Please STFU with this ignorant AF energy independence bullshit

No for me. No habla te
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
At least...
McCain wasn't fooled by Putin like Donnie!

I'd say Trump was Putin's useful idiot.

He he gave Putin Syria and Afghanistan which has led to them overrunning Ukraine.

Hell Trump wanted out of NATO! Originally Posted by WTF

your worldview is strange to say the least. are you really a neocon warmonger like John Bolton?

what exactly does staying involved in Syria do for the US? care to explain professor tuffy?

i'm not aware of recent news that Russia was given Afghanistan. did Russia invade them too?

nothing Trump did led to Putin invading Ukraine. more likely Biden did by jacking up the price of Oil so Putin got his war loot but that wouldn't occur to you would it in a thread where you are "trying" to tell us all about Oil.

why should we still be in NATO? how much is it costing us? and what do we get in return? nothing. you constantly jabber about the debt. care to research how much our continued decades long involvement in NATO added to it? it's Reagan's fault, right?

Eisenhower said NATO would be a failure if US Troops were still in Europe in ten years right after NATO was formed and he became NATO commander.

but of course professor tuffy knows more than a 5 star General and former President on world affairs!

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Interesting article here: Originally Posted by reddog1951
I had already burned through my couple free reads on their site learning about the problems queer scientists face in "Coming Out at Work May Impact Productivity" and the 7:1 ratio of male to female psychopaths in "Is Psychopathy a Male Problem?" and of course many, many on climate change. I was a bit heartened by one "How Hot Will Climate Change Make the Earth By the Year 2100?". At least they are calling a longer play than the last couple times where we were emphatically warned we would all be dead within 9 years or 15 years, both of which have already passed. On the upside, they did mention that on the galactic scale, life on Earth is but a mere 1-2 seconds - so my pecker should last at least that long.
Waco (Wacko??) doesn't seem to understand the topic. Focus plz.
... He was answering someone else's comment... Pay attention plz.

### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
Hello everybody!
Apologies to Waco for misfire. But to YSID, which scientists are queer, and more importantly, does it matter if their are queer and correct? Factual scientific feedback with citation to scientific sources welcomed.
... Surely agree-with you, mate.

But some of the CDC and co-vid scientists have been wrong.
And maybe some of the enviormental scientists have been
wrong on drilling.

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
I'm trying to figure out where wtf stands with energy independence?
Again, off topic. I've been wrong once or twice...ask my wife...doesn't affect the price of rice in China....Oops, bad country. Just saying, balance right vs wrong...antibiotics, nuclear power, aerospace, engineering marvels, not to mention Tang for those old enough to remember.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-04-2022, 03:36 PM
your worldview is strange to say the least. are you really a neocon warmonger like John Bolton?

what exactly does staying involved in Syria do for the US? care to explain professor tuffy?

i'm not aware of recent news that Russia was given Afghanistan. did Russia invade them too?

nothing Trump did led to Putin invading Ukraine. more likely Biden did by jacking up the price of Oil so Putin got his war loot but that wouldn't occur to you would it in a thread where you are "trying" to tell us all about Oil.

why should we still be in NATO? how much is it costing us? and what do we get in return? nothing. you constantly jabber about the debt. care to research how much our continued decades long involvement in NATO added to it? it's Reagan's fault, right?

Eisenhower said NATO would be a failure if US Troops were still in Europe in ten years right after NATO was formed and he became NATO commander.

but of course professor tuffy knows more than a 5 star General and former President on world affairs!

BAAHHHAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Please explain how Biden raised the price of oil. I can't wait to hear thos tale.

It does appear that Bolten and McCain were correct in regards to Russia. That is just a whether you think the whole of Europe under Putin's control is a matter of opinion.

I'm betting you and Trump likie
LexusLover's Avatar
... Hee Hee! ... Reckon it's surely entertaining
to see some of the liberal lads contort themselves this way
and that as they flail-about in a sad attempt to justify
Biden's idiotic idea of NOT WANTING TO DRILL.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
The current lunatics have redefined "infrastructure" to mean ....

... day care and kindergarten.

Drilling for oil is now considered to be "racist" by the IDIOTS.

Thank God for oil and gas ... paid my way through schools and made me a living for about 25 years .... That's why I had to laugh at LM and WTF. One publicizes his arsenal of military style rifles and the other one uses football as a "model" to evaluate criminal jury trials ......... on a hooker board is so informative!

Speaking of "informative" ... Where's Tiny these days?

Selling his mask collection down at the flea market?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-04-2022, 03:46 PM
I'm trying to figure out where wtf stands with energy independence? Originally Posted by winn dixie
Do I think it is good for a country to have abundance of oil....yes.

But ask Russia...they had it in the 1980/90's and we did not. Think about that.
I'm fucking invested in oil.

Oil was on the rise before this. It will come back down if people can't afford it... that is how the market place works.

What is your point?

You do understand oil independence is just some arbitrary term? Is it good or bad? That depends.

Who is cheap oil good for?....certainly not oil investors. Do you think we have a state run oil company that determines the price of oil and gas?

Do y'all think the President determines the price of oil? Jesus.

Canceling the pipeline is not the reason for high oil prices. Bidens green policy is not the cause of high oil prices.

The ENTIRE worlds economy was will take time to find equilibrium...if that is ever possible.
... No bleedin' wonder Biden got NO bump in the polling.
His numbers still in the shithouse... When Americans
get a steady dose of $5 or $6 dollar petrol-gas
the poll numbers may then be the LOWEST EVER!

As Putin surely controls all the energy.

### Salty
bambino's Avatar
Do I think it is good for a country to have abundance of oil....yes.

But ask Russia...they had it in the 1980/90's and we did not. Think about that.
I'm fucking invested in oil.

Oil was on the rise before this. It will come back down if people can't afford it... that is how the market place works.

What is your point?

You do understand oil independence is just some arbitrary term? Is it good or bad? That depends.

Who is cheap oil good for?....certainly not oil investors. Do you think we have a state run oil company that determines the price of oil and gas? Originally Posted by WTF
Mebbe you should ask the Saudi king if having an abundance of oil is a good thing!!!!!!!

But we have a POTUS begging them to expand production. They said no. Putin supplies 50% of the EU’s energy needs. He can say no. Oh, China doesn’t produce much oil or gas. They have a deal with Russia. But hey, Joey Bribes is giving Iran a Nuke deal. Mebbe they will give us more oil.

Are you really that stupid? Yes, you are!!!!!