What is your main concern in 2024 election?

Me know that the gop is a bunch ok Koch heads begging on their knees for the brothers support.

Pick me for you bros to buy the election. Me be your good old white boy. Me agrees to look in the sky and see no blue or stars. Me know its Light pollution lol

Me don't think blue and green bad. Just me opinion Originally Posted by Tsmokies

... Hmmmm... Colourful (except for "white boy") and also
entertaining... One o' yer better posts... Just nothing there
that concerns the thread topic. ...

Which is - of course - how Trump wi --- oh wait - that's not it
- it's what are yer main concerns - like high crime and
the economy and open borders and things like that.

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
The military will conduct the 2024 election. So I’m good with it.
winn dixie's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
Originally Posted by winn dixie
I’ll have the last laugh with you. Nebbe not with, but at you.
winn dixie's Avatar
I’ll have the last laugh with you. Nebbe not with, but at you. Originally Posted by bambino
Some kinda threat bam?

You posted the military will conduct the election. Good grief!

My main concern is keeping trumpf from running. What's yours?
Some kinda threat bam?

You posted the military will conduct the election. Good grief!

My main concern is keeping trumpf from running. What's yours? Originally Posted by winn dixie

... Blimey! ... Some kinda theat, Winn?

You posted that yer concern is KEEPING Trump from running.

He's ALREADY running. ... What plans to YOU have to do it??

Wouldn't you rather let the voters decide?
Or are you afraid that Trump might win?

.. And please explain what "Trumpf" is.

#### Salty
txdot-guy's Avatar
Yes, we absolutely need to cut deficits. No, we shouldn't do it by jacking up taxes on Americans sky high. Originally Posted by Tiny
I think a progressive tax increase between one and eight percent across the board would be advisable. Along with the elimination of most tax loop holes would go a long way to fix our deficit and debt issues.

And yes, you have valid points about our THREE unfunded wars (one being the much smaller proxy war against Russia in Ukraine). Originally Posted by Tiny
At this point I would classify the assistance we're providing to the Ukrainian people as "foreign aid" rather than as a war expenditure. But either way you are right, it is unfunded.
What are you most concerned about when the 2024 elections come around? Originally Posted by eyecu2
I'm a bit late to this party, and the poll is closed, but the economy (especially our disastrous debt-accumulation trajectory) would get my vote.

Gotcha...not a fan of Trump either but I would hope that from a policy perspective, we can all vote on those items too! All too often I hear colloquial terms like kitchen table concerns, energy independence, and while they have a place, I'm not sure that's how people are really looking to vote solely. Watching how immigration is affecting the entire country especially larger cities right now, might have a bigger impact to folks that live in bigger cities. What is abundantly clear to me, however is that both parties are failing the public in messaging. And so are the biased news organizations that tout one side or the other. It seems to be very poorly articulated in the majority of news cycles regardless of party. Originally Posted by eyecu2
True that! Sadly, neither of our embarrassingly dysfunctional parties is interested in much other than steamrolling its partisan opposition. Hard to see how that's likely to change anytime soon. We're a country adrift with no responsible leadership.

Quoting a famous campaign manager.........."It's the economy stupid." Originally Posted by soldierboy44
-- James "The Ragin' Cajun" Carville, 1992

I'm starting to wonder when they are going to realize that the only way out of our debt problem is to both limit government spending and raise taxes. Both will be required over a considerable time frame to solve our national debt. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
I think "they" (or at least most of the people who are members of the "they" you are referring to) realize that perfectly well. But they're so dug in to their ideologically hardened positions that there's no way out.

Democrats, when given half a chance, ratchet social spending upward, and there's no way to cut any of it without getting landslided out of office. Everything gets entrenched, ratified, and added to over time (like a ratchet wrench that can turn a bolt only in one direction).

For their part, Republicans have been applying their own ratchet to taxes, moving rates in only one direction (downward). I'm all in favor of keeping tax rates as moderate as possible, but within the framework of controlling spending growth. I think we should have passed "debt brake" legislation like the Germans and the Swiss did about 15 years ago.

So now we have a baked-in structural deficit of about $2 trillion, and it's only going to grow from here, unless anyone does anything about it (and no one will, unless absolutely forced by continuing crises).

The military will conduct the 2024 election. So I’m good with it. Originally Posted by bambino
Huh?? (Presumably you are joking!)
Ripmany's Avatar
Non of above child support and faimly law.
Ripmany's Avatar
Non of above child support and faimly law. Crazy cops just Killing people, legalized hookers.