And that's something i've pointed out on other sites, and gotten bashed for..
Schools in the 50s to even mid-late 80s, had
A) GOD in them
B) Teachers able to issue on the spot discipline to kids
C) NROTC programs and some even had drill squads so guns were ON CAMPUSES..
YET WE never had a school shooting, till what, the mid 90s?? LONG after they were all removed?
HOW many times did the local cops get called to the Cruz house for domestic violence (HIM beating the parents up?) 39!.. I've seen friends and others, who got arrested and CHARGED, after just ONE CALL OUT.. So had the LOCAL cops done that from the get go, he'd already have a DV Conviction on his record which ON ITS OWN, would have prevented him buying the guns...
Originally Posted by garhkal
A couple of points: As for the schools role: I agree with you that the politically/culturally "correct" environment in public schools from the 80's-90's on, which has been driven by the "feel good" Liberal principles forced upon schools through court decisions, statutes, and regulations has prohibited the schools (teachers and staff) from maintaining appropriate behavior in schools with parents demanding more of the schools and less authority of the schools over their children.
There was violence in schools and around schools in the 60's and 70's ... there was no internet, no 24/7 news cycles, and no cell phones. There was primarily print media and limited TV news that relied upon reports from school district personnel of incidents, who were interested in quelling any "concerns" in the community.
In today's media environment "we" hear more and see more, plus the parents are less involved in their children's behavior!
As for the "call outs" .... one would have to look at them in detail and determine why and how they were handled. I'm not arguing about the 39, but when you report he was beating up "his parents" ... I am hearing his "parents" were dead.
Evaluating "blame" based on media reports, as "we" have discovered over the past year plus, leads "us" to a dead end often.
If local LE appeared at this guy's residence in response to a violence complaint or call, which turned to be accurate, and did not "secure" the firearms at the residence (removing them into the PD custody) and assuring no more were acquired, then I would hold the local LE responsible for this specific incident.
The schools need to be pro-active at PREVENTION, and should have been. They get paid to babysit and take care of the students.