Stacy Abrams Says…..”6 Week Fetal Heartbeat Is Manufactured”

lustylad's Avatar
The stethoscope is a listening device. It translates any faint sound - whether an electrical signal or a lub dub - into something audible and amplifies it into the doctor's ear.

That doesn't make one sound "manufactured" and the other real.

Again, you're making a distinction without a difference.

It may not be a mature heartbeat at 6 weeks, but the precursor of the heart - what Verma calls the "electrical pulse" - is already actively firing and audible using a stethoscope or ultrasound.
Somebody give WTF a Snickers and pull that corncob outta his butt. He's grumpy even for a Monday
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  • WTF
  • 09-26-2022, 04:00 PM
The stethoscope is a listening device. It translates any faint sound - whether an electrical signal or a lub dub - into something audible and amplifies it into the doctor's ear.

That doesn't make one sound "manufactured" and the other real.

Again, you're making a distinction without a difference.

It may not be a mature heartbeat at 6 weeks, but the precursor of the heart - what Verma calls the "electrical pulse" - is already actively firing and audible using a stethoscope or ultrasound. Originally Posted by lustylad
"It may not be a mature heartbeat..." is wtf you just said? May not be....there is no fucking doubt it is not a mature heart or even a heart at all! I suppose you bought a Village People Album in high school and told everyone you went to their concert. I mean isn't that another one of your distinction without a difference?

You consider a heart without valves vs a heart with valves as a "distinction without a difference"

Good fucking thing you aren't a heart transplant doc!

Come on it wrong with you? Next you will tell me a caterpillar is a butterfly!
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  • WTF
  • 09-26-2022, 04:12 PM
Somebody give WTF a Snickers and pull that corncob outta his butt. He's grumpy even for a Monday Originally Posted by Bighoo1
I'll pull corncob out your ass and tell you it's a of lustylad's distinction without a difference or vice versa!
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  • WTF
  • 09-26-2022, 04:57 PM
The stethoscope is a listening device. It translates any faint sound - whether an electrical signal or a lub dub - into something audible and amplifies it into the doctor's ear.

That doesn't make one sound "manufactured" and the other real.

Again, you're making a distinction without a difference.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
An electrical pulse that "sounds" like a heartbeat, is not a heartbeat. It is just that

A God damn Howler Monkey may sound like you but there are many more differences than a simpleton phrase of " distinction without difference " would suggest.
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  • WTF
  • 09-26-2022, 08:32 PM
The stethoscope is a listening device. It translates any faint sound - whether an electrical signal or a lub dub - into something audible and amplifies it into the doctor's ear.

That doesn't make one sound "manufactured" and the other real.

Again, you're making a distinction without a difference.

It may not be a mature heartbeat at 6 weeks, but the precursor of the heart - what Verma calls the "electrical pulse" - is already actively firing and audible using a stethoscope or ultrasound. Originally Posted by lustylad
Unfortunately, you can’t hear it as early as you can with an ultrasound or fetal Doppler. With a stethoscope, a baby’s heartbeat is often detectable between the 18th and 20th week
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  • WTF
  • 09-27-2022, 12:15 PM
Have any of you pro lifers been hearing any more beating from a heart with no valves?

Maybe the next time lustylad jacks off, he can write a review about how good the pussy was! Another one of his distinction without a difference!

Edgar Allen Poe ain't got shit on you guys!
Have any of you pro lifers been hearing any more beating from a heart with no valves?

Maybe the next time lustylad jacks off, he can write a review about how good the pussy was! Another one of his distinction without a difference!

Edgar Allen Poe ain't got shit on you guys! Originally Posted by WTF

Wow, reading your posts in thread will make someone dumber.
lustylad's Avatar
"It may not be a mature heartbeat..." is wtf you just said? May not be....there is no fucking doubt it is not a mature heart or even a heart at all!

You consider a heart without valves vs a heart with valves as a "distinction without a difference" Originally Posted by WTF
You don't get it. Nobody is arguing there is no difference between an embryo heart at 6 weeks versus 12-15 weeks. You're setting up a straw man argument again.

I'm saying both emit scientifically detectable signals or beats. To say a cardio-electrical pulse differs from a heartbeat makes no difference as far as detectability is concerned, even though you may need more sensitive instruments for the former. Neither one is "manufactured" - as your plump girlfriend Stacy Abrams stupidly claimed.
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  • WTF
  • 09-27-2022, 04:01 PM
You don't get it. Nobody is arguing there is no difference between an embryo heart at 6 weeks versus 12-15 weeks. You're setting up a straw man argument again.

I'm saying both emit scientifically detectable signals or beats. To say a cardio-electrical pulse differs from a heartbeat makes no difference as far as detectability is concerned, even though you may need more sensitive instruments for the former. Neither one is "manufactured" - as your plump girlfriend Stacy Abrams stupidly claimed. Originally Posted by lustylad
You were just arguing that you could detect it with a stethoscope in you previous post!

Now at least you're admitting that there is no actual heartbeat because there is no fucking heart....which seems not to be the position of pro lifers. They say, they actually say this....they say they can hear the heartbeat from something that does not yet have a heart.

8n fact you and your cohorts seemed to echo that view early on.

I would say that Stacey is much closer factually than saying you can actually HEAR a heartbeat.

I'd say that is a distinction with a huge or bigely difference HUGE HUGE HUGE.

How many or what % of pro lifers do you think know this fact? I'd guess it was very low.
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  • WTF
  • 09-28-2022, 08:39 AM

This is really strange. Even for her.

Stacy Abrams Says…..”6 Week Fetal Heartbeat Is Manufactured”
Originally Posted by Jackie S
That is exactly what doctor's say.

There are no valves, no heart. The real question is why it is called a heartbeat.

Can you explain how a heart that is nor formed can beat?

Electronic pulses from cells are not a heartbeat. There is not heart. Would you want Doctor lustylad to give you a transplant with a couple of cells for your heart? Has he convinced you it is a distinction without a difference?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
LMAO! Doctors say it’s manufactured by men so they can control women? Sorry man, that’s idiotic. Doctors say nothing of the sort.

Fat slob Abrams can make whatever bullshit up she pleases, nobody takes her seriously. Maybe if she’d put down the fried chicken and see a dentist she would have some credibility offering up medical opinions.
ICU 812's Avatar
There may be some misunderstanding in this thread about how a fetal heartbeat is detected.

The Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) we all know from the beeping heart monitor detects millivolt level electrical impulses from the heart through all those wires on the patient's chest.

Imaging Ultrasound techniques use an instrument that first emits a sound (the sound part of ultrasound) and then listens for the bounced back echo of that sound.

The same instrument can also be used to passively listen for a sound. This is an audio only technique that is used to detect the sounds made by the early fetal heartbeat.

Early fetal heartbeat is a real sound, not an electrical impulse.
ICU 812's Avatar
There may also be some misunderstanding about how a fetus develops.
The organs of the fetus continue to develop almost until birth. We all know that the skull is not complete for 18 months post-partum.

The heart specifically, doesn't effectively pump blood at all until quite late. There is a hole in the heart wall dividing the major chambers, that does not close till late in the pregnancy. This is normal. Some babies are born with this hole still not closed and surgery is needed.

This is not made-up stuff. All this information is opensource and available in medical sources.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Organs continue to develop way longer than that.