COVID 19 test

HedonistForever's Avatar
Someone said more testing taxes our resources. Someone else said a waste of money! Bullshit, it allows some of us to have the piece of mind to meet a person of the opposite sex. A new father to hold his baby. A mother to hug her visiting son. I’m saying this govt needs to do more! Faster! Why the fuck are we moving so slow while other countries have mass testing????!!!!! Originally Posted by Charley3

You seem to be under the impression that if you test negative on Monday, you are free to go about your business and get back to going into an amp, an apartment of a sex worker who is having intimate contact ( less than 6 feet apart ) meeting some of the most "irresponsible ( sure I'll stick my dick in a glory hole not knowing who is on the others side, that's always fun ) men on the planet". Do you not understand that on Tuesday you could be exposed to somebody who is asymptomatic and you get it thinking you are immune because you got a negative test on Monday. Come on man.

Yes, testing to find positive people who can then trace and warn those they have come in contact with just like herpes or gonorrhea serves a purpose until the numbers are so large as they are now, that tracing is of little benefit. That's when you get to the point when the "everybody stay home order" goes out because tracing is no longer effective.

If you feel sick, stay the fuck inside. What does it matter if you have COVID-19, you should not expose yourself to any other human being for a minimum of a couple of weeks if you exit symptoms of the flu.

If you are feeling sick and you simply must have a test for what ever reason, fine, call your doctor, get a script for a test which you will need, find a drive through, get a test and go home and wait or just stay the fuck home until you either feel better or you are having such a problem with breathing that you must go to a hospital where they may or may not be able to help you because plenty of people are dying in hospitals in case you haven't heard.

And because a country like South Korea with a population of 51 million did a good job of testing everybody or so they say, doesn't mean a country of 320 million is going to do the job as fast. It would have also been easier for a country of 51 million to have more masks and PPE available.

Now our leaders are discussing the possibility of passing out Immunity Cards when we are able to do antibody testing even though they will tell you that they have no earthly idea how long your immunity might last "IF" they have correctly tested you for antibodies.

So in a country where the left is absolutely against our government asking for papers to see if you are an American citizen, they are going to green light checking people for their Immunity Card" to see if they are "allowed" to travel freely? Fuck that no matter how good an idea it sounds.

It is beginning to look like this virus can spread more easily than some others but may not kill as many as we thought it would. Some how for the last few decades we have managed to turn our heads at 60,000 dead for Influenza A but we are going to destroy lives and our economy because this particular strain kills ten's of thousands? Why? We now know what we should be doing to keep the numbers down, lets get back to work and use some common sense for the next few months.

Saw a poll today that 72% of people say they will not go to a football game, concert again until their is an effective vaccine. That sounds reasonable to me but we can't go another 18 months with 17 million ( and growing ) Americans out of work. We simply can not.
  • oeb11
  • 04-10-2020, 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I disagree. what does "upon recovery" even mean? it has not been established that anyone has truly recovered from this virus. some may have, it is not proven though. some have not.. there has been many reports in Asia, of people catching the virus again, who thought they were immune. you can't just assume this virus mirrors those that came before.. I'm sure it does in many ways, but if you already know all about it, why keep testing?

Many people have recovered from the Wuhan virus infection - what do u think of a patient who recovered in the hospital from a severe infection and was discharged to home - and regained normal activities and function.

There are thousands in the US . And other countries.

The cae mortality rate is less than 1% - what happens to the 99%???They RECOVER. They get well - the bodies natural immune systems triumph and the patient gets better and goes home.

That is "Recovery".

Relapse - a recrudescence of infection - can occur - and is the likely explanation for "catching the virus again. patients who were not completely well and relapsed.

Once the immune system has antibodies - unlikely to "catch the infection a second time " particularly shortly after the initial infection. However, in patients with immune deficit disorders, or relative immune deficits - ie diabetes and other chronic illnesses - those patients are subject to more severe illness, a higher incidence of mortality, and likely relapse of their infection.

Now CT - you want to be a medical expert without med school and post doc training - go do your research and bring the medical articles defining "Upon recovery" in your opinion.
If u wish to argue medical issues - come prepared with medical literature and references.

There is a good epidemiologic reason to "keep testing" - Please go find some medical articles in the medical literature and define it for the readership.

If U Please.

And - Please be aware - I am not attacking U.

i disagree with your assertions regarding a subject at which u are not trained. ( My assumption reading Ur posts - if i am wrong, and u are medically trained in the US - i would appreciate a confirmation of that. )
  • oeb11
  • 04-10-2020, 08:46 PM
CT - that is known - the cohort of asymptomatic and minimally symptomatic people infected with Wuhan virus is significant. And consistent with well accepted virology knowledge.

and likely far outnumbers the cohort requiring hospitalization and/or ICU care.

