Not sure how accurate this report is but saw one report that said Justin Trudeau moved to a safe place in the US according to Israeli sources, to hide out from the protestorsWonder if they will be rounded up, put in jail like what happened to those in America, that is if your not BLM or Antifa.
Meanwhile back in Ottawa
NEW: Convoy organizers say that they have enough funds to keep trucks on Parliament Hill for 2 to 4 years.
AND this news report
We are in the capital witnessing history. My estimate is around 20 to 30,000 people are here right now, and the rear end of the convoy has still not made it in to the city. Huge majority of Canadians support this cause.
Watch: Originally Posted by berryberry
����IMPORTANT!! IMPORTANT!! IMPORTANT!!����What freedom does someone have when the death rate of covid is now at 900,000 in the USA? Transmission rates are falling for Omicron, but there is yet another variant out there again. Are you free to run around as you did pre 2019 and not worry about transmission? Nope. No protest that is derogatory to the income or safety of others should be tolerated for a lengthy duration, or if it causes harm, physically, emotionally or financially. Your right to protest cannot create harm to others in so that you damage me by your protest. That's illegal no matter who is doing the protesting. I'd say the same goes for BLM or other protests. That's why in the USA, you need to file for application of those type of gatherings.
Canada resident report:
"Guys, you need to know what's going on! The world is waking up more than ever and it was all of a sudden!
However… a lot of people started to support the truck drivers. One thing led to another, a herd effect was happening until, suddenly, the truck drivers decided that they will no longer fight for them, but for everyone!!!
Hmm, where did we hear about a herd affect. Where did we hear that from? From Covid 19-oh yeah, herd immunity. So we are in agreement that a herd mentality towards a problem, creates a solution. Solutions for illnesses and disease are created by herd immunity by exposure or vaccination, but you cannot force me to participate in the solution unless I want to, but you will be forced to deal with my decision to protest the solution regardless.
They said: until we restore our freedom, we will not leave here. but the best you will know now: This is an act for freedom with the union of all. Wake up, PEOPLE. Originally Posted by bambino
Explain this please.... now I'm 3x vaxd my choiceYou don't have to agree with me, but science is much more aligned with getting a vaccine than not. I do understand someone not wanting or being scared to get it, but is that really based on a real / rational input? The right seems to want to disproved the science by saying it's against your rights. Well there are all kinds of laws that truly limit freedoms and also dip into your pocket. Taxes and other things are taken from you for the betterment of society so when you start kicking up dust over this, and there are other vaxs we have to take from birth, to attend public school, ( yet another societal concept for the benefit of the public), you complied with that. It's not till it became a Trumpian football, that people got their freedoms trampled on. Oh yeah..those ppl in Canada, all enjoy Social medicine and public programs, so they too are falling for I don't want to get an owwwey in my arm cause of freedom.
But .......
1. The vaccine does not protect u from getting covid.
I am not a doctor, but neither are you- unless you've strayed way out of the realm of medicine here on the hooker board. In any event, I know that the current vax doesn't protect as well against delta or omicron, but did show protection from the original strain- for which it was formulated, produced and is still around us. How do we know how much it is effective against variants, current or future? Maybe we don't, but it does lessen how sick someone gets from all variaties. It's been proven that the majority 85% or more of folks hospitalized are non vaxxers.
2. Triple vaxd people can spread the virus just as easily as someone who isnt vaxd.
See above, but while all viruses live beyond their hosts and via particals, or via inhalation (hence masks), then those who are likely susceptible to the virus, will get it, especially those who are not vaxed- thus having worse symptoms. Transmission is a different topic than contraction. The same way small pox isn't transmitted much now, but it's still out there. Contracting any disease means having been subject to the virus or agent, by interaction in some capacity. Triple vaxed folks likely have a much less chance of having a large response, and thoes who have a lesser response to the virus, DO NOT replicate it in the same capacity. Replication of the virus is both how transmission rates and variants are formed. It's by replication that the new improved version is able to keep alive and moving from ppl to ppl. That's not really hard conceptually. but here is a link for you.
