So I ran the numbers on the below. Average is slightly less that 43% effectiveness and frankly I'm surprised it is that high. So... you have a series of actual vaccines, that have been in circulation for many, many years which average below 43% effective across the past 12 years, bearing in mind that they were under development and trial for about a decade. Honestly I don't know when they went public, aka mainstream.
Fast forward to the rona, which as you may know is a SARS corona virus, aka flu/cold virus. Within a couple months they develop an experimental gene therapy, whose technology has been under development for over a decade yet they never got one to market, aka past the trials, because the observed data showed them to be dangerous or non-effective.
Yet within a few short months they were deemed mandatory, albeit it without informed consent, a-n-d claimed to have a 95+% effectiveness, which as we now from the observed data (which is what actual science is based upon) they are not even as good as the 43% average compared to previous flu vaccines. Based upon F Joe Biden and F Dr Fauci both contracting the rona I would estimate the actual effectiveness at no more than 4.3%.
...Anyway here is their chart - notice the interesting annotation below it 

*2020-2021 flu vaccine effectiveness was not estimated due to low flu virus circulation during the 2020-2021 flu season.
Did ya catch that?!? No flu during the 'rona. Say wha??...
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do