Democrats Lawfare is American Fascism.

eyecu2's Avatar
The government under Senile Biden is entirely corrupted. He is using entire agencies and bureaucracies to take out political enemies of the regime. Originally Posted by berryberry
So is it:
Senile Sleepy Joey Bribes
Maniacal Mastermind Extrordiare Joe?

All these rants seem to be either he's in charge of friggin genius political-machine virtuoso to which he terrorizes figuratively and literally his GOP counterparts at will, bending men, agencies and laws to his bidding,


He's a sleepy old dude who eats ice cream and forgets shit?

Asking because he can't be both...but these posts seem to suggest he's like that villain two-face to day a bumbling twit, next day plotter of doom and designer of the new order.

Perhaps the subsets of agencies brought up are more autonomous and self operating and self-serving that your giving them credit for? Not everything is a conspiracy ya know. Sometimes ppl, or groups or agencies act in their own self interest vs political spheres.

Example-The DOJ is supposed to be impartial...and either they are, or JOE BIDEN truly is the puppet master you alluded to!!
berryberry's Avatar
Sticking to the subject matter of this thread, first we have the fascist left's lawfare plan to try to harm Trump before the election because they know Senile Biden can not win a free and fair election.

Now we find out that the fascist Senile Biden regime has begun the criminal prosecution of opposition journalists.

Steve Baker now faces charges for uncovering Capitol Police wrongdoing on Jan 6.

Third world dictators would be proud
berryberry's Avatar
DERSHOWITZ: Exposing the fascist left's illegal lawfare to try to harm Trump in the election


"The fine itself violates the Constitution. It violates both the due process clause and, since it's, in effect, a criminal punishment because it's administered by the state, it also violates the Eighth Amendment prohibition on excessive fines. So, I think he has a very strong case on appeal.

I can tell you categorically that the fine itself is improper and unconstitutional."
DNinja69's Avatar
So is it:
Senile Sleepy Joey Bribes
Maniacal Mastermind Extrordiare Joe?

Asking because he can't be both...but these posts seem to suggest he's like that villain two-face to day a bumbling twit, next day plotter of doom and designer of the new order. Originally Posted by eyecu2
It seems your commentary was deemed off topic

We can't have a discussion on the facts of the case as Trump's hands are too dirty for that. Makes some folks uncomfortable it seems.

Whether the venue is primarily Democrat or Republican its always Biden's fault.

That leaves us with a pretty simple explanation and you hit it square on the head. I mean imagine if Trump does lose to Joe B again what does say about the Republican party?
chizzy's Avatar
So is it:
Senile Sleepy Joey Bribes
Maniacal Mastermind Extrordiare Joe?

All these rants seem to be either he's in charge of friggin genius political-machine virtuoso to which he terrorizes figuratively and literally his GOP counterparts at will, bending men, agencies and laws to his bidding,


He's a sleepy old dude who eats ice cream and forgets shit?

Asking because he can't be both...but these posts seem to suggest he's like that villain two-face to day a bumbling twit, next day plotter of doom and designer of the new order.

Perhaps the subsets of agencies brought up are more autonomous and self operating and self-serving that your giving them credit for? Not everything is a conspiracy ya know. Sometimes ppl, or groups or agencies act in their own self interest vs political spheres.

Example-The DOJ is supposed to be impartial...and either they are, or JOE BIDEN truly is the puppet master you alluded to!! Originally Posted by eyecu2
Oh please eye, you have eyes but cannot see, you can read but can't read between the lines.
Anyone with half a brain realizes Biden is the puppet head of the government but he isn't running things , for christ sakes he can't remember when his son died lol
When berry or others say the Biden regime, we all know he isn't really pulling the strings.....
DNinja69's Avatar
Yeah no sorry that dog don't hunt. Over and over again Biden specifically is mentioned as the head of this mythical all-powerful snake and outside of that the current administration is given credit for influencing or downright orchestrating everything from local court filings to how many times a judge might shake the dribbles off after taking a piss.

For those who buy into this rhetoric I say enjoy your freedom and be blissful as you choose to be but lets be honest about the affirmations provided as currently Biden in whatever capacity intended has:

1 - stolen an election and is not a legitimate President

2 - Corrupted the legal system in a dozen states

3 - Executed citizens who dared to publicly critisize

4 - Polluted large Federal agencies to the point of no return

5 - Derailed all efforts to investigate the 2020 election

So eye was spot on which is it feeble old senile relic?

