it wasn't until right before the 2012 election while HillariousNoMore was working for him that he colluded with the Russians .. by suggesting he would be more "flexible after the elections) (2012 POTUS election!!!) Which was also around the time THEY (Obaminable and HillariousNoMore) were selling U.S. uranium to the Russians and Bill was sopping up on the Russian speech tour .... wait until those indictments hit the fan!