I believe in review for review. Since reviews are subjective, I see no harm in preemptively informing the ladies of what to expect. My low level of tolerance may be someone else’s kink. If providers started writing reviews on clients, review culture would cease faster than a 70 yr old man’s erection at the sight of a condom.If providers started leaving reviews of clients (especially ones as backhanded as this), you wouldn't have clients left. The point of the hobby for a lot of us (the ones funding the hobby) is convenience, efficiency, and discretion. The fact of the matter is that reviews are necessary on our side because the risk is mostly on our side. None of us needed this much detail and tbh it makes me wonder why anyone would risk seeing you. Like if hygiene was really the issue, why not just ask him to shower? Why go out of your way to try to ruin someone's reputation rather than just speaking directly to them about what you had a problem with, especially when it's such an easily fixable problem?
The only person I’ve ever seen with actual smegma on his little peepee is on this board. That is someone who doesn’t wash, ever. No penis should ever look slimy with white chunks around it. I am traumatized for the rest of my life. He has probably never stretched out his flaccid dick in the shower to get every nook and cranny, and between the folds. I privately messaged a provider about him, and she already knew bc she saw him once. Soooo why can’t we publicly let providers know about these subjective reviews??? Just bc we don’t like smegma, another provider might. We need to help out the community.
I told that man immediately that he probably just paid the most he’ll ever pay to sit and just chat for an hour with someone. He wasn’t picking up what I was putting down , until I went full on, “the floor is lava” game and became super glued to the desk chair across from the bed he was laying on. Originally Posted by BlondeLexi
My bad I went off on a tangent without reading thoroughly enough but I stand by my main points. To be fair, I don't understand listing activities in a review in general either. Imo it's information that I don't need to know and the fact that it's needed for a review to be considered a, like, complete encounter or whatever by the website is pretty annoying Originally Posted by sucker45you were 100%
If providers started leaving reviews of clients (especially ones as backhanded as this), you wouldn't have clients left. The point of the hobby for a lot of us (the ones funding the hobby) is convenience, efficiency, and discretion. The fact of the matter is that reviews are necessary on our side because the risk is mostly on our side. None of us needed this much detail and tbh it makes me wonder why anyone would risk seeing you. Like if hygiene was really the issue, why not just ask him to shower? Why go out of your way to try to ruin someone's reputation rather than just speaking directly to them about what you had a problem with, especially when it's such an easily fixable problem? Originally Posted by sucker45A fucking guy with no reviews talking about the importance of reviews. Can't make this shit up!! As if this thread wasn't whacko enough with the other nut job now this. Holy shit!
A fucking guy with no reviews talking about the importance of reviews. Can't make this shit up!! As if this thread wasn't whacko enough with the other nut job now this. Holy shit! Originally Posted by tbear4u77I made a review but wasn't credited by the website because I didnt list anything under the activities section of the review. That's what I was referring to in the comment after this. My review was about getting robbed by someone I was a regular with. Since there was no listed activities, it was not considered a complete encounter report by the website. Like I said, I dont think the site should require that