Or the political equivalent of the Justice League?
berryberry's Avatar
The Justice Department, including the corrupt FBI and the various U.S. Attorney offices around the country, particularly in Washington, D.C., need to be cleaned out.

The Democrat lawfare being committed against President Trump will not end until the political leadership at federal departments and agencies is gone. We are losing America to radical left Democrat Fascists.
So is it:
Senile Sleepy Joey Bribes
Maniacal Mastermind Extrordiare Joe?

All these rants seem to be either he's in charge of friggin genius political-machine virtuoso to which he terrorizes figuratively and literally his GOP counterparts at will, bending men, agencies and laws to his bidding,


He's a sleepy old dude who eats ice cream and forgets shit?

Asking because he can't be both... Originally Posted by eyecu2
Ahh, but it can be both. Cults have never felt the need to make sense.

You see, Biden is senile and sleepy when they need him to be. He's also a criminal mastermind capable of destroying America with "fascist lawfare"... whatever the fuck that gibberish means. Cults have no interest in making sense. So yeah, for these cretins, it's both.
lustylad's Avatar
Elon Musk and Donald Trump Cases Imperil the Rule of Law

American prosperity rests on equal justice. Delaware and New York judges have called it into question.

By Jeb Bush and Joe Lonsdale
Feb. 21, 2024 2:14 pm ET

The U.S. is the business capital of the world in large part because of its robust constitutional system and impartial judiciary. But two unprecedented legal decisions, against Donald Trump in New York and Elon Musk in Delaware, call that into question. In both cases, judges have ordered massive punitive judgments on behalf of dubious or nonexistent “victims.”

Every American has a right to be critical of Mr. Trump’s politics—one of us ran against him in 2016—or Mr. Musk’s public persona. But equality before the law is precious, and these rulings represent a crisis not only for the soundness of our courts, but for the business environment that has allowed the U.S. to prosper. If these rulings stand, the damage could cascade through the economy, creating fear of arbitrary enforcement against entrepreneurs who seek public office or raise their voices as citizens in a way that politicians dislike.

In Delaware, Chancellor Kathaleen McCormick of the Court of Chancery ordered the unwinding of five years of Mr. Musk’s incentive-based compensation at Tesla, which had been approved by 80% of the company’s shareholders. The plaintiff, Richard Tornetta, held nine shares in 2018—worth about $200 then and $2,000 today, after the execution of the compensation plan that supposedly injured him.

Mr. Musk’s compensation plan awarded him stock bonuses tied to earnings and stock-value benchmarks, which many critics thought he could never meet. When he did, he received $56 billion, enriching shareholders like Mr. Tornetta along the way. Judge McCormick has yet to say how she wants the pay package unwound, but Mr. Tornetta’s lawyers could petition her for a percentage of the $56 billion as a fee for having succeeded in their challenge. Mr. Musk’s performance at Tesla enriched all shareholders, but Judge McCormick’s ruling may primarily enrich Delaware trial lawyers.

In New York, Judge Arthur Engoron ordered Mr. Trump to pay more than $350 million in a civil fraud judgment for inflating the value of his real-estate holdings. That case was brought by Attorney General Letitia James, who ran for office in 2018 on a promise to target the man she called “an illegitimate president.”

The unusual New York law Ms. James used to investigate and sue Mr. Trump didn’t require her to prove that he had intended to defraud anyone, or even that anyone lost money. The Associated Press found that of the 12 cases brought under that law since its adoption in 1956 in which significant penalties were imposed, the case against Mr. Trump was the only instance without an alleged victim or financial loss. Bankers from Deutsche Bank, which lent money to Mr. Trump, testified that they were satisfied with having done so, given they were paid back on time and with interest. They also testified that they were uncertain whether the alleged exaggerations would have affected the terms of the loans to Mr. Trump—a key part of Ms. James’s case. Since there were no victims, the state will collect the damages.

New York and Delaware have played an outsize role in business in the U.S. Many major companies are incorporated in Delaware owing to the state’s body of corporate legal precedents; and a significant number of banks operate in New York, the world financial capital. The appellate courts in those states now have a chance to review these dangerous judicial rulings and try to stop further damage to the reputations of their respective judiciaries.

If they don’t, blue-state politicians may have the satisfaction of “sticking it” to Messrs. Trump and Musk, but the loss to those states will be significant. The damage to the legal fabric of the country will be even worse. A dispassionate justice system is at the heart of American exceptionalism, and the country will be poorer if we lose it.

