Impeach Kavanaugh!

pussycat's Avatar
If she has a gofundme account that's a problem.

That idiot cop in Ferguson who cowardly shot an unarmed black man while the cop was still in his car and then claimed he was "afraid for his life" started a gofundme account and then retired because of all the money he made.

Every asshole gets one of those accounts and all they are are beggers no better than the creeps on the street corners of Austin.

It's pathetic.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
That idiot cop in Ferguson who cowardly shot an unarmed black man while the cop was still in his car and then claimed he was "afraid for his life" Originally Posted by pussycat

Let me fix up the above sentence so it more clearly reflects the eye witnesses testimony to the grand jury:

That heroic cop in Ferguson, who reluctantly shot a stoned and charging 325 lb., 6ft 2 in, black man - after he and another accomplice had tried to wrestle away the police officer's gun from him while he was sitting in his patrol car, after the officer has asked the pair to refrain from walking down the middle of a multi-lane road during rush hour, claimed he was protecting the citizens that were being held hostage in traffic by the charging man.

Yup, much more accurate now
pussycat's Avatar
Let me fix up the above sentence so it more clearly reflects the eye witnesses testimony to the grand jury:

That heroic cop in Ferguson, who reluctantly shot a stoned and charging 325 lb., 6ft 2 in, black man - after he and another accomplice had tried to wrestle away the police officer's gun from him while he was sitting in his patrol car, after the officer has asked the pair to refrain from walking down the middle of a multi-lane road during rush hour, claimed he was protecting the citizens that were being held hostage in traffic by the charging man.

Yup, much more accurate now Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Grand Jury? Is that a joke. The Grand Jury was stacked to obtain a No Bill, as is the case in most such cases, including all those in Austin in which cops shoot unarmed men. Call me old fashioned but I still believe in the code of the West that there is nothing more dishonorable than to shoot an unarmed man. In the case of police it's particularly immoral given that they have tasers, batons, and other methods of dealing with drunk or disorderly people who want to fight with them. Of course the cops are always going to pull out their cowardly excuse, "Hey I can't fight with anyone because what if they grab my gun from me!" That's total bullshit.

The cop in Ferguson was about six foot four inches, was in his car when all this started, and had ample means to bring that idiotic disturbance of the peace to an end without killing anybody. He didn't even try. He just went for his gun and killed the guy like the coward he was, and is. And now he's retired because his moronic supporters sent him over $700,000 on a GoFundMe account which he had no need for. He was no victim of anything. The only victim was the idiotic assailant who was high and out of control. The first job of any peace officer is to keep the peace, and that has always meant being able to handle themselves when dealing with drunk, high assholes who are out of control. If they can't do that without resorting to lethal force than they are useless. Furthermore every time a cop does this it costs the city they work for over a million dollars in legal consequences.
Precious_b's Avatar
Grand Jury? Is that a joke. The Grand Jury was stacked to obtain a No Bill, as is the case in most such cases, including all those in Austin in which cops shoot unarmed men.I just know that when they came to their decision, they released all the evidence to the public that was used immediately. I thought that unusual but also something a previous solicitor general did so as to keep things above board. Call me old fashioned but I still believe in the code of the West that there is nothing more dishonorable than to shoot an unarmed man.Wait for it.... In the case of police it's particularly immoral given that they have tasers, batons, and other methods of dealing with drunk or disorderly people who want to fight with them. Of course the cops are always going to pull out their cowardly excuse, "Hey I can't fight with anyone because what if they grab my gun from me!" That's total bullshit.

The cop in Ferguson was about six foot four inches, was in his car when all this started, and had ample means to bring that idiotic disturbance of the peace to an end without killing anybody. He didn't even try. He just went for his gun and killed the guy like the coward he was, and is. And now he's retired because his moronic supporters sent him over $700,000 on a GoFundMe account which he had no need for.You can always start a GFM account. And people can pledge. Getting them to pay the pledge is another story. He was no victim of anything. The only victim was the idiotic assailant who was high and out of control.And there it is. Since the officer was dealing with someone whose neural pathways were being chemically manipulated, I don't blame him for using lethal force. Read too many instances where people are high and, even with deadly force, you have a hard time stopping them. The first job of any peace officer is to keep the peace, and that has always meant being able to handle themselves when dealing with drunk, high assholes who are out of control. If they can't do that without resorting to lethal force than they are useless. Furthermore every time a cop does this it costs the city they work for over a million dollars in legal consequences.How much does it cost to go through the legal ringer of convicting and having the guilty serve? Originally Posted by pussycat
What got me about Ferguson was when it first hit the media. All the people raging and such. Telling how the guy was shot in the back, beaten, etc. With so many supposed witnesses, how come there was no video? Everyone has a camera on their phone. The incident did not play itself out in just a few seconds from start to stop. Forensics didn't support what practically everyone who *witnessed* the events stated.

