... He's NOT been wrong about things of "actual significance"
very many times, mates.
So it's NOT a concern to me. ... onley a concern to you Trump Haters.
This thread is about the Great Awakening - that people actually
understand that the main stream media has lied to them constantly.
And they are tuning them out.
Now, do YOU fellows have ANY thoughts on this matter?
#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
... He's NOT been wrong about things of "actual significance"
very many times, mates.
So it's NOT a concern to me. ... onley a concern to you Trump Haters.
This thread is about the Great Awakening - that people actually
understand that the main stream media has lied to them constantly.
And they are tuning them out.
Now, do YOU fellows have ANY thoughts on this matter?
#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
... You must have missed the part where Trump ASKED that
the National Guard be deployed at the Capitol.
Nancy Pelosi turned Him down... You must have missed that.
We don't have to wait for "public record" on that. We KNEW
on it on 7 Jan.
The people in front of the Capitol were handed weapons by government
agents... You'll see it for yerself once the release the camera
footage to the public. The Biden adminnistration can't contain
it forever. ... Surely interesting that NONE of the four already
identifyed have been charged with anything as of yet.
You lads are NOT afraid of the FBI releasing the film footage, are ya?
#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again