American Mormon Family Massacred in Mexico

You'd have to kill a few million people to accomplish anything. This is capitalism, as long as there is a market worth billions, there will be a supply. Legalizing is about the only thing that will make a dent.

And stay out of Mexico, it's that simple. This family is one of hundreds that get clipped all the time. It's a whole sale slaughter house in most of the country. Just about every form of self defense is illegal there. If you're anything but dark brown, you're a target. White, Asian, Black, it doesn't matter. It's quite literally the wild west down there, corrupt law, and rule by force for the cartels. Originally Posted by sand247
That sounds like you are saying the Mexicans are racist.

Chung Tran's Avatar
Your RACISM shows. I'll momentarily ignore the misguided arrogance you spew. Originally Posted by LexusLover
That sounds like you are saying the Mexicans are racist.

Sad. Originally Posted by friendly fred
wow, 2 posts in a row, tossing out the racism charge. get a grip guys, you sound like the AOC leftists with the ease of which you hurl your charge.

I will state the obvious in my "case".. how am I racist when I am saying YOU (you, meaning the ultra-right Kooks) celebrate black-on-black murder?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
wow, 2 posts in a row, tossing out the racism charge. get a grip guys, you sound like the AOC leftists with the ease of which you hurl your charge.

I will state the obvious in my "case".. how am I racist when I am saying YOU (you, meaning the ultra-right Kooks) celebrate black-on-black murder? Originally Posted by Chung Tran

we don't celebrate it. we merely state the fact that black on black violence is at epidemic levels. Detroit and Chicago are combat zones. nothing racist about facts.
  • oeb11
  • 11-06-2019, 05:47 PM
My, My - are the DPST's now sensitive about being tarred with their own brush?
Hoist on their own Petard?
Uncomfortable with their own Plantation politics Racism???
well - 2 out of three is reality - with apologies to Meatloaf.
Chung Tran's Avatar
we don't celebrate it. we merely state the fact that black on black violence is at epidemic levels. Detroit and Chicago are combat zones. nothing racist about facts. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
you ("the Right") sound gleeful every time you say it, about Chicago.. it is a fave talking point. am I supposed to think you are agonizing over it, like Schiff is the Impeachment inquiry that is just so sad?
  • oeb11
  • 11-06-2019, 05:59 PM
I do not consider my self the "Right" - and take no solace or joy in the murder rate/ violence in Chicago.

That horror speaks to the foolishness of long term DPST city management by ideology and graft and corruption, rather than addressing issues constructively. It is Chicago Plantation Politics as usual.

Their policies are unworkable - yet clung to along with the socialist ideology they embrace.
first off, Fuck You Bambi.. I saw your quoted post, fucking Troll. you always comment on my posts, knowing I won't see them, because you are on my blocked list.. the only one, God Damn Troll. you are worthless here, you have never done anything but TROLL.

yes, I partly blame "women" (not children, dumb ass) for what happened. they lead a reckless life. you conveniently ignore the others I blamed much more.

these "Ladies" basically gave up on the US, to spread their polygamous sect in a violent Country, putting their own babies at risk. that is beyond stupid and reckless. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
This is it.

These people choose not to live in the United States because they are not allowed to practice their version of Mormonism.

The kids are victims. They are bound by the warped beliefs of their parents to live in a place that offers none of the protections they would enjoy in the US.
Lapdog's Avatar
Your RACISM shows. I'll momentarily ignore the misguided arrogance you spew. Originally Posted by LexusLover
While you're at it, you should also ignore yourself, junior. You have your own overabundance of "misguided arrogance".
I have to agree with Jackie. I spoke to a friend of mine whose parents are Mormons. They said the same thing.

This is it.

These people choose not to live in the United States because they are not allowed to practice their version of Mormonism.

The kids are victims. They are bound by the warped beliefs of their parents to live in a place that offers none of the protections they would enjoy in the US. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Chung Tran's Avatar
I have to agree with Jackie. I spoke to a friend of mine whose parents are Mormons. They said the same thing. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
you can agree with me, too. Jackie did
LexusLover's Avatar
This is it.

These people choose not to live in the United States because they are not allowed to practice their version of Mormonism.

The kids are victims. They are bound by the warped beliefs of their parents to live in a place that offers none of the protections they would enjoy in the US. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Are you implying the animals that did this were doing the kids a favor?

Sure sounds like it. Protections?

[QUOTE=LexusLover;1061840209]Are you implying the animals that did this were doing the kids a favor?

LexusLover's Avatar
This is it.

These people choose not to live in the United States because they are not allowed to practice their version of Mormonism.

The kids are victims. They are bound by the warped beliefs of their parents to live in a place that offers none of the protections they would enjoy in the US. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Are you implying the animals that did this were doing the kids a favor?

Sure sounds like it. Protections?

Originally Posted by LexusLover
[QUOTE=Jackie S;1061840238]
Are you implying the animals that did this were doing the kids a favor?

??? Originally Posted by LexusLover
All of the human beings slaughtered in the incident are victims.

They were killed because they are "white"!

Nothing will happen to the actual shooters. Nothing. The group who did the shooting will round up innocent fodder from the crowd who opposes the occupation of their territory by the cartel and turn them over to the Mexican Army as the perpetrators. They will be beaten and tortured and those who survive will be put in prison until "the rest of their lives" or until they are able to escape while the guards are asleep.

Then they will be killed. The whole matter will be forgotten by the Mexican government just like the 100's of 1,000s others who have been slaughtered in Mexico ... the anti-gun country.
LexusLover's Avatar
....get a grip guys,


I will state the obvious in my "case".. how am I racist when I am saying YOU (you, meaning the ultra-right Kooks) celebrate black-on-black murder? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
For some reason you and your ILK believe that "black" is the only "color" of person who is the target of "racism" ...

.. and that "whites" are the only "racists"!!!

Why is that? Do you believe there's only one "race"?

Chung Tran's Avatar
For some reason you and your ILK believe that "black" is the only "color" of person who is the target of "racism" ...

.. and that "whites" are the only "racists"!!!
Originally Posted by LexusLover
false.. I don't believe that at all. what is my ilk?