I’d like to see age eliminated from reviews. Theirs is no more relevant than mine. We’re here for quality of session....and aesthetic, which is generally subjective. So it’s pointless to bicker over it. There was a well known provider here that was frequently age estimated in her 20’s. She was universally appreciated but still arguments ensued over age stated in reviews. As an experiment I showed a picture she sent me to 10 friends. Their age estimates ranged from 28-35. She was 52 at the time. There’s too much bickering here over superfluous bs. There’s plenty of times sessions don’t match up with reviews. It’s not the end of the world. Move on. I’d like to see personal attacks on posters and providers result in banning. A accurate review describing an unsatisfactory session and a No should be sufficient.
Originally Posted by Ronin3
totally agree. I know who you are describing, I will leave that discussion in the past, where it deserves to stay, but yeah, age is too-often weaponized by guys who are bent on destroying a Provider or her Spa. that is the first thing the Bull shitters reach for, a ridiculously false age report. in Yuna's case, there is a concerted effort to attack her, each poster has been discredited. all the previous reviews had been laudatory. guys with agenda's to destroy see the great reviews, and counter with absurd Bull Shit. so many fake handles lay dormant, never posting until they see the time is ripe to go in and destroy. obvious second, third, whatever handles from "Hater" handles that are continually banned.. PeterBota, HSL, etc.. a good step would be to systematically purge all handles that have not posted in 30 days.. the lie-in-wait Bullshit Shill handles. the Dude who "authored" this Fake review had 13 whole posts in 7 1/2 years on ECCIE! his Bullshit responder has 2, that one signed up last January. complete Frauds, ECCIE needs to clean house.