I know you would like to prove me wrong but you'll have to do better than that. Originally Posted by Levianon17Actually, no I don’t.
You can start by showing scientific evidence as to HOW the human body has adapted to influenza. Originally Posted by reddog1951Have we ever worn Masks and Practiced Social Distancing during any Flu Season? Have Government Officials ever pushed for people to get Flu Shots? Think about those aspects first. Lastly did you get the Flu last year?
Influenza is a naturally occurring virus and has been in the population for generations. The human body has adapted to it therefore the death rate has remained rather low. Furthermore many people myself included have a high resistance to influenza, their symptoms are rather mild and seldom require Medical intervention. Covid-19 on the other hand is not naturally occurring the incident rates and death rates are going to be naturally higher than Influenza. Covid-19 is a Bio Weapon and was introduced into the population for the sole purpose of making people Ill. There will be another Pandemic after this one and another after that ect. The Vaccine wasn't designed to prevent infection. This Pandemic and every aspect of it was politicized for a reason. That reason is to depopulate, Control and to track the masses. Originally Posted by Levianon17I wanted to repost this so it sinks in to some ya'll!
Have we ever worn Masks and Practiced Social Distancing during any Flu Season? Have Government Officials ever pushed for people to get Flu Shots? Think about those aspects first. Lastly did you get the Flu last year? Originally Posted by Levianon17We have not had a virus that could bind to ACE2 (protein found in the cell membrane of lung cells) as efficiently as the delta variant of SARS_Co_V2. We have had very few germs that could kill 1 million people in 2.5 years.
Covid-19 is a Bio Weapon and was introduced into the population for the sole purpose of making people Ill. There will be another Pandemic after this one and another after that ect. The Vaccine wasn't designed to prevent infection. This Pandemic and every aspect of it was politicized for a reason. That reason is to depopulate, Control and to track the masses. Originally Posted by Levianon17Lev17, you are talking in circles. In a prior post you posted that SARS_Co_V2 kills very few people. Then it's pointed out to you that it killed 1 million people in 2.5 years. Now you are saying it kills a lot people because a human being designed it to do that. You don't have 1 ounce of proof that the Spike Protein component of SARS_Co_V2 was played with in the Wu-han LAB.