Things just didn't add up to me and I just was waiting for the outcome of the trial. And when it did finish, the prosecution released everything used in the trial.
Did the people bother did go over the evidence? Were the grate majority of those people attending the trial everyday so as to know what was happening?
What they did was riot.
I have no sympathy for that when you do not check out the evidence yourself FIRST.
pussycat's Avatar
What got me about Ferguson was when it first hit the media. All the people raging and such. Telling how the guy was shot in the back, beaten, etc. With so many supposed witnesses, how come there was no video? Everyone has a camera on their phone. The incident did not play itself out in just a few seconds from start to stop. Forensics didn't support what practically everyone who *witnessed* the events stated.

Things just didn't add up to me and I just was waiting for the outcome of the trial. And when it did finish, the prosecution released everything used in the trial.
Did the people bother did go over the evidence? Were the grate majority of those people attending the trial everyday so as to know what was happening?
What they did was riot.
I have no sympathy for that when you do not check out the evidence yourself FIRST. Originally Posted by Precious_b
There was no trial, just a statement from the crooked District Attorney that he would press no charges.

People can try to spin it anyway they want but the fact is that the 300 pound victim was unarmed. That' the only thing that matters. If you are a citizen and an unarmed man charges you it's not going to cut it to pull out your concealed weapon and unload it. You're going to be Indicted. You're going to be arrested. You will be charged. And officers have batons and tasers and plenty of training as to how to handle drunken idiots who want to fight with you. Only cowards draw their guns and fire on unarmed drunken assholes.

We used to have iron men with wooden weapons and now we have wooden men with iron weapons.
Precious_b's Avatar
I didn't pay attention to the trial.
If I wanted to, the Prosecutor made it easy by releasing the materials for inspection.

And i'm not gonna try to spin it anyway. Only use what you stated. He was on drugs, he was combative, he was a big person.
I will interject one thing though: with all the above, the *victim* should know that being the color individual he is, he should expect a bullet.

Whenever I draw the attention of law enforcement, I ALWAYS make sure my hands are in plain site and follow LE instructions.
pussycat's Avatar
I didn't pay attention to the trial.
If I wanted to, the Prosecutor made it easy by releasing the materials for inspection.

And i'm not gonna try to spin it anyway. Only use what you stated. He was on drugs, he was combative, he was a big person.
I will interject one thing though: with all the above, the *victim* should know that being the color individual he is, he should expect a bullet.

Whenever I draw the attention of law enforcement, I ALWAYS make sure my hands are in plain site and follow LE instructions. Originally Posted by Precious_b
So do I because I do everything I can to avoid an escalation.

But that's no excuse for a 6'4" officer shooting an unarmed man and then claiming that he "felt" his life was in danger. It wasn't.
Precious_b's Avatar
So do I because I do everything I can to avoid an escalation.

But that's no excuse for a 6'4" officer shooting an unarmed man and then claiming that he "felt" his life was in danger. It wasn't. Originally Posted by pussycat
Okay. So it seems you don't like the fact that he exercised a certain option available to him. Also, you see that the person shot was either raised wrong or was a fool.

This is where we have stated our personal opinions.

As I stated before, with the maelstrom of people giving multitudes of their POV of what went down, it amazed me at the lack of video from any of these people that provided proof of the many stories they said.
So do I because I do everything I can to avoid an escalation.

But that's no excuse for a 6'4" officer shooting an unarmed man and then claiming that he "felt" his life was in danger. It wasn't. Originally Posted by pussycat
This is how I know you've never been in a real fight. Your statement is also pretty fucking ridiculous because you're only taking into account height and not weight. A dude that size can kill or cripple you pretty easily. I mean he shared the cop's orbital before dying. He literally punched him so hard that he broke his face and was going for the cop's gun.

The only reason that cop is alive is because the thug was too stupid to figure out a double lock holster. (Admittedly they're designed to prevent someone ripping it out from the front.)

If you engage in that kind of deadly attack against someone (who wasn't even trying to arrest him for the strong arm robbery he'd committed minutes before he died) you have no right to determine what's fair use of force. After beating the living crap out of the cop he had the fucking nerve to charge him while at gunpoint. He deserved to die.

But hey, nice way to blatantly pivot away from my point about Ford. That was subtle as a sledgehammer. Hey... have you seen that several of the accuser's have now been caught and admitted to lying?
pussycat's Avatar
You are implying that any attack by a large person must be dealt with lethal force. Try telling that to any of the security people or door men in any club in America!! lol

That is laughable. Ever been to a club? Ever see a big drunk guy get out of control? Ever seen him taken down by trained professionals?

Ever heard of a baton? Ever seen one used? What about a taser? Officers have tools Dude.

If every time a big asshole started a fight in a club the security there pulled out their guns and shot him there would be hundreds of such killings every day!

You're just a law enforcement stooge. You just love the cops.

