Have you ever been in love with a provider? tell us your story?

Naomi4u's Avatar
I think I learned the hard way. I will never cook for a client again! lol Originally Posted by heidilynnla
LMFAO! Do tell!
That "dinner date evening" with a weekly regular resulted in "I feel like you are my Girlfriend". "I want you to call me when you are horny"....I.O.W. "I want to feel special enough to get freebies"

"What part of "you are married" don't you get?"
davidsmith0123's Avatar
Speaking of 1 in 1000 chances reminds me of the following dialogue from Dumb and Dumber.

Lloyd: What do you think the chances are of a guy like you and a girl like me... ending up together?
Mary: Well, Lloyd, that's difficult to say. I mean, we don't really...
Lloyd: Hit me with it! Just give it to me straight! I came a long way just to see you, Mary. The least you can do is level with me. What are my chances?
Mary: Not good.
Lloyd: You mean, not good like one out of a hundred?
Mary: I'd say more like one out of a million.
Lloyd: So you're telling me there's a chance! ... *YEAH!*
Naomi4u's Avatar
That "dinner date evening" with a weekly regular resulted in "I feel like you are my Girlfriend". "I want you to call me when you are horny"....I.O.W. "I want to feel special enough to get freebies"

"What part of "you are married" don't you get?" Originally Posted by heidilynnla
shorty's Avatar
That's some funny stuff there Heidi!! Didn't you tell him you ran off to Vegas with another guy!!
I think I learned the hard way. I will never cook for a client again! lol Originally Posted by heidilynnla
Why, Did he need a bottle of Maloxx and the ER, lol.
Abe Normal's Avatar
A young lady of 40 got into the hobby because her husband dumped her and their 4 kids right after they arrived here from Australia. She could not get a job because of citizenship and the ex was a deadbeat and would not support them. We had talked several times and set up a date after a M&G/Christmas party near Nashville. I usually only schedule 2 hours with a lady on a first date, but she got so loaded at the party she asked if she could spend the night with me free of charge.

Maybe it was loneliness or fear of living in a new world for her, but we ended up cuddling and talking the entire night. I was only her second client, but she kept asking me to leave my wife and marry her all night, LOL

Great lady who did not really want to be in the biz but was forced to for economic reasons. I pert near took her up on her offer, because not only was she beautiful, but honest and open, and that Autralian accent just wooed me.

Two years ago she finally met a guy who took her for what she was and had been, but we are still friends today, even facebook buddies. Even now she is always looking for ladies in the Nashville area who are looking to hook up for one night stands and introducing them to me, and they have been some of the best lays ever....mostly the cougar type.

If I had ever come close to falling in love with a provider, it would have been her
Attached Images File Type: jpg Aussie Lady 4.jpg (18.6 KB, 367 views)
shorty's Avatar
Great Story Abe!! Did she qualify for the free DATY session?
Abe Normal's Avatar
I have never fallen for a provider, no ...I have fallen for a client before, I don't think it's that uncommon...
geecue's Avatar
Fell for a provider once, it was because are connection was so good almost psychic. Two instances, once brought her a sexy little black dress without telling her anything about it. That day she opens the door in a little sexy black dress. The other time she had never cancelled on me ever, made an appt a day before, that night had a dream about her, when I woke up I thought to myself wow she is going to cancel. Looked at my email and sure enough and email saying she had to canel. True stories, we connected with instances like that all the time.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
OMG. I wish. That would be something.

Now there are a few that I really admire though. F'n A.
I have never fallen for a provider, no ...I have fallen for a client before, I don't think it's that uncommon... Originally Posted by Valerie
True, very true. It is not uncommon but I won't let myself get that involved with a provider again as that was the worst mistake I have made in years. I have yet to meet a provider who is worth the trouble. Trust and integrity are paramount in any relationship. In this P4P world, do you guys really believe the girls are telling you the truth?

Just rent the milk and have it walk out the door at the end of the hour. You want a relationship, I hear match.com is looking for a few good men...
ilsjs's Avatar
  • ilsjs
  • 05-16-2011, 11:57 PM
I care very much for a young woman, definitely not "love". I'm realistic: there is no long lasting love between client and provider... in particular I'm more double of her age, and many differences in personality.

I just found joy to be with her, helped her a little here and there. The good thing about her is she seems to have no desire to "get" my $ in any dirty shape and form, even though she knows that she can easily "clean" me out ....

I became not just interesting in sex, but in order to get to her I must request for the session... and she made it clear that she does not want "too close for comfort" ....

Our "relationship" is "on the rock" right now... because she said I've crossed the line? I may make some mistakes, said something annoying her, but I still maointain my position of not falling for love whatsoever. For sure I like her a lot... that's all.

I'm trying very hard to make her understand and believe where I would love to be.

Idk, does it make sense to you guys and gals ?

or All men are Pigs ?
What ever happened to doing things for yourself. I know you do with escorting but to say you would only give it up if the guy could take care of you is absurd. I would hate to be have my existence, livelihood, and happiness depend on someone else.....

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach

Sixx, right now, in my life, I use escorting to get what I need. I was referring to the men/clients who want to date me, give up escorting, but not help me out financially. I think that is crazy. Right now, this is the situation in my life. No it is not perfect, but it is what it is. We all need money. I am not willing to give up the one thing that puts bread on the table in exchange for a man who has nothing to offer me financially. I do not depend on anyone but myself right now. In time, when my situation changes, I will be able to seek out a relationship where the man does not need to offer anything financially to be with me. But right now, this is the situation and where I'm at. If a fella wants me to give up the one thing I use to pay my bills, he better be able to offer something so those bills get paid. Paying my bills is not the only thing I look for in a boyfriend. I look for many things in a boyfriend, being able to pick up financially where escorting leaves off is just one of them, until things change for me.