Is Free Speech dead in America?

bambino's Avatar
Following that logic, then, so are BLM protesters, LGBTQ+ Activists and QAnon believers. People just like you.

Thanks for clearing that up. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It’s not people’s right to burn other peoples property down. So you’re analogy gets 5 Pinocchio’s
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I am most definitely not an analogy.

And I agree that nobody has a right to burn down other people’s property. Those who do should be prosecuted.

And by your example, those who breached the Capitol, attacked the cops and defiled the seat of our government should be as well.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I just wanted to post this again, for all the morons, who think being kicked off twitter, infringes on free speech.

Do you also think pedos should be allowed to post whatever they want on twitter? Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Talk about going to extremes to shore up a faulty argument. When did Trump post anything about pedos? No, Trump was removed because he went after China, the walking woke, democrats, socialists, progressives, domesticated republicans, the media, and big mouthed day time talk hosts.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Should we worship at the feet of the Supreme Court of the United States? Nope, they've been wrong too many times. Dredd Scott that upheld slavery. Plessey v Ferguson that said that separate by equal was good low, Buck v Bell that said innocent people could be forcibly sterilized to protect society, Korematsu v United States that said it was okay for Japanese AMERICANS to be imprisoned for being ethically Japanese in the 1940s, Schenck v United States that held passing out fliers against the draft was tantamount to treason, and Roe v Wade which said found a right to "privacy" in the Constitution which was extended to allow WOMEN to have a right to an abortion. Many constitutional scholars on both sides have condemned Roe v Wade as bad law that should be overturned.

So is the court infallible? Not on your life. Only for sheep I guess.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Is free speech dead? Life support maybe but not dead as long as Americans are willing to stand up to the powers that be.

Take Granite, Utah's school board
Seems the governor of Utah has lifted the mask mandate but the school board at Granite decided to keep the masks in place until the end of the year. To cement this, the school board brought up a state legislator to speak on behalf of masks. This democrat spoke and then the school board president tried to shut down the meeting without giving the parents (remember, the guardians of the children) a chance to respond. The parents didn't take this lying down the meeting descended into chaos as it should have. So now, the police are looking into arresting some of these parents for being disruptive. How's that for free speech?
pfunkdenver's Avatar
What I find amazing, is that a young person ( I guess would be how you describe yourself ) is unaware of this.

I'm over 60

One would have to be deaf, dumb and blind to not see what is happening on the issue of free speech.

Very soon now, the SC will decide whether in this new age, a monopoly, actually a couple of monopolies can conspire to limit free speech just because they are a private business. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
So, you are claiming that facebook and twitter are monopolies? Really? There's no other place to post on the internet?

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I would say Google and Facebook are pretty close to monopolies. They are by far the best at what they do, they are powerful, and it would be nearly impossible to compete with them. I don't use Facebook, but Google controls so much of the internet. There's not a day that goes by that I'm not using something provided by Google.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
I would say Google and Facebook are pretty close to monopolies. They are by far the best at what they do, they are powerful, and it would be nearly impossible to compete with them. I don't use Facebook, but Google controls so much of the internet. There's not a day that goes by that I'm not using something provided by Google. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Google doesn't ban anyone, do they?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Should we worship at the feet of the Supreme Court of the United States? Nope, they've been wrong too many times. Dredd Scott that upheld slavery. Plessey v Ferguson that said that separate by equal was good low, Buck v Bell that said innocent people could be forcibly sterilized to protect society, Korematsu v United States that said it was okay for Japanese AMERICANS to be imprisoned for being ethically Japanese in the 1940s, Schenck v United States that held passing out fliers against the draft was tantamount to treason, and Roe v Wade which said found a right to "privacy" in the Constitution which was extended to allow WOMEN to have a right to an abortion. Many constitutional scholars on both sides have condemned Roe v Wade as bad law that should be overturned.

So is the court infallible? Not on your life. Only for sheep I guess. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Clean it up Corny. You're so damn close to being taken half serious. You've taken up a high falutin topic. Only to embarrass yourself. Still have that damn Kindle? Get a dictionary. Use Google. Do something so I don't have to keep making fun of you. You said you don't drink. Right? bina does. What's your excuse. That damn Kindle?

The SCOTUS only issues opinions. Like me. Donald Trump and Matt Gaetz are pedophiles. I don't even have to put a question mark at the end of the sentence. Even if you don't like them, everyone still has to deal with opinions. However the fuck they want. Suck it. Or not. Are you going to report me to somebody you think might give a shit about me? Do you think I should worry?

No, free speech isn't dead. I agree with Lex Luther.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Google doesn't ban anyone, do they? Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Google owns YouTube.

Most people get their news from Facebook and YouTube. So, they kind of control what information gets out, and what information gets suppressed.

Do you think they should have the right to promote the news that they like and suppress the news that they don't like?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
If I was a cartoonist, I draw a cartoon of a fresh grave with a tombstone that says, "Free Speech, 1781-2021" and the grave diggers would be Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Spiegel, and all the other tech billionaires. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Is free speech dead? Life support maybe but not dead as long as Americans are willing to stand up to the powers that be.

How's that for free speech? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
You have the right to be stupid. Anything you say or write can and will be used against you. You have the right to an attorney. Or you have every right to defend yourself in a court of law. Do you understand these rights as I have explained them to you?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Google owns YouTube.

Most people get their news from Facebook and YouTube. So, they kind of control what information gets out, and what information gets suppressed.

Do you think they should have the right to promote the news that they like and suppress the news that they don't like? Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I would say Google and Facebook are pretty close to monopolies. They are by far the best at what they do, they are powerful, and it would be nearly impossible to compete with them. I don't use Facebook, but Google controls so much of the internet. There's not a day that goes by that I'm not using something provided by Google. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
not quite a monopoly, but a different kind.

it'd be more accurate to call them monosony.
PeterBota's Avatar
Only if you’re white
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Only if you’re white Originally Posted by PeterBota

"The might of white is always right"

do you agree?