
WTF's Avatar
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  • 01-20-2019, 09:55 AM
SMFH Originally Posted by bb1961
That is obvious by your posts...
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  • WTF
  • 01-20-2019, 10:00 AM
They are holding themselves back, knowing it wouldn't be prudent. Originally Posted by friendly fred
The fat lady hasn't sung yet...

We now know that Trump was lying about Stormy and about dealing with Russians.

We will soon enough know if he directed his fixer to lie.

Look, I think the left will error gravely if they try to impeach...I've always been a proponent that impeachment comes from within the party or through the ballot box. I do not think the Trumpers will ever turn on the ballot box it is.
LexusLover's Avatar

But I never turned on my lawyer like Trump turned on Cohen.
Originally Posted by themystic
Once Cohen started talking shit about Trump, Trump can talk shit.

Cohen's law license is toast anyway. He's just trying to minimize prison time, which is no excuse or defense, but just an explanation.
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  • WTF
  • 01-20-2019, 10:11 AM
Once Cohen started talking shit about Trump, Trump can talk shit.

Cohen's law license is toast anyway. He's just trying to minimize prison time, which is no excuse or defense, but just an explanation. Originally Posted by LexusLover
So Trump employed a liar for over 20 years?

Here is another explanation. . . If Cohen is caught lying....his jail time will be enhanced not lowered.

So your explanation has more than the one side you have presented.

Nice try though
themystic's Avatar
Once Cohen started talking shit about Trump, Trump can talk shit.

Cohen's law license is toast anyway. He's just trying to minimize prison time, which is no excuse or defense, but just an explanation. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Like I said I never got to that point with a lawyer. Shit had to get real bad for Cohen to record and publicize them. Stuff the public doesn't know about was happening. Mueller hasn't released everything he knows but Id bet the house he already has enough to indict Trump. I don't want Trump indicted only because it looks bad for Americans. I want him gone. The last blue wave at the midterms echo my belief

You can support the scumbag all you want but he is a Liar and a con. The worst part is he lied to his base. The cracks in the base are getting bigger everyday
My son Originally Posted by themystic
I got your son...Hanging!!
Buzzfeed stands by their statement Originally Posted by themystic
And you stand by all yours...nuff said!!
themystic's Avatar
Once Cohen started talking shit about Trump, Trump can talk shit.

Cohen's law license is toast anyway. He's just trying to minimize prison time, which is no excuse or defense, but just an explanation. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Heres some rare footage of Cohen and Trump in court
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  • WTF
  • 01-20-2019, 10:29 AM
I got your son...Hanging!! Originally Posted by bb1961
We can not talk to each other this type of negative tone....unless of course you want points.
themystic's Avatar
I got your son...Hanging!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Its going to be ok bb.

please see the provided link. it will help you deal with your frustration towards me
themystic's Avatar
We can not talk to each other this type of negative tone....unless of course you want points. Originally Posted by WTF
It doesn't bother me but they really should follow the rules. I never rtm Wakeup like the snowflakes have done to me many times. They want to censor me because they don't like my opinion. They put it in their posts. Every time WU says to stop something in a thread I stop posting in that thread because I respect him for doing a thankless job. I never personally belittle them. I just point out when the don't know their stuff. That's a frequent occurrence with these snowflakes on the right. They pride themselves on being deplorable morons and even make T Shirts that they sell at their Rally's. They call Democrats " dims", "dimtards,"dimwits" etc. but cry foul when you call them snowflakes. They talk about the MSM as the enemy of the people. If you point out that this is the tactic of autocratic governments they cry foul and act like snowflakes. There are a lot of similarities to Trump and Nazi Germany but in NO WAY AM I COMPARING TRUMP TO HITLER. The snowflakes on the right will bomb me with Hitler bullshit just because I point out the obvious. I feel sorry for them that they have lost their sense of values and character but that's just values as I see them. Hell who knows, maybe they are right. But until they convince me other wise, I agree with their self description of themselves, they are deplorable morons
Hotrod511's Avatar
It doesn't bother me but they really should follow the rules. I never rtm Wakeup like the snowflakes have done to me many times. They want to censor me because they don't like my opinion. They put it in their posts. Every time WU says to stop something in a thread I stop posting in that thread because I respect him for doing a thankless job. I never personally belittle them. I just point out when the don't know their stuff. That's a frequent occurrence with these snowflakes on the right. They pride themselves on being deplorable morons and even make T Shirts that they sell at their Rally's. They call Democrats " dims", "dimtards,"dimwits" etc. but cry foul when you call them snowflakes. They talk about the MSM as the enemy of the people. If you point out that this is the tactic of autocratic governments they cry foul and act like snowflakes. There are a lot of similarities to Trump and Nazi Germany but in NO WAY AM I COMPARING TRUMP TO HITLER. The snowflakes on the right will bomb me with Hitler bullshit just because I point out the obvious. I feel sorry for them that they have lost their sense of values and character but that's just values as I see them. Hell who knows, maybe they are right. But until they convince me other wise, I agree with their self description of themselves, they are deplorable morons Originally Posted by themystic

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dilbert firestorm's Avatar
mystic.. snowflakes have more to do with liberals fragile state of mind, they wilt or melt down at slight offensive suggestion.

that doesn't really fit conservatives. you want to call conservatives nasty, just call conservatives kinderflake. they do tend to combust.
I agree with you Fred. I've had some extensive legal issues and experiences in my life. Im glad my lawyer never turned on me.

But I never turned on my lawyer like Trump turned on Cohen. Same scenario as Sammy The Bull. When he listened to tapes of Gotti talking him down he turned snitch. Same thing is happening to Trump

For the record, Trump was named as Individual one as an unindicted co conspirator Originally Posted by themystic
The lawyer has a higher obligation than his client.