Mr. Bush served as governor of Florida, 1999-2007. Mr. Lonsdale is a founder of Palantir and managing partner of 8VC.
lustylad's Avatar
Common sense also reminds us fraud exists whether the entity being lied to does their own diligence or not. The facts of this case indicate Trump benefited by his false valuation to the tune of more than $150 million those funds should be elsewhere which clearly indicate a victim and bank officials not being concerned does not equate to absolution.

...asking someone to pay back funds the obtained via fraud is not out of line. Originally Posted by DNinja69
You're not getting it. You didn't read the two threads I linked for you in my post #42.

Please also read Jeb Bush's article above in its entirety.

New York AG Letitia James dug up an obscure consumer protection law (New York Executive Statute §63 (12)) that was enacted way back in 1956. She is flagrantly abusing it to prosecute Trump. As Jeb Bush notes, only 12 major cases have been brought under this statute in 67 years, and ALL of them contained an alleged victim and involved actual, rather than imagined, losses.

Your claim that Trump benefited from his alleged "fraud" to the tune of $150 million is hogwash. The state shopped around and found a so-called expert witness who completely concocted the so-called "disgorgement" numbers. As Jeb noted, the alleged victim (Deutsche Bank) testified they didn't think the inflated valuations made a tinker's damn bit of difference for the loan terms they offered Trump.

Ask yourself - why isn't Deutsche Bank playing the victim card and arguing that IT should be made whole and receive this contrived $150 million windfall, instead of letting the money be seized by the State of New York and flushed down its endless, wasteful spending cesspool?

There's a lot more going on here. Please try to educate yourself.
Are the Democrats just superior politicians? More gifted legal minds? Originally Posted by DNinja69
Education seems to lead towards people having more liberal views, so the answer seems to be yes.

Case in point: Trump is losing trial after trial, and the MAGA have only mustered another failed trucker boycott.
berryberry's Avatar
You're not getting it. You didn't read the two threads I linked for you in my post #42.

Please also read Jeb Bush's article above in its entirety.

New York AG Letitia James dug up an obscure consumer protection law (New York Executive Statute §63 (12)) that was enacted way back in 1956. She is flagrantly abusing it to prosecute Trump. As Jeb Bush notes, only 12 major cases have been brought under this statute in 67 years, and ALL of them contained an alleged victim and involved actual, rather than imagined, losses.

Your claim that Trump benefited from his alleged "fraud" to the tune of $150 million is hogwash. The state shopped around and found a so-called expert witness who completely concocted the so-called "disgorgement" numbers. As Jeb noted, the alleged victim (Deutsche Bank) testified they didn't think the inflated valuations made a tinker's damn bit of difference for the loan terms they offered Trump.

Ask yourself - why isn't Deutsche Bank playing the victim card and arguing that IT should be made whole and receive this contrived $150 million windfall, instead of letting the money be seized by the State of New York and flushed down its endless, wasteful spending cesspool?

There's a lot more going on here. Please try to educate yourself. Originally Posted by lustylad
Very well said.

This is just more fascist lawfare created by the Democrats to try to harm Trump in the 2024 election. Anyone with any common sense can see that

No one lost any money. Trump did not benefit. The judge is a leftist idiot who was willing to do anything, including accepting numbers made up out of thin air claiming Trump benefited by that amount, simply to get Trump as part of the fascist Democrat's lawfare efforts
Education seems to lead towards people having more liberal views, so the answer seems to be yes.

Case in point: Trump is losing trial after trial, and the MAGA have only mustered another failed trucker boycott. Originally Posted by Mistershark
Can't disagree with any of that. Higher education does, in fact, open minds.
lustylad's Avatar
Higher education does, in fact, open minds. Originally Posted by tommy156
If that was true, I'd pay for you to earn a degree.
DNinja69's Avatar
'No one lost any money' as if nearly $200 million going into Trumps pockets off lies did not belong somewhere else. How exactly did Trump not benefit?

Fact is Trump lied and committed fraud. Not my opinion. Documented facts.

The underlying argument against this case is basically 'umm but Hunter Biden' which I absolutely get and on some level agree with it should be the same consequence for all involved in illicit greedy cash grabs especially those using political connections to do it.

Another prevailing concept in this argument that 'the left' is out of line holding Trump accountable involves the mindset that Conservative justice is proper and Liberal based action is not. That one is too absurd for my brain to process. We are a nation of people spawned from a variety of cultures and heritage who all have a right to be represented by our government. It is a foundational concept which I hold in high regard and this notion that one party gets to make the rules and the other is not worthy of consideration is both unconstitutional and in my opinion un American