Biden Family $$$$ Money

matchingmole's Avatar

BAAHAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Why does Dave Thomas want to get TRump?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Why does Dave Thomas want to get TRump? Originally Posted by matchingmole

who's Dave Thomas, Wendy?

this what you mean? i find it very difficult to understand TDS .. you should 'splain what you mean valued poster

matchingmole's Avatar
The guy in the suit with the yellow tie.......who the hell is it supposed to be? Leslie Nieslen?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The guy in the suit with the yellow tie.......who the hell is it supposed to be? Originally Posted by matchingmole


rmg_35's Avatar
So ironic- the TDS Leftist Cult was OBSESSED with Trump’s tax returns for years, and when they finally got a look at them there were no issues.

When $10 million magically appears on Senile Biden’s 2017 tax returns, and we have FBI evidence to show that money came from foreign nationals in a bribery scheme, they bury their heads in the sand and pretend there’s nothing to see. Originally Posted by berryberry
Produce the evidence... you can't. So either it's complete and utter bullshit or the Republican party is completely incompetent and get get there act together. Just because that radical far-right extremist conspiracy theory websites keep posting bullshit on a daily basis doesn't make it true.
... Lads - lemme remind EVERYBODY right now:

THIS Thread Does NOT concern former President Trump.

This thread is about payments collected by Biden family members
from Foreign nations. ... And President Biden's denials about this.

... Please keep you comments and discussions ON THAT.
Thank you.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Produce the evidence... you can't. Originally Posted by rmg_35
Obviously you either haven't been paying attention, or you don't understand the facts that have been presented, or you just want to ignore the evidence

The FBI’s top informant generated the FD-1023 form that blew the whistle on the $5 million payments made to Senile Biden and Hunter Biden.

We now know the unredacted version from the FBI discloses 17 audio recordings, 2 with Senile Biden himself.

Senile Biden committed bribery and treason and is one of the most corrupt officials in US history.
HDGristle's Avatar
What would you say if the CHS was Christopher Steele?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Why does Dave Thomas want to get TRump? Originally Posted by matchingmole
Duh! He prefers McDonald’s.
berryberry's Avatar
And now we find Salty that Burisma, a company with alleged money laundering issues, opened a Maltese bank account for the Biden Crime Family, in a country known for money laundering, at "Satabank," which was closed down for money laundering.
... Yes, ... I'll be covering THAT over the weekend.
And also what I know-of concerning Devon Archer.

#### Salty
... The Money $$$$ - was surely flowing like wine
to the Bidens... Whether it was "pay for play" business deals
or shakedowns and bribery - The Bidens did it all.

And NOW - the story has gotten SO BIG - that some of the
main stream media is even starting to cover it.

As they ask their questions in the White House Press Briefings.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Senile Biden as Vice President had a private burner cell phone so he could cover his tracks while engaging in the greatest international corruption scheme in the history of American politics.

And Hunter Biden paid for the private burner phone.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The greatest international corruption scheme in the history of American politics to be made public. I have no doubt that nearly every office holder in the last hundred years has has both hands in the till. Biden was just the one dumb enough have his *****head kid play the bagman role. Had he simply paid someone sane and sober to handle the money he wouldn’t have these problems.
berryberry's Avatar
Senile BIDEN (last week): "I sold a lot of state secrets and a lot of very important things..."