Go back where One came from - except - even England would not have One.You can read??? Fuck, I never would have guessed that. I have a book about the Magana Carta I would be happy to lend you. Obviously my point flew right over your head, the Magna Carta laid the foundation for individual rights genius.
try russia, china, and venezuela - your kind of places lm.
Go Where only the people and cops cannot have weapons to protect themselves from criminals.
Ever read teh Magna carta - lm - I have
in short ( for DPST comprehension) - Magna Carta Libertatum, commonly called Magna Carta, is a royal charter of rights agreed to by King John of England at Runnymede, near Windsor, on 15 June 1215. signed to protect the political liberties of the English barons - and functions as part of a Constitution of sorts - as Great Britain has none.
And here is lm - trying its' best to reverse the political liberties of America.
Are you of teh royal Family lm ?- certainly seems so! Originally Posted by oeb11
Do you wanna take a guess as to why I mentioned British Common Law as well, I will let you answer first so I can laugh some more. Judging by your constitution remark, I would say you have no clue.