JR, nothing against you and I'm not taking sides but I laughed my ass off at MsElena's response. I don't think I've ever seen anyone tell someone to "shut up" on this site.
If it will help cool down the flames, everyone is free to compare me unfavorably with my friend in my avatar. Believe me, he's far cuter than I am.
Originally Posted by janwalshs
Just giving MsElena a little attention she so desires. With 17 months and 1941 postings that works out to about 115 per month. She isn't even from Kansas City; she is from Omaha. I do business on a regular schedule in Omaha. But I wouldn't walk across the street for free to see MsElena. She scares the hell out of me with her openness lay it all out there attitude. I like a little more security than that. I have no interest in MsElena's whips and chains. My response to her is simply; I don't care for a bimbo; most of her posts have nothing to say, they are just 1941 posts trying to get attention and promote a failing business.
As for KatKisses; just go to her showcase. Others have previously told her to get new pictures and get rid of the frown. She doesn't listen. Be kind? OK, for the first dozen times. She just complains and takes up space when others want to visit. The first time I looked at her picture I truly thought: "she couldn't pay me to see her for any amount of money". Most of these girls are really great people. But there are a few who think that they don't have to do anything at all to get some business, (not even clean up and get a decent picture) just be themselves and the guys will fall all over themselves to get to them.
Whenever, my daughters started the "I am a little girl, I don't have to do my homework" routine; I straightened that out fast. Motivation can be inculcated. Watch out for the woman who are in this business just because they are too lazy to work. They will be a failure at anything they do.
But even a woman who is less than a beauty queen can make a guy feel like a king. My best recent experience was with a lady who was older than her pictures, but I went ahead anyway and she was so nice that the session, and her reward, was greatly extended. We are now friends.
Sorry, the truth is there are more women available than men. None of us should have to put up with this nonsense. If a guy has a job, and is halfway nice, and not a total wimp, the women will flock to him. We pay these girls to leave us alone when we are finished. If you just want sex, it is available for free; but then, all the free ones want to stay and clean your house and do your dishes. Gee, sometimes a guy just wants to relax and have a fun time. The girls need to understand we all need to relax, have a little fun, get away from the job and just plain chill.
I have met some wonderful ladies who have contributed to my sanity. Life was made good again after the deaths of two wives. Sex can help us get over grief, trauma, burn-out, and depression; in the long run it is cheaper than a shrink. When times are tough, take a vacation, get a girl. Life goes on for everyone until it ends. Enjoy life, and enjoy the ladies. But it is the guy's choice.