Cain is Flovor of the Month

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
They are all the puppets of somebody.
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  • Doove
  • 10-18-2011, 04:14 AM
After judging that it needed some clarification, someone was kind enough to PM me this rough translation of Doove's statement: Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
So....about that self awareness problem of yours....
Cain is just the puppet of the Kohl [sic] brothers. They are doing everything from bank rolling him to writing his entire platform. He is just their mouthpiece. Originally Posted by BigLouie
(BTW, you meant Koch, not Kohl.)

Is that worse than being a puppet of The Palindrome?
Iaintliein's Avatar
Too funny, complaining that one candidate is the "mouthpiece" of the Kohl brothers, while ignoring the fact that one's the mouthpiece of Soros.

"Flavor of the month" reminds me of Bill Clinton's comment about not taking a certain politician seriously because, "a few years ago he'd have been serving us coffee."

Most thinking people acknowledge that most politicians are liers and crooks, only the fanatical claim that their all liers and crooks except the ones from their party.

Too funny, complaining that one candidate is the "mouthpiece" of the Kohl brothers, while ignoring the fact that one's the mouthpiece of Soros. Originally Posted by Iaintliein

How can anyone think that the money and influence of "The Palindrome" does not effectively counterbalance that of the Koch brothers?

Some people continually insinuate that all the liars, puppets, frauds, and venal hacks belong to the other party, and that their beloved party is as pure as the driven snow!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What's wrong with Kohls? You can sometimes find some good bargains on underwear there. I'd rather shop at Kohls than Old Navy or TJ Maxx. Never heard that Kohls was active in politics. Where you getting your information on Kohls? Their Sunday flyer?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Oh, the Koch brothers. That's different. I repeat, they are all beholding to somebody. Haven't seen the ties of Cain to Koch, but the debt owed to Soros by Obama is well known.
What's wrong with Kohls? You can sometimes find some good bargains on underwear there. I'd rather shop at Kohls than Old Navy or TJ Maxx. Never heard that Kohls was active in politics. Where you getting your information on Kohls? Their Sunday flyer? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
LOL! Too funny!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 10-18-2011, 02:20 PM
Some people continually insinuate that all the liars, puppets, frauds, and venal hacks belong to the other party, and that their beloved party is as pure as the driven snow! Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
The timing on that is priceless.

Haven't seen the ties of Cain to Koch, but the debt owed to Soros by Obama is well known. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
So that's why he hasn't raised taxes on millionaires!
The timing on that is priceless. Originally Posted by Doove
Non sequitur.

Timing? What does timing have to do with anything discussed in this thread?

And are you really going to suggest that either major party is not filled with liars, frauds, and hacks? Why do you think this country is in the trouble it's in?

So that's why he hasn't raised taxes on millionaires! Originally Posted by Doove
Do you think it's because he hasn't tried? He can hardly speak for five minutes without talking about how he thinks "millionaires and billionaires" need to start paying their fair share, as though that would come even remotely close to paying for that $450 billion "jobs" plan he can't even get through the Democrat-controlled Senate.
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  • Doove
  • 10-18-2011, 03:05 PM
Timing? What does timing have to do with anything discussed in this thread? Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight

Do you think it's because he hasn't tried? He can hardly speak for five minutes without talking about how he thinks "millionaires and billionaires" need to start paying their fair share,
Exactly my point. A pretty unique way of paying back that debt he 'owes' to George Soros, wouldn't you say?
Exactly my point. A pretty unique way of paying back that debt he 'owes' to George Soros, wouldn't you say? Originally Posted by Doove
Soros knows that Obama needs to play to his base in order to have a chance to get re-elected. Increasing taxes on the "wealthy" is much more popular than anything else Obama has done or tried to do.

A further point I would make is that what's important politically is not whether Obama actually manages to get tax rates on high incomes raised; it's whether he appears to be attempting to do so with sufficient energy. If so, and if (when) Republicans block his efforts, he can use that in campaign ads next year.

And since he has all this coupled up with his "jobs bill", which can't possibly pass, it's hard to imagine that you'll see a tax rate increase on high incomes anytime soon.

But an even more key point is that Soros would be unlikely to pay much (if any) more tax even if a rate increases is pushed through. Since he's extremely wealthy, he can quite easily arrange his financial affairs in such a way that his tax burden is minimized, or even virtually eliminated.

Recall the recent discussion of Buffett's tax burden? If Buffett would end up paying any more tax at all after a rate increase, it would hardly amount to a rounding error.

Raising taxes on "millionaires" and raising taxes on Soros are two entirely different things, especially if much of the "millionaire's" income is salary or fees.