If you can cut the carbs, the weight will come off, grains particularly.
Originally Posted by weasel99
Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it. I've cut the carbs and junk food in the past and have lost lots of weight...then put all the weight back on and an extra 50 pounds after I broke my diet. I've been on diets for decades now and always become fatter after I inevitably break the diet and go on long food binges.
Telling me to cut the carbs/unhealthy food to improve my health is like telling an alcoholic that if he cuts out the alcohol, he can improve his health. It's one thing to know the right thing to do..it's quite another to do it and do it consistently. Food addiction is the worst addiction in the world, worse than any other addiction because you can never quit cold turkey the way you can with cigarettes, alcohol, and other substances.
Food addicts also can't hide their addiction due to their super obese bodies. Where as chain smokers and alcoholics regularly receive compliments for their sexy lean bodies and are put on a pedestal because smoking & drinking is considered cool...food addicts are looked upon with disgust and anger. Food addicts are lazy fatties who have no self control, not cool & sexy like the alcoholics and chain smokers. Yet we're all addicts in our own way. Oh well, no one said life is fair.
I've tried losing weight many times and failed. I've made my peace with my situation now. My doctor told me he doesn't think I will reach 40 and he was being serious because I suffer from many health problems due to my super obesity. I'm in my thirties. I'll enjoy whatever years I have left and then ride off into the sunset.
Sorry for the long message but thanks again for the advice.