What Is Trump so Scared We will Find Out?

themystic's Avatar
No one is scared, least of all by a mistake like you. And you didn't "come out of retirement" - you never left. Originally Posted by lustylad
Youre right LL, I didnt leave. Just like the Investgation of Trump isnt going to leave. The only thing leaving will be Trump, in handcuffs. Youre a Traitor and Loser. Just like youre hero Trump. Take youre flag down Red
I agree he won under the current rules. The Russians rules. He is a disgrace to our country Originally Posted by themystic

As an American citizen you have the freedom to believe and say whatever you desire about Trump, mystic.

But until anything is proven (ie: your so-called "Russian Rules") your claim has as much cred as the BS that CNN / MSNBC, etc churns out 24/7....

The only disgrace that is beginning to gain any relevance (and momentum) is that the FBI had some bad actors within their organization. Stay tuned., Buckwheat...we may yet end up seeing Russian Collusion after all.....'cept it isn't gonna be with the people y'all hoped it'd be. Shit's gonna Get Real real, real soon. Stay tuned....

themystic's Avatar
As an American citizen you have the freedom to believe and say whatever you desire about Trump, mystic.

But until anything is proven (ie: your so-called "Russian Rules") your claim has as much cred as the BS that CNN / MSNBC, etc churns out 24/7....

The only disgrace that is beginning to gain any relevance (and momentum) is that the FBI had some bad actors within their organization. Stay tuned., Buckwheat...we may yet end up seeing Russian Collusion after all.....'cept it isn't gonna be with the people y'all hoped it'd be. Shit's gonna Get Real real, real soon. Stay tuned....

Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
CB you sound like Gulliani. I agree the text messages of the two FBI agents was wrong. They needed to be taken off the investigation and were. If I was Trump and his lawyers I would be raising hell to.

But thier is a mountain of evidence against Trump for money laundering, back door meetings with the Russians on Hillary dirt, General Flynn, Poponopolus, Bannon, Manafort, Page, etc. Is all that make believe? Trump himself telling the Russisns, " If youre listening see if you can find Hillarys lost emails". So much BS its almost unbelievaable
Youre right LL, I didnt leave. Just like the Investgation of Trump isnt going to leave. The only thing leaving will be Trump, in handcuffs. Youre a Traitor and Loser. Just like youre hero Trump. Take youre flag down Red Originally Posted by themystic

Can't speak for LL but mine flies proudly in our front yard....and the Texas flag in the backyard.

And you're wrong.....the Investigation of Trump will come to an end sooner than later. And when it does, you're gonna be incredibly disappointed. And, no doubt, will scream like a panther that Trump paid someone off to make it all go away. Again, no satisfying haters...ever.

themystic's Avatar
Can't speak for LL but mine flies proudly in our front yard....and the Texas flag in the backyard.

And you're wrong.....the Investigation of Trump will come to an end sooner than later. And when it does, you're gonna be incredibly disappointed. And, no doubt, will scream like a panther that Trump paid someone off to make it all go away. Again, no satisfying haters...ever.

Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
If Trump is exonorated I wont be surprised. But to tell me or anyone else hes innocent is BS. Just like Clintons blowjob. It happen. Quit playing stupid. Just say you dont care. I get it. Like Trump himself said, and I quote, " I could shoot someone on 5th Street and the idiots that are voting for me wouldnt care". I can do anything I want and these idiots will still love me"
But thier is a mountain of evidence against Trump for money laundering, back door meetings with the Russians on Hillary dirt, General Flynn, Poponopolus, Bannon, Manafort, Page, etc. Is all that make believe? Trump himself telling the Russisns, " If youre listening see if you can find Hillarys lost emails". So much BS its almost unbelievaable Originally Posted by themystic
Then let the evidence surface. Allegations and "phantom meetings" don't mean jack....oh, unless those so-called allegations are being heard by nfl commish, Roger Goodell. Then the only evidence required is "He abused me".....bam, SIX GAMES. Next!

Well, Goodell won't be hearing / seeing all of this evidence you claim is mounting. So, here's what I say...let the evidence be brought forth. We're waiting.
themystic's Avatar
Then let the evidence surface. Allegations and "phantom meetings" don't mean jack....oh, unless those so-called allegations are being heard by nfl commish, Roger Goodell. Then the only evidence required is "He abused me".....bam, SIX GAMES. Next!

Well, Goodell won't be hearing / seeing all of this evidence you claim is mounting. So, here's what I say...let the evidence be brought forth. We're waiting. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot

Allright!! We agree CB
If Trump is exonorated I wont be surprised. But to tell me or anyone else hes innocent is BS. Just like Clintons blowjob. It happen. Quit playing stupid. Just say you dont care. I get it. Like Trump himself said, and I quote, " I could shoot someone on 5th Street and the idiots that are voting for me wouldnt care". I can do anything I want and these idiots will still love me" Originally Posted by themystic

You're not a judge nor jury, mystic....and as much as you'd like to be, were you (both) I've no doubt you'd appoint yourself as executioner, as well.

No question, you have a dog in the fight per DJT....he tried to fuck you out of some money and you had to file a lawsuit. I get it.

On the flip side, as much as I'd like to see Hillary being read her rights, I'm prepared to sit back and watch the system to play itself out....prove her guilt beyond a shadow of a doubt. Present the smoking gun...with prints....photos would be nice, too. And a confession to boot.

That said, Donald Trump has the same rights as any other citizen (and non-citizen it would appear): INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty. So...let that play itself out, k? We'd cut you the same deal, ya know. After all, it's the law.