Why Do A Majority of White Republicans Hate The Government

Fair enough. But there sure is a lot of "circumstantial" evidence. When Mueller was first appointed Republican politicians were talking about how great he was. Every Intelligence agency said the Russian interfered and Trump said in Helsinki that he believed Putin. There is way to much "circumstantial" evidence to think the Russians and Trump campaign didn't collude. 38 indictments Jackie Originally Posted by themystic
Your buddy Mulehead must be a ne'er-do well personified!!
You're FUCKING praying that he has the goods on Trump...and a BIG NADA!!!...just like you!!
Too fucking bad for you...BUDDY!!
The Republicans are mainly to blame for the illegal immigration problem. Dumb fucks in places like Pittsburg don't know anything about the border or Mexicans Originally Posted by themystic
What aren't the Republican to blame for...abolish ICE,sanctuary cities and open boarders with no barriers...GOTCHA!!
You are one Intellectual MIDGET!!
Your man child Bobby Beto said the should be no walls!!https://www.realclearpolitics.com/vi...n_el_paso.html
You need to get out of your cave more...
Or is it to full of illegals??
themystic's Avatar
What aren't the Republican to blame for...abolish ICE,sanctuary cities and open boarders with no barriers...GOTCHA!!
You are one Intellectual MIDGET!!
Your man child Bobby Beto said the should be no walls!!https://www.realclearpolitics.com/vi...n_el_paso.html
You need to get out of your cave more...
Or is it to full of illegals?? Originally Posted by bb1961
bb I was hoping your computer skills would be getting better. Unfortunately they haven't. Maybe you should study politics first and then learn the keyboard. Whos your favorite wrestler? Trump? The Rock. Hulk?
  • grean
  • 02-25-2019, 11:36 AM
Serious question. I just cant figure this out. They hate and rail against the government for no legit reason. In fact black people and other minorities have been the only groups oppressed by the government and had secret experiments performed on them and had their intellectual property rights stolen and credited to white men. Seems to me that white Republicans have no reason to complain in light of these facts...so just what is your beef? Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Republicans of all races generally feel the federal government should be very limited.

Sure Republicans, like you mentioned in a later post, are crazy about federal regulations. That's all republicans, white, black,hispanic, asian, middle eastern or some here in between, and women too, believe government should be at a local level or completely removed from a lot of issues.

I don't believe Democrats have a monopoly on doing the right thing.

I think they are equally able to horribly screw things up and play up skewed if not completely bullshit fake facts & made up stats to push their agenda.
FrankZappa's Avatar
Republicans want to privatize everything so they can make money off of it. Like private prisons, toll roads, schools, and everything else.

What I find funny is for every govt employee there are 2 private contractors behind the scenes.

The anti govt shit started with Reagan.
  • oeb11
  • 02-25-2019, 12:16 PM
Republicans of all races generally feel the federal government should be very limited.

Sure Republicans, like you mentioned in a later post, are crazy about federal regulations. That's all republicans, white, black,hispanic, asian, middle eastern or some here in between, and women too, believe government should be at a local level or completely removed from a lot of issues.

I don't believe Democrats have a monopoly on doing the right thing.

I think they are equally able to horribly screw things up and play up skewed if not completely bullshit fake facts & made up stats to push their agenda. Originally Posted by grean

Thank You, Grean.

And for Equal Opportunity for all, instead of Government mandated equal outcome for All.
I have seen no documentation of the allegation that Republicans "Hate the Government". At best it is an inconvenient nuisance, at worst - True tyranny.
That may be Your true feelings about republicans - OP- but all people are human and entitled to their own opinions.

I think One is just trying to stir up some outrage and controversy - and best Ignored!!!
a corollary might be asked,

why does the government hate conservatives?

while not quite exactly the same there is a similarity with why conservatives hate the main stream media, and the answer is, the main stream media hated conservatives first

but not all of government hates conservatives and not all of government is hated by conservatives

and the term hate is a misuse of the word. wish a better, fairer government is a better choice, dislike the misuse of government is a further descriptor

and like the left, when powers of government are held by those we don't trust or we dislike, we may tend to dislike aspects of the government we once liked

but there are aspects in all of government that a conservative will dislike

misuse and wastefulness of course, fraud and corruption, lack of a proprietary interest

a government that is bloated and inefficient and furthers its own interest is at odds with conservatism

government employees, in protection of their pay, benefits and work requirements, are almost naturally opposed to conservatives. why were conservative organizations targeted by the irs under obama? because as obama was protecting his power and the next election by limiting speech of conservatives, union employees were in concert with him and were protecting their own

the nature of conservatism is to want a smaller, constitutionally based, fair to all, efficient government

while the nature of government employees is to protect their individual department, and protect its budget by spending down its budget at the end of each year to insure an increase the next year, to protect employees until is near impossible to discharge one, to get and keep excess personnel, and ever increase benefits and time off, and so they hate, or at least dislike, half the country

you would be surprised to know the number of departments in the federal government that has its own armed to the teeth police force

and when they use the offices of government to hate on and even assume the walmart shoppers they smell are conservatives, when in fact, many likely vote dim, who hated who first?
  • grean
  • 02-25-2019, 01:49 PM
On the other hand conservatives love big government regarding abortion.

Liberals are really for states rights when the state wants to take away more gun rights than the federal government will allow. Liberal hate an over reaching federal government that tells a state it cannot infringe on a man's 2A right.
  • oeb11
  • 02-25-2019, 01:51 PM
Well Written, NGIT!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It’s a paradox.

As much as everybody mutually “hates” about government, it’s amazing that everything has to be couched in terms of black and white.

On many sides. On many sides.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well Written, NGIT!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
like an ee cummings poem
winn dixie's Avatar
Republicans want to privatize everything so they can make money off of it. Like private prisons, toll roads, schools, and everything else.

What I find funny is for every govt employee there are 2 private contractors behind the scenes.

The anti govt shit started with Reagan. Originally Posted by FrankZappa

However. "Government is not the solution" Government is the problem!"

Look at what pussolinni and her ilk are doing to hold the governmental process hostage! All she/they do is investigate and say no! Complete obstructionists!
winn dixie's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 02-25-2019, 05:21 PM
like an ee cummings poem Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

You are correct if referring to the thoughtful post by NGIT
There was a question mark in the post , however.

e e wrote some interesting, mind-expanding poetry.

I think almost 3,000 poems.
themystic's Avatar
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ixNPplo-SU Originally Posted by winn dixie
also the most corrupt president . trump will beat him though. btw Reagan is the one who coined the phrase MAGA. trumps dumb ass followers think trump made that up. the same morons who believe that think that Mexico is paying for an imaginary wall? I know its hard to believe anyone is that stupid but hey.........