3. The only advantage of getting vaxd is symptoms arent as bad
So why the fuck do u care if someone chooses not to get vaxd? The only person that it possibly hurts is that person
So the proof that vax's hurt the person being injected is interesting. I wonder if you have proof from a reputable source that says vaccines are unsafe? Not a twitter feed or some meme, but rather a study that has been vetted and is not just suspect. I do realize that there are some ppl who have negative results by being sensitive to the component of the vax or is allergic to the same. But those are severe outliers to my knowledge.
However those who replicate the virus more highly (due to a lack of vaccine) are also a danger to others because the virus is more likely to be virulent, and higher at replication due to the same.
Liberals are the most tolerant people in the world I'm told.....providing you agree with themOriginally Posted by chizzy
Being forced to do any medical procedure is "Against your rights".I think the idea of not having a valid opinion about what happens publicly in countries is funny coming from you. When you all seem to have strong opinions about Mexico, but I'm not allowed to have one about stuff in Canada and supply chain is just a bit more than hypocritical.
Margaret Sanger, and her beliefs that the poor and retarded should be sterilized for the good of society for example.
Wanna talk about deaths? Lets talk about the use of abortion for birth control in the black community for example, liberals have executed far more black people via abortion than the KKK ever could have.
Not really about this - Abortion is really a different topic, but I do understand that ALL medical processes are choices. But my point on the vaccines is that it's a proactive attempt to curtail disease vs. reactive. All BC tends to be reactive devices unless you wanna get knocked up.
Its not the conservatives overseeing the killing of all those people every year.
HA- if you don't think conservatives or any person don't get abortions, you are not well informed. Not suggesting that the group of ppl who use this method of control should be demonized, but again- it's reactive vs. a proactive method to stay healthy. Im not sure why you would link these to vaccines.
Until you fix the existing problems in your communities, you have no right to tell the rest of us what to do with ours, or with ourselves.
So to this point, unless you are perfect, you cannot have a vote on what is being suggested or an opinion. I'd say that you are trying to silence other voices who try to offer an opinion with a modicum of reason, vs. just ranting about politics or political perspectives.
"My body, My choice" right?- well some of those choices are made by you, and some are made with a doctor, and influenced by others; but yeah, - if you decide to not do a process or procedure ....your choice. But if your choice affects me- then I'd say it starts to get into a realm of a what's good for the majority vs the individual. If you are typhoid Mary- should you be allowed to wander around with impunity.
Originally Posted by Devo
TUCKER CARLSON: "Justin Trudeau is a master of disguise. Any place in the world, Justin Trudeau could blend in and you wouldn't know it was him."remember this one where he was hiding in plain site???
"To prove it, here are a series of photographs..."
Watch Originally Posted by berryberry
What freedom does someone have when the death rate of covid is now at 900,000 in the USA? Transmission rates are falling for Omicron, but there is yet another variant out there again. Are you free to run around as you did pre 2019 and not worry about transmission? Nope. No protest that is derogatory to the income or safety of others should be tolerated for a lengthy duration, or if it causes harm, physically, emotionally or financially. Your right to protest cannot create harm to others in so that you damage me by your protest. That's illegal no matter who is doing the protesting. I'd say the same goes for BLM or other protests. That's why in the USA, you need to file for application of those type of gatherings.So you oppose freedom.
Is there freedom from this virus when the reluctance of vaccination or documentation is a political football? When those who feel that governments are only bad, (unless you are behind Trump or any of the efforts to create a vaccine whom NONE of you want to be told to take.)
Who's waking up and who's really sleeping?
While the truckers may be demonstrating in a way they can and know, they are doing as much damage to a country by being a blockade of goods and services; Isn't there a lot of damage already being done by supply chain that this will continue to exacerbate, or is economic damage for political gain worthwhile, but for other purposes such as driving awareness of racial crimes it isn't. Two faced much???? Originally Posted by eyecu2