Whatever are you doing on a board like this anyway?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Ever heard of a baton? Ever seen one used? What about a taser? Officers have tools Dude. Originally Posted by pussycat

Rodney King comes to mind. He was a big 'un too. They tasered him 4 times and he kept coming. The took the batons to him and he kept coming. Took four men with batons to subdue him.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
So do I because I do everything I can to avoid an escalation.
. Originally Posted by pussycat

At least we all agree that brutally attacking a police officer in their cruiser and trying to take away their weapon, which discharged in the process, and then charging at the officer - is not considered deescalation.
Dev Null's Avatar
To the tune of "Keep it Coming Love":

Keep Brett Kavanaugh
Keep Brett Kavanaugh
Don't stop it now
Stop it no
Stop it

Keep Brett Kavanaugh
Keep Brett Kavanaugh
He may be be an entitled frat rat
But Trump nominated him
So we don't care about that

Keep Brett Kavanaugh
Keep Brett Kavanaugh
If he had been a Democrat
We never would have stood for that

Okay, that was kind of lame. Let's open it up to croud sourcing.
Precious_b's Avatar
If what KI2 states is true (fractured cranium or something of the sort) that would definitely rule lethal force. Don't care how you argue it. The dead party was a fool, to be polite. The event wasn't something governed by Marquess of Queensberry rules.
Little Monster's Avatar
1) Uh huh. You know that the majority of men that the Innocence Project frees of wrongful conviction were accused of rape, right? Not to mention the mere accusation of sexual misconduct, with zero evidence, is enough to ruin a man's life. You're a good example.

And you are aware that "The Innocence Project" only takes on cases where there is strong DNA evidence involved in the case, RIGHT?????

2) Only the Republican's then? What about all the many women assaulted by Bill Clinton? Note that Juanita Broderick can recall exactly what happened to her without having to scrub her social media, lie about being afraid of flying, or hide behind vocal fry. Is he too far back for you? Keith Ellison is an abusive monster and the democratic party is supporting him. When it's one of theirs they want evidence.

OK, obviously my point flew right over your head. Not a surprise here. And then you manage to bring up the Clinton's?? Seriously? Pointing fingers at others only reeks of guilt and back peddling. It is this process that got your side beat in this very recent election. So perhaps I should thank you?

3) If only 1/3 of rapes are reported how do you know the supposed 2/3rds actually occurred? It's a ridiculous statement. You know how I know you're just making up statistics? Because the actual claim is only 1 in 10 is reported to law enforcement. It sounds worse until you look at the criteria of the study that resulted in that number. The tenth that is reported comes from the number of incidents of rape investigated by local law enforcement as reported to the FBI. The other number, that supposedly there are ten times as many, comes from a study with different criteria.

Make stuff up???? Make stuff up??? Would "Your's Truly "make stuff up" ?? Unlike you I actually do my research. Here you go " Smart One"

The FBI criteria is any forcible penetration. The study that provides these numbers was done on a college campus and included criteria that allowed for mutually consensual sex while both parties are intoxicated to be counted as a rape. A girl is asked on a date and turns it down? Rape. A girl saw a guy make a pass at a woman who didn't mind it? Rape. I'm not making this up. How do you think they came up with the 1 in 4 number for college campuses came about? That would mean a girl is more likely to be raped on a western college campus than in the Congo during a civil war.

Now this right here is just the type of response I would expect from someone who has recently had alerts posted on his ass for things relating to this very subject. Now, I don't expect a guy like you to understand this, but there is a difference between "sexual assault" and "rape".You are aware of this right?

Ford got a lot of shit because she was absolutely the worst kind of false accuser. We had a girl in the army who would literally accuse any male NCO in charge of her with sexual harassment as soon as he told her to do something. She did it to five people and her boyfriend before they wised up and kicked her out. Ford is worse because it was a pure political ploy to stall until the Dems hopefully take congress during the midterms. Why else did Feinstein sit on the letter for months until the right moment for a hail mary? Why did Ford scrub her social media that was later revealed to show evidence that she was a hyper partisan zealot? Why did she fucking stall with that "fear of flying" lie when she'd traveled all the time for work and pleasure? Worst of all why the ever loving fuck is a tenured professor of CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY citing a POLYGRAPH as proof of credibility? They're not admissible in court for a reason.

Comparing some Army story which has absolutely no kind of comparison with the Kavie case is doing nothing more than exposing your level of ignorance. I will believe someone who passes a polygraph over someone of your mentality any day.

It was an absolutely transparent hatchet job. I won't make the same argument most would make about "I know actual rape victims who are pissed about it" even though I do. I know a psychiatrist who finally decided to #WalkAway because of this. She was absolutely floored by the polygraph comment.

Good for your friend, but let me get this straight, you're willing to believe that the Clinton's ran a sex ring opperation out of a pizza parlor, but you won't believe a person who passed a polygraph???

Not surprised...

I guess I should be thankful for people like Ford and people like you. The masks are coming off and the moderates that make up my social circle are looking around and not liking what they see. Originally Posted by Killeeninformer2
This is about the eighth time you have brought up how you've, "walked away" and my answer still remains. NOBODY GIVES A SHIT! Good we don't want a guy like you on our side you belong "over there". And no you are not thankful for people like me because it is people like me who handed your side yet another loss. Down play it all you want to but. YOU LOST!!!