Himeros Desire God....and guys like him...what do you do??

hooker board gold UITB Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
GMTA's Avatar
  • GMTA
  • 03-23-2018, 12:08 AM
I congratulate all you ladies for telling the truth and coming out about this it's not right you shouldn't have to put up with it there's plenty of us Good Guys in shreveport-bossier
Glad that truth is out and over!!! #byedude
I knew there was a reason I told him just one word answers of NO. Forever. He kept pushing then when we did see him he was rude pushy and overstayed his welcome all while trying to stand over us in a very dominant way.. dude you were with 2 almost 6 foot tall women.. not intimidating like you wanted it to be..
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Is the viper more dangerous in the light of day or lurking in the shadows?

Lucuyslove's Avatar
Wow thank you for the heads up this guy is a douchebag
The standing on the bed and trying to force CIM he did the exact same thing to me
Lucuyslove's Avatar
I swear to God that would be the last time he man ever did that to me if you tried to do that I swear I would bite that son-of-a-bitch off then he would have nothing to do the damn thing with just saying
Sketchy's Avatar
Why bump an old thread from a year ago?
Sketchy's Avatar
Nevermind. I think I may have found the answer in another thread.