What Did 'Broadband Czar' Harris Do With the $40 Billion Appropriated for Internet?

doesn't nearly 3 years of endless committees and meetings before 1 dollar is doled out prove the point the Government is incapable of doing anything in an efficient manner?

how many companies across the nation have been putting in internet infrastructure for nearly 40 years now? thousands of them ready to go.

was the Government waiting for these companies to figure out how to do this when they've been doing it all along?

and you are right about Solyndra and yes i knew all about it and you omitted one thing .. they were criticized for faulty financial models that also contributed to their demise, despite raising all that cash. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Again like I said before, internet in rural communities has existed for a long time, just not high speed. Companies like verizon and google just aren't going to fiber up 100-500 houses 100+ miles out in middle of nowhere... there are thousands of these little communities.

Government is paying, they have every right to make sure everything is documented and the right vendors and contractors are selected. RFP process and responses take time. Detailed contracts have to be written, revised and then signed before one foot of cable is ran.
txdot-guy's Avatar
What some people don’t understand is that the government, while not being as efficient as a private company might be, is most times the only one to even consider a project because they are the only ones who have the capital and the wherewithal to invest in projects that others would never consider.

That doesn’t make the government evil. It’s just that size and determination has a quality of its own.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
https://www.wpri.com/target-12/cox-c...internet-plan/. Interesting article about the rollout in Rhode Island. Not a lot of details on what cox currently offers or considers affordable high speed data. Cable companies typically have 10x download speed vs uploading so not true high speed data.