Antibodies indicate previous infection in asymptomatic people - and B are correct - that cohort isimmune.

Studies undergoing now of harvesting serum antibodies for transfusion into seriously ill patients.
A technique used in the 1918 Spanish influenza epidemic.

Bambino is correct - with the addition to his sentence: They are immune "upon recovery" .
The rest of the sociology after that sentence - - well - IMHO not so much.
I disagree. what does "upon recovery" even mean? it has not been established that anyone has truly recovered from this virus. some may have, it is not proven though. some have not.. there has been many reports in Asia, of people catching the virus again, who thought they were immune. you can't just assume this virus mirrors those that came before.. I'm sure it does in many ways, but if you already know all about it, why keep testing? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Chung Tran's Avatar
we are going to destroy lives and our economy because this particular strain kills ten's of thousands? Why? We now know what we should be doing to keep the numbers down, lets get back to work and use some common sense for the next few months. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
why the impatience?

why does the right keep saying 'economy destroyed"? can't resist hyperbole?

why not do what the Science instructs? about 8 weeks of semi-quarantine, with social distancing.. that's all.. 3 weeks in, and you can't fucking stand it? biggest babies I have ever seen. that is NOTHING compared to what most of the World had endured at points in their lives. the economy has a backstop, the FED.. grow the fuck up, and do about 8 weeks (5 more).. quit whining.. it's not a good look.
I disagree. what does "upon recovery" even mean? it has not been established that anyone has truly recovered from this virus. some may have, it is not proven though. some have not.. there has been many reports in Asia, of people catching the virus again, who thought they were immune. you can't just assume this virus mirrors those that came before.. I'm sure it does in many ways, but if you already know all about it, why keep testing? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Nobody truly recovers? What the hell kind of shit is that? So if someone has a Covid-19 Virus they have it for life, is that what you mean by no one truly recovers? lot of people have and will recover from this virus and other virus infection and it's easy to prove.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Nobody truly recovers? What the hell kind of shit is that? So if someone has a Covid-19 Virus they have it for life, is that what you mean by no one truly recovers? lot of people have and will recover from this virus and other virus infection and it's easy to prove. Originally Posted by Levianon17
your reading comprehension continually shows itself to be abysmal.

I didn't say nobody recovers, I said it has not been established that anyone YET, i.e., so far, has fully recovered. Jesus, can't you find an online reading teacher or something?
HedonistForever's Avatar
why the impatience?

Oh I don't know, perhaps people have no money to pay their bills, no money for food. Think being hungry makes one impatient? Have you seen the lines at food banks where hundreds are lined up because they have no money for food?

why does the right keep saying 'economy destroyed"? can't resist hyperbole?

Why? Are you really this uninformed? More people have lost their jobs, about 18 million at last count, more than at any time in our history. The economy has been destroyed for those 18 million people. Doesn't mean it isn't coming back, the Great Depression showed us it most certainly will but for now, "destroyed" is not hyperbole, it's a fact.

why not do what the Science instructs? about 8 weeks of semi-quarantine, with social distancing.. that's all.. 3 weeks in, and you can't fucking stand it?

Depends on which scientist you are talking about and all these numbers are mere guesses. How about the scientist saying that we can't truly be past this until there is a vaccine and that vaccine can't be produced in less than a year? But I'll be back to this in 5 weeks and I'll bet you that millions of Americans will still be out of work and standing in food lines.

biggest babies I have ever seen.

I'd love to line up 18 million people for you to say that to their face.

that is NOTHING compared to what most of the World had endured at points in their lives.

Again, tell it to millions of people wondering where their next meal is coming from.

the economy has a backstop, the FED..

AH! Yes, the mighty FED that is now 23 trillion in debt and estimates are now that we will see a 2 trillion deficit for this year. "I'm from the federal government and I'm here to solve your problems". Great bumper sticker that bares little to reality.

grow the fuck up, and do about 8 weeks (5 more).. quit whining.. it's not a good look. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

I have 3 incomes unaffected by this crisis so any "whining" I'm doing is for those Americans who are hurting and the millions that will not be back at work in 5 weeks and you can take that to the bank.

When this is over, whenever that will be, I predict we will look back and see what a mess we made of this and see other countries that took a different path and fared far better than the path we took.

And the one thing you should never do is try and describe what a "good look" is.