Minneapolis City Council announces intent to disband police department

adav8s28's Avatar
george floyd and derek chauvin, the cop who killed him

may well have known each other and worked security together

they had overlapping shifts at the same club within the past year

there may be more to this

https://nypost.com/2020/05/29/george...ergnet_5262566 Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
The club owner can't confirm that Floyd and Chauvin knew each other.

However, Santamaria couldn’t say for sure whether the two men knew each other because the club often had a couple dozen security guards, including off-duty officers
nadler must've had a bad knee. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Fat people often ruin their joints.

I hear it is painful.

Forward to about 30 seconds into the vid. Pelosi hadn't thought this through. Originally Posted by gnadfly
How unhealthy can she be that she couldn’t even stand up from her knees?

Too much of her own wineries product (which is possibly produced by illegal immigrant labor - what percentage of her family winery workers are black?)
bambino's Avatar
The club owner can't confirm that Floyd and Chauvin knew each other.

However, Santamaria couldn’t say for sure whether the two men knew each other because the club often had a couple dozen security guards, including off-duty officers Originally Posted by adav8s28
Maybe this will clear things up for you:

LexusLover's Avatar
Maybe this will clear things up for you:

https://www.foxnews.com/us/george-fl...orker-says.amp Originally Posted by bambino
The bottom line is she's got no business owning/running a club if she doesn't have a clue about employee conflicts ... on or off the job......ESPECIALLY when the employees have "security" responsibilities. Don't be shocked if her place isn't torched after these revelations.
bambino's Avatar
The bottom line is she's got no business owning/running a club if she doesn't have a clue about employee conflicts ... on or off the job......ESPECIALLY when the employees have "security" responsibilities. Don't be shocked if her place isn't torched after these revelations. Originally Posted by LexusLover
The police chief had no business keeping Chauvin on the force after 19 complaints. I’m sure there’s more to the club story. Maybe some of it the defense team doesn’t want out.
LexusLover's Avatar
The police chief had no business keeping Chauvin on the force after 19 complaints. I’m sure there’s more to the club story. Maybe some of it the defense team doesn’t want out. Originally Posted by bambino
"...after 19 complaints."

#1: Do you know the substance of the "complaints"?
#2: Do you know the disposition/determination of the "complaints"?

What you just did is one reason why we are in this mess ..... prejudgments without all the facts. "Chiefs" don't make that decision!

Look at the ignorant kneeling fools in the video Gnad posted~! They don't know THE FACTS! And DON'T CARE!

Every department of any size has a "process" for handling "complaints" and disposing of them (sometimes called DUE PROCESS), which includes, at times, involvement of a city/county/state prosecutor and/or attorneys representing the PD department/city/county/state. Occasionally the complaint may involve a court determination of the event.

Example: An all too common complaint for YEARS has been "excessive force" during the arrest of the accused, who has been led to believe that "excessive force" during the arrest exonerates the accused from the crime for which he was arrested.

In some instances a lesser plea is reached with an agreement that the accused withdraw his complaint of "excessive force" and that often feeds that perception ... in the minds of criminals who hear the story from the accused.

Unfortunately, at the same time after so many years of being on the street arresting people officers have heard over and over again ..."you're hurting me" screamed by arrestees particularly if there are bystanders watching (and filming!).

I'm not saying that occurred in this situation with Floyd ... but it does happen and FREQUENTLY. "Crying Wolf"!!!!
bambino's Avatar
"...after 19 complaints."

#1: Do you know the substance of the "complaints"?
#2: Do you know the disposition/determination of the "complaints"?

What you just did is one reason why we are in this mess ..... prejudgments without all the facts. "Chiefs" don't make that decision!

Look at the ignorant kneeling fools in the video Gnad posted~! They don't know THE FACTS! And DON'T CARE!

Every department of any size has a "process" for handling "complaints" and disposing of them (sometimes called DUE PROCESS), which includes, at times, involvement of a city/county/state prosecutor and/or attorneys representing the PD department/city/county/state. Occasionally the complaint may involve a court determination of the event.

Example: An all too common complaint for YEARS has been "excessive force" during the arrest of the accused, who has been led to believe that "excessive force" during the arrest exonerates the accused from the crime for which he was arrested.

In some instances a lesser plea is reached with an agreement that the accused withdraw his complaint of "excessive force" and that often feeds that perception ... in the minds of criminals who hear the story from the accused.

Unfortunately, at the same time after so many years of being on the street arresting people officers have heard over and over again ..."you're hurting me" screamed by arrestees particularly if there are bystanders watching (and filming!).

I'm not saying that occurred in this situation with Floyd ... but it does happen and FREQUENTLY. "Crying Wolf"!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover

Do you know the nature of Chauvins activities at the Club?
LexusLover's Avatar
Do you know the nature of Chauvins activities at the Club? Originally Posted by bambino
Of course, not! And neither do you! It was reported he worked security there as an "extra job" and I am familiar with generally what LE officers do at clubs when working security as an "extra job"! .... but that is not relevant to the issue of your jumping to a conclusion about his "19 complaints" ... and that the "Chief" didn't fire his ass. Regular cops, on or off duty, have disdain for "want-a-bes" who throw their weight around like bouncers at the door by being selective in who they let in the club and who they don't ... just like "regular" patrol cops have disdain for "campus cops" and "metro cops" .... and "licensed security guards" ..... Floyd and "Chauvins" appear to have had some conflicts at work as per the recent comments by a co-worker.

Why do you want to change the subject?

