ESPN's Kirk Herbstreit brought to tears discussing racial injustice on 'College GameDay'

Lucas McCain's Avatar
ESPN used to have a strict policy against employees discussing anything about politics. If you did so, you would get suspended. In this climate though, that policy is obviously no longer being enforced.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
ESPN used to have a strict policy against employees discussing anything about politics. If you did so, you would get suspended. In this climate though, that policy is obviously no longer being enforced. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

ESPN has been bleeding ratings and money. they have to suck up to the "woke" movement lest they have their studio put under siege and burned to the ground.
MC hammer didn't make the kind of money Lebron is making. He had a couple songs/ albums that did well. He didn't make 100 million dollars. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Much like your other posts you just use your feelings for information

Hammer made money’, he was prominent in the latter part of the80’s into the 90’s

The one year I looked up, 1991, he made 33,000,000

According to the bureau of labor statistics CPI index thats like $63,500,000 in today’s money

That’s more than even I’m making

he had a payroll of 200 people totaling about 500,000 a month

When he rolled, he took 40 of them with him

He had a-racing stable of 19 thoroughbreds

In1992 one of his horses finished 3rd in the Kentucky derby

I was at that derby, mike ditka chest bumped me outa his way as he pretended not to see me, rod Stewart held sway on a balcony about 6 feet off the ground, saw me and just knew I was someone so he leaned down and said something to me that I couldn’t hear so I just smiled, daddy bush was there, when he left I made my way to his sky box and ate my fill of the hardly touched buffet

Back to hammer, he built a mansion wth golden gates

Yeah he went broke
Lucas McCain's Avatar
ESPN has been bleeding ratings and money. they have to suck up to the "woke" movement lest they have their studio put under siege and burned to the ground. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yeah, when they started laying off all of those people, it was obvious FS1 was taking away a lot of ESPN's regular viewers.
ah. this woke pussy is so upset! disgusting white pussy

ESPN's Kirk Herbstreit brought to tears discussing racial injustice on 'College GameDay'

he'll be getting the "woke" award from BLM any day now

they'll bring it to his house then burn it down anyway

BAHHAHAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
What a nauseating piece of shit.

“Oh, oh, my, what can I do. How can I help men who want to get hopped up on every drug imaginable, beat the shit out of their old lady, and when the cops show up decide to ignore their orders, fight them, and do stupid shit like reach for a weapon. I want to help. Please, police, leave these otherwise good men alone”.
  • oeb11
  • 09-07-2020, 04:20 PM
Herb displays one of the worst pieces of 'Acting' i have ever seen.

this was dictated by ESPN upper echelon bean counters concerned about viewership numbers - who decided to pander to pander to the leftist idiots who are primary not intersted in any ESPN sports programs.

Bad move by ESPN.

and No - virginia - herb won't be getting an emmy or Oscar for his performance.

Perhaps what herb rally needs is a large enema!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Herbstreit has actually done a really good job over many years as an analyst covering college football IMO. As I have said many times though, I just prefer that sports and politics do not comingle because that's not why I watch sports. That's just my preference and I certainly don't claim to speak for others.
  • oeb11
  • 09-07-2020, 05:19 PM
LM -i agree with your opinion.