Use of The New Thread Button in Encounters

It isn't the same. But because that is the precedent for situations where no activities took place, this is getting handled the same way.
It isn't the same. But because that is the precedent for situations where no activities took place, this is getting handled the same way. Originally Posted by B Three
This is a toughie for the mods

Ultimately if you cannot pass someone's screening there is No NCNS
john_deere's Avatar
Okay, because this is SUCH A BIG DEAL to you guys. there was no mistake make, because there was no precedent.

However, after Admin review, there now is an official word on this. There were no activities and no meeting, so it should be handled like an NCNS.

So, it is getting moved back to COED and reopened. Y'all can explain to Asian Emily why you want to drag this out... Originally Posted by B Three
you know, you can drip sarcasm all day, but the fact is some of us are paying customers of this website and there's nothing illegitimate about this conversation. as an admin, i'd expect you have better things to do than make enemies of your user base.
There is nothing illegitimate about it, but it was repeatedly rude. Just because I'm a volunteer here, doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to have an opinion and certainly doesn't mean that I need to put up with people attacking me via PM.

I don't take kindly to people calling me an idiot, sorry. I unlinked the review. I explained WHY i thought it was best for the lady to leave it alone and everyone kept attacking here, there, everywhere. So, when we conferred about it when people wouldn't let it go, I moved it to where the populous wanted it and now, surprise surprise, the insults continue. (That is sarcasm - the prior post was NOT - just frustration).

I'm not even sure why you think I was trying to make an enemy out of you. The others thanked me kindly, privately, for giving them what they wanted.

You all complain about your local mod(s) and when some actually comes to try to help, this is the result? WOW. It's almost as bad as all the PMs I get telling me to stay the fuck in the ladies' areas where I belong...or calling me "Sir" and "Dude." Nice
busternutzs's Avatar
Why then do Mods, and Admin repeatedly ignore PMs and emails when an issue is is brought to their attention or an attempt to take it up in private as outlined in the forum guidelines?

Emails are not answered and PMs are either ignored, or read without being acknowledged and go unanswered?
I can't speak for other mods/admins, but I get an inordinate amounts and emails. We are all volunteers, with lives. I know that I try to read anything I get within a few hours. Then I prioritize. If it is an emergency, like a safety issue or an outing concern, I will literally, pull over the car, excuse myself from the dinner table, etc., and deal with it ASAP.

If it is a request for a lady to be upgraded, a PA member locked out of his account, or someone needing a new password, then those get handled next - because they are somewhat time sensitive.

If it's a disable request (not a safety issue), I deal with those.

If it is a question about the website or rules that does not seem time sensitive, those are next. I try to be sure to answer everyone within a couple of days. Am I perfect? No. And occasionally, I miss something, especially if I read it late at night in a foggy state and simply forget to go back to it.

Many times, I answer PM or websupport emails within minutes, to the sender's surprise.

Personally speaking, if you send me a PM and it is an emergency and it's addressed promptly, then resend and send to someone else as well. If it isn't a true emergency, give me a few days and if you don't have your response, send a reminder.

Additionally, if you feel like you are being ignored by a Mod anywhere on the site, then reach out to an Admin and we will check on it for you.
CryptKicker's Avatar
And sometimes the PMs we get are simply a complaint about a warning/points we gave the sender while they know completely well the why of the action. Or sometimes it is a question or comment about a subject that we have talked about before and there is simply nothing more for us to add and so we do not feel compelled to answer the question or comment with the same answer we have given time and time again. Chica Chaser taught me and a lot of the mods a long time ago that we are not obligated to explain or reply to any of our actions to membership. It has always been that way but some folks just believe they are entitled.
busternutzs's Avatar
Chica Chaser taught me and a lot of the mods a long time ago that we are not obligated to explain or reply to any of our actions to membership. It has always been that way but some folks just believe they are entitled. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
When I see you participate in the same thing you publicly warn others against doing and your unprovoked hostility, disrespect, and name calling is directed at me I see you as being hypocritical and having double standards.

I certainly understand why you would not want to acknowledge my PMs and that it up privately.

I would think a Mod that warns other members not to do the same thing should be held to a higher standard especially when posting as a Mod.
I will add, I do usually ignore the "You're a fucking bitch" PMs.
CryptKicker's Avatar
When I see you participate in the same thing you publicly warn others against doing and your unprovoked hostility, disrespect, and name calling is directed at me I see you as being hypocritical and having double standards.

I certainly understand why you would not want to acknowledge my PMs and that it up privately.

I would think a Mod that warns other members not to do the same thing should be held to a higher standard especially when posting as a Mod. Originally Posted by busternutzs

You are welcome to RTM any post I have made directed to you that you find offensive.
busternutzs's Avatar
You are welcome to RTM any post I have made directed to you that you find offensive. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
I didn't say I am offended but it's hypocritical and displays double standards when you as a Mod violate the same forum guidelines you warn others against violating.
CryptKicker's Avatar
I didn't say I am offended but it's hypocritical and displays double standards when you violate the same forum guidelines you warn others against doing. Originally Posted by busternutzs
That's what I thought. Thanks for the laugh sir.
BBQ-Guy's Avatar
More whiskey please
john_deere's Avatar
careful about being critical - even if you weren't insulting - about actions taken by mods or admins. you might get infracted. ask me how i know.

i was fair. i SAID nobody is entitled to an explanation. but i also pointed that some of are paying customers. nobody should be sending nasty pm to an admin, but of course we don't know that's happening until somebody says it is. all this looked like was defensiveness. which i'm sure will earn me some more points.
I've never sent her a message calling anyone bitch or been disrespectful. I legit thought Three B was a dude. I said dude in one of two or three PMs sent to me by her the other day, asking to not comment on the thread before it was even closed.....
I immediately Sent a new PM saying how sorry I was for even thinking she was a guy, which I realized by reading one of her comments on a completely different thread where she references herself as a female . I was pleasantly surprised that the website had a female admin actually.

But calling her bitch or being rude at all was never part of the convo. I call dudes 'dude' cause well, they are in fact dudes. So it being thrown in the thread as part of the disrespect she has faced or whatever, was kinda shocking to me.

I feel like ppl aren't being heard by mods or admin, especially in this particular thread.... and I'm sure they get burned out, but it's clear what's happened here... whether or not anyone wants to admit to making a mistake or not. And turned into something bigger than it needed to be. It's been an eye opener that's for sure.