Loose lips sink ships

Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
We Don't Need The Whole Army To Kick Ass Just Our Most Elite To Get rid of Most Of Our Problems. Dipshit where did I say fire.
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 08-10-2011, 09:36 AM
Once again DD lies. I never said that Obama or Biden "leaked" information about a position. A lie by DD. I did say that Obama called far too much attention to them so he could bask in their accomplishments. The news is coming out now that this looked like a set up.

I originally posted this thread to express anger and sorrow for the loss of some good people. It is my belief, and many others, that people in power put these people in jeopardy for some good press coverage. Special Ops survive by remaining below the radar. This administration (I didn't see Palin, Bachman, or even Gringrich hanging out with them) used them as props. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I remember in the not so distant past a former vice president leaking information about an undercover CIA operator. That was okay with the repubs. And the president claiming Mission Accomplished and hanging out with the crew of an aircraft carrier. All this seemed to be just fine with the right wingnuts.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Your memory is mistaken. The "leak" came from Richard Armitage who was never VP. Scooter Libby got the blame, not for the leak, but that he couldn't accurately remember a 10 minute conversation two years earlier. The prosecutor Fitzgerald knew this and admitted it. I also write "leak" because the prosecutor also said that Valerie Plame didn't really qualify as a covert operative well before the "leak". Her status as a CIA officer had been written about by Robert Novak earlier.

As to the Mission Accomplished I don't remember Bush singling out any crewmen by name as Joe Biden wanted to do.

On the memory thing, I have seen video (it is probably on youtube) of Senator John Kerry at a hearing on the CIA. He held in his hand a copy of a report in which a covert operative was called agent smith (or maybe jones). At some point Kerry interrupted a speaker and asked by agent smith don't you mean agent xxxxxxxx and gave his real name. This was in public and the agent was covert. John Kerry had just broken the law by outing in public, on TV, a covert agent. http://archive.newsmax.com/archives/...4/225202.shtml Where is the outrage?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why is it every time President Obama is criticized, the response is "Well, Bush did this, or Bush did that"? Bush is NOT President! If Bush did something stupid or corrupt, it doesn't give later Presidents the opportunity to be stupid or corrupt with impunity.

And if President Bush is going to be the standard by which we evaluate the behavior of all future presidents, we've set a pretty low bar. I expect better of my president.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
And if your point is that the right wingers are hypocrites-DUH! As are many left wingers and middle wingers. There are lies and hypocrisy enough on all sides, and those are the two few things neither party lacks.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The main point still is that no VP outed any CIA agent. Didn't happen.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Apparently the assholes here have decided not to respond (but I know you're reading LOL) so be it.
Once again our man child president proves me right again. Using the arrival of the dead bodies of our heros to make political points. He reversed his own policy and then went against the wishes of the family members to get his two seconds of fame.
This is from the infamous conservative organization the AP http://news.yahoo.com/white-house-ph...223835400.html
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It really is a non-partisan statement to admit that President Obama is in way over his head.
Starry69's Avatar
It really is a non-partisan statement to admit that President Obama is in way over his head.
Can you name one person who could get their head around everything that's going on in this country and the world?

Being the President of the United States is arguably the biggest job in the world. Anybody who takes it will be "over his or her head." That's why they have all those advisers and specialists. All the Prez can do is pick the best advisers available and hope he is right about them being the best. Nobody is an expert on everything.

Really...You think if John McCain was President he'd have a firm grasp on everything and we'd be in a much better place right now?

I personally see no reason to believe that at all.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
All of the advisors are in over their heads. Timmy Geithner couldn't even get his taxes right and now he is running the economy?
I will say that Valerie Jarret is competent. She got Obama elected.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ok, any President is in over his/her head. But this one is in WAY over his head. Completely unqualified for the job. Being President is a far cry from being a law professor or community organizer.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
McCain and Obama were not the only choices. We will never get this country turned around as long as we keep electing Democrats or Republicans.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
McCain was selected by democrats to win in New Hampshire. Huckabee won in Iowa, Guilani and Romney were expected to do well in New Hampshire and Obama was expected win. The call went out on the Internet for democrats to support McCain. McCain won surprisingly and Hillary won which shocked all of the pollsters. Remember the shock? Obama supporters went over to McCain and then McCain was expected to win in South Carolina which he did. He never looked back after that. So we got liberal light and super liberal for our choices.
Randall Creed's Avatar
McCain and Obama were not the only choices. We will never get this country turned around as long as we keep electing Democrats or Republicans. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

This might be the best political statement I've ever read.