No, I don't want you to ignore everything you know Chung.
I wish I could express myself better to you - the thing is, they come after Trump over everything. That's what I am angry about. I could understand if Trump did something that was a detriment to our country,ok? But does this look like he had nefarious intent towards the country? To me - no. I mean I'm looking for the beef but all I see is salad dressing. First, it was Russian dressing and now it's Thousand Island.
Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
that is a good explanation.. a visceral response, but good. they do come after Trump on just about everything, BUT.. if there is no there there, it would dry up faster than a raisin in the desert. I believe Trump feels like he did nothing wrong, and he was not trying to bring down our Country.. but his narcissism is extreme, and causes him to make poor decisions, even a few that are illegal.. he doesn't view them that way, nor do many followers, but that's why we have a Constitution.. without that, Rogue Actors would carry on, putting personal needs and desires first, putting the rest of us in bad positions, even dangerous positions.
and it's not just this Ukraine episode, it is continuous. but regarding Ukraine, Trump knew his action was not okay, which is why he set up the secret Server.. the Man is conniving, arrogant and narcissistic. deep down not a bad guy, if you stay off his enemies list. but if you don't play ball as he expects, he will bring the weight of retribution hard and fast, hence the great number of Cabinet defections and firings. I abhor this kind of person, but around 30% of the electorate adores that, and pees with joy every time Trump "defeats" another "enemy".