Right now this event (including Floyd's GOLD COFFIN!) smells like Ferguson. Not only from how it got started to the conclusions that are being made about not only Minneapolis PD, but ALL PDs .....

... do you remember the Obaminable Administration conclusions (via Eric Holder!) about "racism" at Ferguson PD?

I'll wait for the Trump Administration's assessment ... they seem to be talented at sniffing out bad "cops"! Whereas the Obaminable Adminstration seemed to be talented at deploying them!
bambino's Avatar
Of course, not! And neither do you! It was reported he worked security there as an "extra job" and I am familiar with generally what LE officers do at clubs when working security as an "extra job"! .... but that is not relevant to the issue of your jumping to a conclusion about his "19 complaints" ... and that the "Chief" didn't fire his ass. Regular cops, on or off duty, have disdain for "want-a-bes" who throw their weight around like bouncers at the door by being selective in who they let in the club and who they don't ... just like "regular" patrol cops have disdain for "campus cops" and "metro cops" .... and "licensed security guards" ..... Floyd and "Chauvins" appear to have had some conflicts at work as per the recent comments by a co-worker.

Why do you want to change the subject?

Right now this event (including Floyd's GOLD COFFIN!) smells like Ferguson. Not only from how it got started to the conclusions that are being made about not only Minneapolis PD, but ALL PDs .....

... do you remember the Obaminable Administration conclusions (via Eric Holder!) about "racism" at Ferguson PD?

I'll wait for the Trump Administration's assessment ... they seem to be talented at sniffing out bad "cops"! Whereas the Obaminable Adminstration seemed to be talented at deploying them! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Your the one who said the business owner had ”no business” keeping him employed, or owning a business. By your logic, the same would go for the police chief. So, why did you say that without knowing the facts?
LexusLover's Avatar
Your the one who said the business owner had ”no business” keeping him employed, or owning a business. By your logic, the same would go for the police chief. So, why did you say that without knowing the facts? Originally Posted by bambino
Apples and oranges.

One is a private enterprise and the other is a government agency.

And in true fashion for your posts you misquoted what I posted:

The bottom line is she's got no business owning/running a club if she doesn't have a clue about employee conflicts ... on or off the job......ESPECIALLY when the employees have "security" responsibilities.
Again .... why can't you be honest in your discussions?
I would think that the salient point to be gleaned from chauvin and floyd knowing each other might well be that the act of chauvin kneeling on floyd's shoulders, thus jamming his face into the pavement, had nothing or little to do with racism but had plenty to do with their previous altercations

and that this whole affair of being another of the "continuing" racist assaults on blacks by cops is just false as has been false other events pushed by the left

this potential motive may or may not be a point of defense for chauvin but would certainly be something to get straight for the interests of America, not that the left would accept any change to their narrative for their power has been built on convenient lies
HedonistForever's Avatar
With all due respect your idea will fail....like dismantling departments will fail. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Of course it will fail, because it isn't about the color of the police officers skin. I was "serious as a heart attack" because I knew it would fail thus confirming my point that being White has nothing to do with whether a cop will be a bad cop or a good cop. The stress of policing the worst of humanity, ( that too has nothing to do with color ), can wear on the best, we've seen what it can do to the worst.

Sarcasm, still tricky to pull off.

I wonder if " holistic policing" will fail? Hint, more sarcasm.

A major takeaway from the report is that improving public safety in DC demands more than policing and will require a collective effort. A “holistic public safety approach—one that goes beyond policing to include social services and that emphasizes prevention instead of reaction” is recommended.

UH, haven't we heard from a multitude of people that cops are being asked to do to much? That they can't be social workers getting in the middle of domestic "disturbances"? How in the world is the 911 operative going to know if a "disturbance" might turn violent and requires a cop with a gun and not a social worker with a clip board? And who is going to be responsible when these social workers start dying at the scene of a 911 call?

Providing more "social services" to a community might be a good idea but it should have nothing to do with cops and if anybody thinks this "holistic approach" will work better on the gritty streets of Chicago, go for it. I'll be watching the nightly news to see how it works.

The most insane thing about this whole discussion, is that for the last few weeks, we have seen what a lack of police will do to a community. The burning and looting is a response to lack of police and the will to punish criminal behavior.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Did you see what that crowd did to the Mayor of Minneapolis when he said he would not defund the police? The crowd told him to leave, to get the fuck out of their protest. So the question begs to be asked, if Biden says he will not support defunding or abolishing police, will he get the same reaction from the BLM movement or will they give him a pass. It doesn't count like BLM will be giving anybody a pass.

If this crap is still going on in Nov. and the number one issue on voters minds is "should cops be defunded or abolished", guess who wins?

a Yahoo! YouGov poll finds just 16 percent of those polled support providing less funding to police while 65 percent oppose it.
LexusLover's Avatar
The HYSTERICAL AntiTrumpers have repeatedly proven their agenda and narrative to support it have been ineffective .... to the point that it is somewhat puzzling whey they continue to seek re-election based on trashing Trump.

The current violence and vandalism is no exception ... and only provides fodder for Trump's rallies that are about to begin ... in cities with active police departments near you!

Homeland Security will anticipate lots of domestic terrorists showing up! No bond incarceration and intense interrogation will hopefully dampen their enthusiasm to trash this country and give them a taste of the type of government they anticipate with their anti-American activities.

I recall the Obaminable Administration targeting a terrorist's son at lunch with a friend in Yemen.

Jacksonville will be a piece of cake. Thank you Obaminable and Bitten!!!!