Go save a new "Crown" pimp tat/brand girl

TheWanderer's Avatar
I'll give an example of a few ladies I know that had the same pimp. These ladies were spoiled to the core!!! Vacations every other month, fancy cars....I mean all out spoiled. Houses...in their name!!! Cars in their name. Til this day I see their pics on my pages living the lavish life. .....your just going by what society has labeled it to be...or what movie you watched. Originally Posted by Carly's Angels
Was that Huggy Bear on Starsky and Hutch or was that Chuck Lumley from Night Shift?
Damn sure wasn't Ramrod from Vice Squad.
Did he set up a IRA for them as well?

Do you have any land for sale? How 'bout wolf-tickets?
cowboyesfan's Avatar
Was that Huggy Bear on Starsky and Hutch or was that Chuck Lumley from Night Shift?
Damn sure wasn't Ramrod from Vice Squad.
Did he set up a IRA for them as well?

Do you have any land for sale? How 'bout wolf-tickets? Originally Posted by TheWanderer

Lauren Lane's Avatar

I feel every girl is here for one reason or another and how they choose to be here is their choice. If they choose to be independent, managed by a pimp or agency then that is their choice to make.

Now on the other hand if I see a girl and she expresses to me that she has a pimp that is forcing her to do what she is doing and needs help I will do what I can to help her. Originally Posted by gptxman
I totally agree! This is how I see it. I am very much let everyone do as they please and do not press my views or opinions strongly upon them unless the ask. And even then I will normally preface with " Are you you truly wanting my opinion or do you want me to tell you what you want to hear?"

I have given advice and listening ear to a few girls in the situation that is being discussed and in those cases they toyed with the idea of be independent and on their own, but they also craved and desired the need to feel that they are a part of something or someone.
LL .. If you are feeling as if you would like to join in the adventures of 'Captain Save-A-Ho' then by all means lead the way and tell us how that worked out for you so that we might all know what not to do. However, I think it is very unfair to suggest to the actual independent ladies to take on that venture and all the heat that may come because we are not in that predicament. There is a reason they have non profits for that sort of thing. It is an undertaking that can be all consuming if the person offered help is in an abusive situation. Especially if that abuse is all they know or even worse how they have been taught to perceive love then the situation gets that much more complicated. Those women have to have some sort of moment of clarity happen in which they realize there could be a different way way to go about life and not only could it be different, but it could be better and then they have to develop the drive to see it though. No one person can do that for them. As indy's we may have a bleeding heart for them all day and want to help, but the saying " you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink" comes to mind. The next saying that comes to mind after that is "no good deed goes unpunished". The punishment on the particular undertaking you are suggesting could be rather difficult or possibly detrimental for an indy girl.

As far as Carly's remarks go, in a very real way she has a point. Call it manager, promoter, madame... it's all semantics. If they are profiting in a certain way off someone they are a pimp. How many of you have gone to an MP? Someone runs it, someone handles at least part of the money, someone is more involved than just an assistant I would think. If they are doing the promoting for the girls and profiting is that not sort of like pimping? In reference here is a link to some notorious 'pimps' http://www.businesspundit.com/americ...ps-and-madams/. It may be an extreme example, but an example of some known pimps in which abuse was not the overall theme.

It's the predatory abusive sort that are absolutely an issue! It is a sad situation for all affected.

There are many other ways to help also, such as:
*donating money/time/goods to local battered women shelters
*donating to abuse recovery centers

Not all of us are in a situation to be able to help even if we wanted to for the simple fact that most in that particular situation will need so much more than just a new friend with good advice.
LazurusLong's Avatar
The real question is do you want to see a girl who looks all bruised up? mal-nourished as the pimp is denying her food? If that were the case, the pimps would not make any money on her as no one would want to see her BCD. If he takes half or more of her money, who cares? if she is that stupid, then so be it. Except for the guys that want to "rescue" her from the life of persecution, as long as they give great "service" and the pimp himself stays away from you, no one cares about girls being pimped. Originally Posted by bigdog0311
I have to nominate that statement as the most bullshit and WRONG statement from an admitted liar I have ever read on this board OR any other hooker board in too many years to count.
Speak for yourself. You, lying dirt bag, are wrong and don't even know it.
I have to nominate that statement as the most bullshit and WRONG statement from an admitted liar I have ever read on this board OR any other hooker board in too many years to count. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Apparently you haven't read some of your own material.
Except for the guys that want to "rescue" her from the life of persecution, as long as they give great "service" and the pimp himself stays away from you, no one cares about girls being pimped. Originally Posted by bigdog0311
Bigdog, once again, you over reach yourself. If your saying you dont care if she is pimped out, thats fine. But don't go labeling all of us as that uncaring. Many guys do indeed care about this issue. Otherwise it would not keep coming up.

You have a bad, bad habit of trying to speak for all guys when your expressing your own feelings. Try speaking for yourself and leave the rest of us out of your "statements". If we agree with you, we will chime and and say so.
..alotta propaganda for a sex review boards... guess we are all lobbyist of our own cause in this sex-arms race :-) lolmhao.
..alotta propaganda for a sex review boards... guess we are all lobbyist of our own cause in this sex-arms race :-) lolmhao. Originally Posted by Angel VIP
Right on!
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Apparently you haven't read some of your own material. Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan


Originally Posted by LazurusLong

uhhh... no thanks. I heard you were pimped...


I've met Dallas... heh, I think he's the bitch in that "pimp ship"

By "met" I mean observed from a distance.
BarebackLover's Avatar
Most guys don't want to know if a hot girl has a pimp. They don't want to know how this hot 18yo got some nice clothes, a manicure, a great incall, and got into the business.

Hey Carly - if you have info on all of these pimps, why not come forward with their names? The truth is the truth, so if they're proud of their girls and their business, why not go public? Hell, they've put their brand on them.

Of course you can't tell us who these pimps are because they will seek retribution on you...and that's why most guys don't like pimps.
Wakeup's Avatar
LL has put out the call. I say we travel from country to country and gather up all likeminded individuals to go and liberate these girls from the oppression of their reprehensible rulers!

I mean, this worked so well back in 1147...
Forget the morality. I just don't really enjoy the company of people too stupid to keep their own money. I also find it difficult to connect with women who develop submissive emotional attachments to winners like this: