cough biden cough cough muddles through speech

Lucas McCain's Avatar
LOL why are you freaking out over it? Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Be quiet stupid racist. If you use that extremely ugly word or any other racial slur, your ignorant racist ass is dead to me. You don't use that hideous word to anyone. Sorry, but I'm not a retarded and broke racist like you, Strokey McBrokey.

You get the last word. Your racist broke ass is boring me. Calling me the N-word in a PM when you don't even know my race? That's how you roll? What a clown. No wonder why you need that stimulus check racist broke ass.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
check your PMs
Lucas McCain's Avatar
If you could pass your graduate school classes without going to class, that's pretty good. Originally Posted by adav8s28
My buddies still make fun of me. They ask me how I even graduated from those schools and I'm always like fuck if I know other than the fact I test well. I should have failed for just lack of attendance alone. I still can't believe I have three Ivy League degrees while being a complete truant. They all should have kicked my lazy ass out of school.

The thing about those schools is the hard part is just getting into them. When you are in, it's just cake. At least that's how I treated it. I just wanted to graduate with at least a B+ (3.3) and not go to class. I had to go make some money so fuck class and fuck studying.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Somebody’s playing “gotcha” with you Lucas.

Hopefully he will be excused before he steals the election for DOTY!

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I mostly just jacked off in college.